- legal opinion;legal letter

It is the legal opinion , and you can refer to it .
Research on the Expert Legal Opinion in Litigation
The legal opinions as well as the Recommendation Letter of Listing ;
Legal advice and recommendation of the securities company ;
On the Expert Legal Opinion Letter
A external system including litigation law , evidence law and professional position paper regulation is also designed .
Opinion of jurisprudential scholar provide by legal experts through participating in argumentation of cases on invitation of the court .
The listed company shall , at the time of announcement of the repurchase report , announce the legal opinion together .
At present , experts always refer legal opinion to the court about the case that is being heard in the judicial practice .
Chapter 2 sums up the present state of expert legal opinion , such as background , character , function and operation , etc.
Many scholars believe that expert legal opinion is lack of neutrality and influences judicial independence , more importantly , has no legal basis .
Where the motion is vetoed in general meeting of shareholders , the full passage text of legal legal opinion opinions shall be disclosed .
Clients of the legal submissions and lawyers raise questions about the report , the lawyers considered it necessary , can produce additional legal submissions and supplementary report .
As a way of non-parties to influence the court decision , expert legal opinion has widely existed in Chinese judicial practice ; but the controversy on it has never stopped .
Chapter 3 compares the two systems , points out the difference between them , finds out the problems consisting in the latter , and concludes the consulting meaning of the former .
The innovation of this paper lies in the analysis of the value and limitation of amicus curiae , and bringing forward the detailed opinions on the refinement and regulation of expert legal opinion .
At the same time , consciousness on rights of citizens unceasingly strengthens as well as the legal expert is willing to provide the jurisprudential opinion to the court , which redound to the phenomenon .
The basic facts writing and the legal analysis writing are the two most critical parts of the legal writing . Researching the writing methods and skills of the instruments are of great significance for writing the legal opinion .
The submission of legal experts is a general legal situation in the current , and it highly with Chinese characteristics .
The motives of submitting the submission of legal experts , its procedural problems and objectivity have been questioned and even criticized .
However , the submission of legal experts causes stress and impact for the judges after submitting them to the court . It also has suspicion that it perverts judicial justice and judicial independence in practice .
Subject , materials and structure are the three key links of the basic facts writing and the legal analysis writing . They are also the fundamental of the well-written legal opinion .
The Consummations of the Legal Responsibility of Expert in China
Providing consultation services on copyright law and the relevant laws and regulations , providing the related legal advice ;
Providing legal basis , and issuing legal opinions on the company decision of practicability and risk issues ;