
  • Barbie;Bobbi;BIKINI
  1. “芭比流感”指年轻女性夸张地整容成芭比娃娃的趋势。

    Barbie flu refers to the trend for young women to dramatically alter their appearance to make themselves look like human Barbie dolls .

  2. 乌克兰一名女子将自己整容成“真人洋娃娃”后在全球一举成名,随后,至少又有两名女子加入这一趋势,自愿感染“芭比流感”。

    Example : After one Ukrainian woman gained international notoriety for her transformation into a " living doll " , at least two more have surfaced as devotees of the beauty trend , nicknamed the " Barbie flu " .

  3. 其实,这家芭比娃娃和费雪(fisherprice)玩具的制造商没有犯什么大错。

    The maker of Barbie dolls and Fisher-Price toys did not actually do anything terribly wrong .

  4. Lily离开芭比娃娃就不能活。

    Lily can 't live without a Barbie doll .

  5. 芭比的撤退紧随家得宝(HomeDepot)和百思买(BestBuy)之后&这两家美国零售商由于打不开市场,双双关闭了在中国的门店。

    The withdrawal comes on the heels of store closures in China by US retailers Home Depot and Best Buy , which both struggled to crack the local market .

  6. Ross,你真可悲,为何不让你的儿子玩芭比。

    Ross , you are so pathetic . Why can 't your son just play with his doll ?

  7. 他现在每月要从玩具商店、杂货拍卖会和eBay上买芭比娃娃,最多的时候有20个。

    Ow he buys up to 20 a month from toy shops , jumble sales and eBay .

  8. 即使是芭比长期逆来顺受、总穿着斜纹棉布的男朋友肯(Ken),也做了美容,换了新发型。

    Even Ken , Barbie 's long-suffering , chino-wearing boyfriend , has had a makeover and new hairstyle .

  9. 看这就是嘻哈芭比和她的Wu-TangClan(Wu-TangClan饶舌第一团)

    Look , it 's hip-hop Barbie and her Wu-Tang Clan2 .

  10. 人如其名的女儿芭比(Barbie)在一家风格粗俗的酒吧找到了一份女招待的工作。

    The daughter , aptly named Barbie , gets work as a waitress in a rough cantina .

  11. 撇开苹果粉不说,iPhone手机对每个人而言仅仅是一个二十世纪80年代的芭比娃娃&科技发达衍生的小女孩的小玩意。

    The iPhone , to everyone but an Apple lover , is merely a girlie gadget with all the technological sophistication of a 1980s Barbie .

  12. 从那时起,Angelica为了让父母高兴就把“成为真人芭比”当成自己的任务。

    From then on , Angelica made it her mission to emulate the famous figurine , to the joy of her parents .

  13. 美泰(Mattel)玩具公司带着小提琴乐手芭比等产品进入中国。

    Mattel , the toymaker , has entered the market with products like Violin Soloist Barbie .

  14. 不要认为芭比娃娃行业只有玩具,还有DVD,服装,饰品,化妆品,甚至还有专门的网站Barbiegirls.com。

    And don 't think that the Barbie line includes only dolls , there are DVDs , clothing , accessories , cosmetics and even Barbiegirls.com .

  15. 他们不是在洛杉矶或奥兰治县买入芭比梦幻屋(BarbieDreamHouse),就是在搜寻最好的美国私立学校,为的是给自己十几岁的孩子将来进入常青藤学习做准备。

    If they 're not buying up LA and Orange County Barbie Dream Houses , they 're out scouring the best American private schools to prepare their teens for the Ivy Leagues .

  16. “这三家公司百思买、家得宝和芭比都不够迎合本地消费者的偏好和习惯。”中国市场研究集团(ChinaMarketResearch)董事总经理雷小山(ShaunRein)表示。

    " None of the three companies – Best Buy , Home Depot or Barbie – have catered to local consumer preferences and habits enough ," said Shaun Rein , managing director of China Market Research Group .

  17. 根据CBC新闻,芭比娃娃的销售额“自2012年起每年”都在下跌。

    Sales of Barbie dolls have been falling " every year since 2012 , " according to CBC News .

  18. 芭比娃娃制造商Mattel说,三美元的玩具没秒钟都有出售,自从初次登场以来已经改变了很多。

    Barbie manufacturer Mattel says three dolls are sold every second and she 's changed a lot since her debut .

