
  • 网络Bryn Mawr College
  1. 布林莫尔学院(BrynMawrCollege)研究大规模暴力与恐怖主义心理学的教授克拉克·麦考利(ClarkMcCauley)说,他不知道是否有研究表明发现家庭暴力和恐怖主义之间存在因果关系。

    Clark McCauley , a professor at Bryn Mawr College who studies the psychology of mass violence and terrorism , said he was not aware of research finding a causal relationship between domestic violence and terrorism .

  2. 纽约大学计划于2010年在阿布扎比开设校园。但是世界范围的经济低迷影响了一些学校的计划。例如,今年年初,宾夕法尼亚州的布林莫尔学院暂停了其在阿布扎比开设校园的计划。

    For example , earlier this year Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania its plans to open a campus in Abu Dhabi .

  3. 索菲得到了就读布林莫尔学院的奖学金。

    Sophie was awarded a scholarship to attend by Mawr college .

  4. 例如,今年初宾夕法尼亚州的布林莫尔学院就推迟了其在阿布扎比设立分院的计划。

    For example , earlier this year Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania suspended its plans to open a campus in Abu Dhabi .

  5. 福斯特曾就读于布林莫尔女子学院(BrynMawrwomen'sschool),在校期间她倡导民权,并反对越南战争。

    Ms Faust attended Bryn Mawr women 's school , and during college she marched for civil rights and against the Vietnam war .