
  • 网络brock university;Brock;University of Brock
  1. 加拿大。安大略省。布鲁克大学。教育学院。

    Faculty of Education , Brock University , Ontario , Canada .

  2. 此前有研究表明,脸部宽高比值较大的男性比脸窄的男性更具侵略性。美国布鲁克大学的心理学家决定对此开展进一步研究。

    Psychologists from Brock University in the USA decided to follow up on previous research that suggested males with a large facial WHR act more aggressively than those with narrower features .

  3. 他出生于奥地利提罗尔,1981年得到印斯布鲁克大学的化学博士学位。

    Born in Tirol , Austria , he received his doctorate in chemistry at the University of Innsbruck in 1981 .

  4. 该研究的带头人是纽约斯托尼布鲁克大学精神病学与行为科学部门的亚瑟。斯通。

    Arthur Stone in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Stony Brook University in New York led the study .