
  1. 1999年,法国雷诺公司(Renault)买下了日产的部分股权并重组了日产。

    At that time French automaker Renault bought a stake and reorganized the company .

  2. 法国雷诺(Renault)和日本日产(Nissan)的首席执行官卡洛斯o戈恩已经确立目标:在2020年推出一款无人驾驶汽车。

    Carlos Ghosn , chief executive officer of Renault and Nissan , has targeted 2020 for introduction of a driverless model .

  3. 法国雷诺汽车公司(renault)拥有44%股份的日产表示,此次裁员是其全面重组计划的一部分,重组旨在使公司渡过这次几十年来最严重的汽车行业低迷时期。

    Nissan , which is 44 per cent owned by Renault of France , said the cuts were part of a broad restructuring designed to carry it through the worst industry downturn in decades .

  4. RBIKE是专业销售世界知名品牌自行车的全国连锁商业机构,已经获得英国MINI、法国雷诺、悍马、美国雪佛兰、香港KOMDA授权在中国RBIKE各地专卖店销售上述品牌自行车及相关产品。

    RBIKE is a national chain specially selling world-famous bikes , including MINI , Renault , Hummer , Chevrolet and KOMDA 's products , and RBIKE has also got the authorization from them in China .

  5. 法国车企雷诺公司(Renault)及其达契亚品牌则在北非地区遥遥领先。

    French automaker Renault and its Dacia brand lead in North Africa .

  6. 戈恩也是日产联盟公司&法国汽车制造商雷诺(RenaultSA)的首席执行官。

    Ghosn also serves as chief executive of Renault SA , the French automaker and Nissan ally .

  7. 法国汽车制造商雷诺(renault)首席执行官卡洛斯戈恩(carlosghosn)表示,雷诺目前正把几乎全部资金都投入新兴市场。

    Carlos Ghosn , the chief executive of Renault , says the French carmaker is investing nearly all its money in emerging markets currently .

  8. 对提倡多人运输车的法国汽车制造商雷诺而言,这一现象是否正合其意?

    Is it any coincidence that a French carmaker , Renault , pioneered the people-carrier ?

  9. 其中,可爱机器猫的扮演者为法国男星让•雷诺。

    The adorable robotic cat was played by French actor Jean Reno .

  10. 现代动画产业始于1888年的法国,埃米尔.雷诺创作了第一件作品。在法国、德国、俄罗斯和美国的动画作品的鼓舞下,中国的动画始于20世纪20年代。

    While the modern cartoon industry began in France in 1888 invented by Emile Reynaud , Chinese animation started in the 1920s , and were inspired by French , German , Russian and mostly American productions .

  11. 戈恩也许同样感受到了些许来自政府的薪酬压力&法国政府的压力,因为法国政府在雷诺(Renault)也拥有股份。

    Ghosn also may be feeling a bit of salary pressure from government & the French government , which owns a stake in Renault .