
  • 网络FARGO;far;Linda Fargo
  1. HansKandel在法戈北达科他州立推广大学工作。

    Hans Kandel works at the North Dakota State University Extension Service in Fargo .

  2. 北达科他州法戈不断上涨的红河水位引发广泛关注。

    In Fargo , North Dakota , many the rising Red River .

  3. 巴基斯坦木扎法戈电站4号机组锅炉烟气再循环系统

    Boiler Gas Recirculation System in Unit-4 of Pakistan Muzaffargarh Thermal Power Station

  4. 而冻结的法戈也在上演同样的故事。

    It 's the same story in frozen Fargo .

  5. 法戈的居民们被某事给吵醒了,那可不是你每天都能看到的。

    And residents in Fargo woke up to something you don 't see every day .

  6. 位于新罕布什尔州的曼彻斯特是最宜居城市的第二位,北达科他州城市法戈则名列第三。

    Manchester , New Hampshire , was the second best place to reside , with Fargo , North Dakota , in third .

  7. 虽然布莱恩施密特获得了诺贝尔物理学奖,但当他试着带着24克的纯金奖牌通过内布拉斯加州法戈飞机场的安检时,却并没有得到旅游储蓄协会的特殊优待。

    He won the Nobel Prize for physics . But Brian Schmidt received no special treatment from the TSA when he tried to take the 24-carat pure gold medal through airport security in Fargo , Nebraska .