
fǎ lǜ yì jiàn shū
  • legal opinion;legal letter
  1. 不用客气。这是法律意见书,你可以用来参考。

    It is the legal opinion , and you can refer to it .

  2. 论诉讼中的专家法律意见书

    Research on the Expert Legal Opinion in Litigation

  3. 法律意见书和上市保荐书;

    The legal opinions as well as the Recommendation Letter of Listing ;

  4. 法律意见书和证券公司的推荐书;

    Legal advice and recommendation of the securities company ;

  5. 论专家法律意见书

    On the Expert Legal Opinion Letter

  6. 同时设计了一整套包括诉讼法、证据法和规范专家法律意见书等相关法律制度的外部配套制度。

    A external system including litigation law , evidence law and professional position paper regulation is also designed .

  7. 专家法律意见书是指在已进行的诉讼案件中,法学专家应邀请为法庭裁判案件提供法律适用意见的一项制度。

    Opinion of jurisprudential scholar provide by legal experts through participating in argumentation of cases on invitation of the court .

  8. 上市公司在回购报告书的同时,应当一并公告法律意见书。

    The listed company shall , at the time of announcement of the repurchase report , announce the legal opinion together .

  9. 目前,在司法实践中广泛存在专家就正在审理的案件向法院提交法律意见书的现象。

    At present , experts always refer legal opinion to the court about the case that is being heard in the judicial practice .

  10. 第二章概述我国专家法律意见书的现状,比如其产生的社会背景、性质、功能以及具体运作等;

    Chapter 2 sums up the present state of expert legal opinion , such as background , character , function and operation , etc.

  11. 很多学者认为专家法律意见书缺乏中立性、影响司法独立,更重要的是无法可依。

    Many scholars believe that expert legal opinion is lack of neutrality and influences judicial independence , more importantly , has no legal basis .

  12. 若股东大会出现否决提案的,应当披露法律意见书全文。

    Where the motion is vetoed in general meeting of shareholders , the full passage text of legal legal opinion opinions shall be disclosed .

  13. 委托人对法律意见书和律师工作报告提出疑问的,律师认为有必要,可以出具补充法律意见书和补充报告。

    Clients of the legal submissions and lawyers raise questions about the report , the lawyers considered it necessary , can produce additional legal submissions and supplementary report .

  14. 专家法律意见书作为案外人影响法院判决的一种方式在我国的司法实践中已经广泛存在,然而对于专家法律意见书的争议却从未中断过。

    As a way of non-parties to influence the court decision , expert legal opinion has widely existed in Chinese judicial practice ; but the controversy on it has never stopped .

  15. 第三章将美国法院之友制度和我国的专家法律意见书进行比较分析,找出两者的区别和后者存在的问题,得出前者对我国的借鉴意义;

    Chapter 3 compares the two systems , points out the difference between them , finds out the problems consisting in the latter , and concludes the consulting meaning of the former .

  16. 文章的创新之处在于深入分析了法庭之友制度的价值及其局限性,并以之为参照对完善我国的专家法律意见书制度提出具体的规范意见。

    The innovation of this paper lies in the analysis of the value and limitation of amicus curiae , and bringing forward the detailed opinions on the refinement and regulation of expert legal opinion .

  17. 同时,该现象的产生也与我国公民权利意识不断增强以及法学专家自身主观愿意向法庭提供法律意见书密不可分;

    At the same time , consciousness on rights of citizens unceasingly strengthens as well as the legal expert is willing to provide the jurisprudential opinion to the court , which redound to the phenomenon .

  18. 法律意见书写作中最关键的两个部分是基本事实写作和法律分析写作,探讨这两部分的写作方法及写作技法对于写好此文书意义重大。

    The basic facts writing and the legal analysis writing are the two most critical parts of the legal writing . Researching the writing methods and skills of the instruments are of great significance for writing the legal opinion .

  19. 法律专家意见书是当前一个普遍的法律现象,而且极具中国特色。

    The submission of legal experts is a general legal situation in the current , and it highly with Chinese characteristics .

  20. 而提交法律专家意见书背后的动机、程序问题以及其自身的客观性问题更是受到诸多质疑,甚至批判。

    The motives of submitting the submission of legal experts , its procedural problems and objectivity have been questioned and even criticized .

  21. 但在实践中,法律专家意见书提交法庭后,其对法官造成了一定的压力和影响,又有妨碍司法公正与司法独立之嫌。

    However , the submission of legal experts causes stress and impact for the judges after submitting them to the court . It also has suspicion that it perverts judicial justice and judicial independence in practice .

  22. 主旨、材料、结构三个方面是基本事实和法律分析写作的关键环节,探讨法律意见书主旨、材料和结构的写作方法及写作技法,是写好法律意见书的根本所在。

    Subject , materials and structure are the three key links of the basic facts writing and the legal analysis writing . They are also the fundamental of the well-written legal opinion .

  23. 论我国司法鉴定人法律责任的完善论诉讼中的专家法律意见书

    The Consummations of the Legal Responsibility of Expert in China

  24. 著作权及相关法律、法规的咨询服务,出具相关法律意见书;

    Providing consultation services on copyright law and the relevant laws and regulations , providing the related legal advice ;

  25. 为公司的人力资源管理提供法律依据,对其决策的可行性、风险性等问题出具法律意见书;

    Providing legal basis , and issuing legal opinions on the company decision of practicability and risk issues ;