
  • 网络brad;brad pitt;bullard;Blood;James Bullard
  1. 夏季签约的吉米?布拉德确定不能参加比赛,路易斯.博阿.莫特也一样。

    Summer-signing Jimmy Bullard is definitely out , as is Luis Boa Morte .

  2. 布拉德商店的木板棚旁边拴着几骑马,还有几头骡子。

    A few saddle horses and mule teams were hitched outside the wooden awning of bullard 's store .

  3. 看!这一定是布拉德∙皮特!

    Look ! I 'm sure that 's Brad Pitt !

  4. “你看起来糟透了,”布拉德笑着说。

    ' You look in a bad way , ' chuckled Brad .

  5. 布拉德是简的兄弟!怪不得他老是让我想起她呢!

    Brad was Jane 's brother ! No wonder he reminded me so much of her !

  6. 戴维一直像个孩子似的蹦蹦跳跳,但突然他停了下来看着布拉德。

    David had been dancing about like a child , but suddenly he stood still and looked at Brad

  7. “你要乐意,可以加入我们。”布拉德摇了摇头。“下次吧,谢谢。”

    ' You can join us if you like . ' Brad shook his head . ' I 'll pass , thanks . '

  8. 安东尼·霍普金斯+布拉德·皮特=一部伟大的电影。

    Anthony Hopkins + Brad Pitt = a great movie .

  9. 安吉拉去年伤了布拉德的心。

    Angela broke Brad 's heart last year .

  10. 布拉德•皮特最近告诉《People》他对与安吉丽娜•茱莉“很快”将举办的婚礼“感觉良好”。

    Brad Pitt recently told PEOPLE he has a " good feeling " his wedding with Angelina Jolie will happen " soon . "

  11. 布拉德资本(BairdCapital)分析师威廉•鲍尔:苹果近期情况堪忧。

    William power , Baird capital : concerns mounting near term .

  12. 教员B:那么,布拉德,你觉得你最应该教给学生什么?

    Yes . Staff B : So , Brad . What do you think is the most important thing you have to teach ?

  13. 布拉德•欣茨是自由市场的忠实信徒,他曾担任摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)首席财务官,目前在伯恩斯坦研究(BernsteinResearch)做证券分析师,主要关注经纪商、交易所和信托银行。

    Brad Hintz believes in free markets .

  14. 根据杂志封面的大标题,这组“私密照”由布拉德•皮特为33岁的茱丽拍摄,并由《W》杂志独家发布。

    The cover headline promises exclusive " private photos " of the33-year-old actress by her partner Brad Pitt .

  15. 布拉德的半导体团队指出,iPhone5以及iPad产品的订货量接近我们此前的出货量预测,但低于市场平均预期。

    Checks by Baird 's semiconductor team suggest iPhone 5 and total iPad procurement orders near our shipment forecasts , but below consensus .

  16. 新泽西州麦迪逊现年38岁的社区工作学生安娜•布拉德肖表示,她一直使用谷歌(Google)日历表功能,综合安排自己的工作、家庭生活和丈夫的工作。

    Anna Bradshaw , 38 , a social work student in Madison , N.J. , maintains overlapping Google calendars for her work , family commitments , and her husband 's job .

  17. 联合主演布拉德•皮特(BradPitt)选择了一件双排扣尖翻领tux,佩着一块整洁的白色装饰方巾。

    Co-star Brad Pitt opted for a double-breasted peak-lapel tux with a natty white pocket square .

  18. 露西布拉德肖是Maxis公司的高级副总裁,负责电子艺界公司(ElectronicArts)旗下两款热门游戏《模拟人生》(TheSims)《模拟城市》(SimCity)的运营事务。

    As senior vice president of Maxis , Lucy Bradshaw oversees The Sims and SimCity at Electronic Arts ( EA ) .

  19. 改造董事会会议【相关阅读:为何董事会会议不是个好东西(WhyBoardMeetingsSuck)】也是一种企业开拓的方式,它已经吸引了如史蒂夫•布兰克和布拉德•菲尔德等顶级思想者的注意。

    One of them , reinventing board meetings ( or , " why board meetings suck " ) , has gotten some attention from leading thinkers like Steve blank and Brad feld .

  20. 美国科罗拉多州的一位风险投资家布拉德•费尔德(BradFeld)也曾为企业举办过非正式的守灵活动。

    Brad Feld , a US venture capitalist based in Colorado , has held informal wakes for companies .

  21. 德拉布拉德肖:几年前发生安然(enron)丑闻之后,商业学位项目中的道德课程确实激增。

    Della Bradshaw : after the Enron scandal a few years ago there was a real surge in ethics programmes on business degree programmes .

  22. 据美国名人消息网TMZ报道,由于双方之间存在着不可调和的矛盾,安吉丽娜已提交与布拉德•皮特的离婚申请。

    According to TMZ , Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt , citing irreconcilable differences .

  23. 从《考斯比一家》(TheCosbyShow)开始,美剧树立了多个尽责父亲的形象,就连美国的名人杂志也拿布拉德•皮特(BradPitt)胸前绑着婴儿的画面当特写。

    Their television shows since The Cosby Show have offered exemplars of dutiful fathers ; their celebrity magazines feature Brad Pitt with a toddler strapped to his chest .

  24. 一个例子就是,在Daytona500比赛中,美国赛车协会车手布拉德•克塞罗斯基(BradKeselowski)在着火的车里拍了张照片并发到Twitter上。

    One such moment came when Nascar driver Brad Keselowski tweeted a photo taken from his car of a fire at the Daytona 500 .

  25. 布拉德•菲尔德是风险投资公司Foundry集团的创始人,有一次周末旅行时,他全程只顾工作,他的妻子艾米•巴切勒差点儿和他闹离婚。

    Brad Feld , founder of VC firm Foundry Group , started scheduling regular vacations after his wife , Amy Batchelor , almost dumped him for working during an entire weekend trip .

  26. 布拉德还是科技之星(TechStars)的合伙创始人之一。

    Brad is also a co-founder of techstars .

  27. 大公司喜欢有确定性和可以让它们去瞄准的目标,Robocars网站的顾问兼出版人布拉德•坦普尔顿(BradTempleton)说。

    Big companies love certainty and targets that they need to aim for , said Brad Templeton , a consultant and publisher of Robocars.com .

  28. 今年的例子包括《伯德小姐》、《迈耶罗维茨的故事》(TheMeyerowitzStories[NewandSelected])和《你好布拉德》(Brad’sStatus),这些电影都是从轻喜剧的角度讲述这个大家熟悉的人生过渡阶段。

    This year 's examples include " Lady Bird , " " The Meyerowitz Stories ( New and Selected ) " and " Brad 's Status , " all of which offer gently comical perspectives on a familiar rite of passage .

  29. 安吉丽娜38岁,布拉德50岁,他们一起参加了在Kensington宫殿举办的对电影中的道具和服装进行展出的私人接待会。

    Angelina , 38 and Brad , 50 , attended a private reception at Kensington Palace in which props and costumes from the movie were exhibited .

  30. 布拉德o胜山创建了IEX,他的使命是要让股市重新变得透明、有责任感。

    Brad Katsuyama founded IEX with the mission to bring transparency and accountability back to the stock market .