  19. 美泰将参加明年的纽约时装周,芭比将是合作赞助商之一。该集团还与美国时装设计师协会(CouncilforFashionDesignersofAmerica)签署了为期三年的协议。

    Mattel will have a presence at next year 's New York Fashion Week where Barbie will be a co-sponsor , while the company has also struck a three-year deal with the Council for Fashion Designers of America .

  20. 几十年前,芭比的创造者RuthHandler看到一个瑞士的叫做Lilli的玩具,穿着艳丽,脚踩高跟鞋。

    Several decades ago , Barbie 's creator , Ruth Handler , saw a Swiss doll called Lilli , voluptuous and wearing heels .

  21. 美泰还与顶级女装设计师VeraWang签订了协议,后者将在上海出售一件灵感来自芭比、价值1万美元的婚纱。

    Mattel has also struck a deal with Vera Wang , a top women 's fashion designer , who will be selling a $ 10,000 Barbie - inspired wedding dress in Shanghai .

  22. 根据EricClark,这个知道所有售卖玩具的有价信息的记者所说,芭比的贸易应成为“生活方式的品牌”。

    According to Eric Clark , a journalist who knows all that is worth knowing about selling toys , Barbie is what the trade calls a " lifestyle brand " .

  23. 美泰公司还为其配备了平台Tynker,供孩子学习如何编程,如何打造芭比。此外,美泰还为技术教育公益组织BlackGirlsCode提供资金支持,学习者能在机器人工作室拿到芭比娃娃。

    Mattel is also partnering with Tynker , a platform that helps kids learn to code , to create Barbie content . It is also supporting the work of Black Girls Code by providing a grant , plus giving attendees dolls at robotics workshops .

  24. 他还承认会一阵阵感到无聊,也会想整理芭比娃娃(Barbie)和史努比(Snoopy)的DVD是徒劳的,因为知道自己的劳动成果很快就会被破坏掉。

    He also admits to bouts of boredom and reflects on the futility of organising Barbie and Snoopy DVDs , knowing his work will soon be undone .

  25. 虽然在许多女人眼里,我这方面做得并不值得称赞,因为现在在Vera的房间里还乱糟糟地塞满了卡哇伊的芭比娃娃。

    In a lot of women 's eyes I 've probably already failed in that respect due to the amount of pink-princess-Barbie mess cluttering up Vera 's room right now .

  26. 另外他还买了3000件芭比的装束,其中甚至有一件出自著名时装设计师OscardelaRenta的手笔,另外他还为芭比娃娃买了飞机、摩托车、豪华轿车、野营车等等。

    He has also bought 3,000 Barbie outfits , including one by fashion designer Oscar de la Renta , as well as an airplane , motorcycle , limousine and camper van for the dolls .

  27. 本周一,美泰公司(Mattel)位于上海的6层楼芭比旗舰店也关门歇业,对于在其传统市场无处不在的芭比娃娃,中国消费者的热情正逐渐消退。

    On Monday , Mattel shuttered its six-storey flagship Barbie store in Shanghai , in the face of waning enthusiasm for a doll ubiquitous in its established markets .

  28. 对于很多墨西哥人来说,看到白皮肤的芭比选择卢克带来的惊讶就犹如美国人在1967年的喜剧片《猜猜谁来吃晚餐》(GuessWho'sComingtoDinner)中看到西德尼•波蒂埃(SidneyPoitier)走进门来一样。

    For many Mexicans , seeing the light-skinned Barbie pick Lucho is akin to the shock Americans had seeing Sidney Poitier come through the door in the 1967 comedy ' Guess Who 's Coming to Dinner . '

  29. 美泰(Mattel)在围绕芭比之后最受欢迎的塑料娃娃贝兹的一场近十年诉讼案中落败。

    Bratz case settled Mattel ( MAT ) lost a nearly decade-long battle over the rights to Bratz , the most popular plastic dolls to hit the market since Barbie .

  30. 但中国市场研究集团的小山说,“可爱加性感”正是职场女性所想要的,并且从hellokitty在这个年龄群中受到的巨大欢迎来看,芭比或许也能成功。

    But Shaun rein of China market research says " cute sexy " is what the typing pool wants , and judging from the huge popularity of the Hello Kitty character in that age group , it might just work .