
  1. 信息问题是决定证券市场运行效率是否稳定的关键问题。

    The information is the main question that can decide if the efficiency for the stock market running is stable .

  2. 美国证券市场运行环境近似于完全竞争的市场状况,也存在显著的市场失灵。

    The American security market environment is more approximate to the condition of complete competition and still has significant market ineffectiveness .

  3. 证券市场运行中的各个环节能否健康运作,证券发行环节至关重要。

    Securities market in the operation of all aspects of the healthy operation of the vital link in the issuance of securities .

  4. 虽然目前我国已经初步形成了多层次的资本市场,但令人遗憾的是,证券市场运行的过程中仍然存在着种种体制上的弊端以及法律法规上不完善、不合理之处。

    Although the multi-level capital market has initially shaped , there are still malpractices and shortcomings in the operation of the securities market .

  5. 我国证券市场运行的实践表明,股票市场的发展在企业筹资、促进企业改制和降低银行风险等方面确实发挥了重要的作用。

    Practice shows that the development of stock market has played an important role in enterprises ' financing and reforming , and decreasing banks ' risks .

  6. 使政府驾驭形式,迅速、准确决策的能力大为提高;净化证券市场运行环境提高政府证券监管能力和效率。

    This makes government ability of accurate decision and control form rise considerably ; The purification operation environment of security market raises government regulation ability and efficiency .

  7. 由于信息在证券市场运行过程中的核心作用,因此上市公司的信息披露监管成为证券市场监管法律制度的核心。

    Because of the importance of information in the running of stock market , supervision over information disclosure of listed companies is considered as the core in stock market supervision law system .

  8. 提高证券市场运行效率,着力建成以开放型基金为特色的投资基金市场,使其成为国内最有影响的基金中心;

    We must raise operational efficiency of securities market , stress on the construction of the investment fund market with the characteristics of open investment fund and make it become the center of investment fund ;

  9. 然而随着各项新股发行制度改革的出台,新股高发行价、高市盈率、高募集资金这三高现象并没有得到明显改善,新股发行制度改革提升了证券市场运行的效率问题不断受到新的质疑。

    However , with the introduction of the IPO reform , the high share issue price , high price-earnings ratio , and Ultra-raised funds has not been improved significantly with the IPO reform and the efficiency of the stock market has been called into questions continuously .

  10. 论文中提出以政府强大的行政力量加强对各类账产和现金管理,有效地净化经济运行环境;创新证券市场运行机制提高政府证券监管的可操作性。

    In paper , suggest that with the administration with powerful government , strength strengthens the management that used for each kind of account and cash , purify efficiently economic operation environment ; The innovation operation mechanism of security market raises the operability of government regulation .

  11. 证券市场有效运行与会计信息之间存在着密切的关系。

    The effective operation of security market keeps a close relationship with accounting information .

  12. 证券市场信息运行体系由信息源、信息通道和信息反馈三部分有机构成。信息源是整个证券市场信息产生的源头和运行的起点。

    Information running system is composed by information source , information passage and information feedback .

  13. 因其存在的理论缺陷,《规定》对证券市场规范运行的制约作用也就大打折扣。

    Because of the defects , the restraining effect of securities market is greatly reduced .

  14. 这些信息披露的问题严重损害了美国投资者的信心,动摇了美国证券市场的运行基础。

    This kind of news has damaged the investors ' confidence , and shaken the cornerstone of the stock market seriously .

  15. 现代社会是信息社会,信息是重要的经济资源,是证券市场有效运行的基础。

    Modern society is an information society . Information is the important economic resources which is the basis for the effective functions of the securities market .

  16. 作为社会经济的晴雨表,证券市场的运行质量与效率直接反映了一个国家的发展水平。

    As the rain glass of the economy , the quality and efficiency of the security market directly reflects the economy development level in a country .

  17. 市场滥用会降低欧共体金融市场的诚信度,损害投资者利益,妨碍证券市场平稳运行,因而是金融服务行动计划的重要关注对象之一。

    Market abuse not only harms the integrity of financial market and the interest of investors but also hinders the smooth functioning of integrated European securities and derivatives markets .

  18. 研究我国证券市场的运行特征和市场风险,并应用投资组合理论实证规避投资风险的投资组合方法,为中小投资者在证券市场投资提供帮助是有必要的。

    For the development of Chinese stock market and profit of investors , it is necessary to seek the security portfolios to reduce the risks on base of investment combination theory .

  19. 进而提出了我国证券市场的运行机制,宏观是证券和资金的配置,微观是证券价格决定论以及其市场风险理论。

    The article sets up moving mechanism of our security market that includes security and capital collocation in the macroscopic environment and security price determinism in microcosmic environment and its risk theory .

  20. 第三章在阐明证券市场有效运行对会计信息披露质量的要求基础上,重点研究了如何全面系统地对上市公司的会计信息进行分析,并选用具体案例进行了财务分析。

    The third chapter focuses on how to analyze accounting information of listed company fully and systematically based on the introduction to the general requirement on accounting disclosure , and gives accounting analysis on the selected cases .

  21. 强调会计信息的真实性、完整性、规范化、法制化,有助于维护投资者的利益,保证证券市场正常运行和资源配置合理。

    Emphasis on verity , integrity , specification and regulation of accounting information , on one hand , can benefit investors , on the other hand , can guarantee the normal function of stock market and the rational allocation of resources .

  22. 境外中国概念指数期货产品的推出可能对我国证券市场的运行环境、投资者投资行为产生的影响;加剧境内外交易所之间的竞争;可能引发境内外市场之间程度不同的投机套利及违法行为。

    The listing of index future with china concept in the overseas market will be likely to affect the environment of our security market and invest behavior of investors , Aggravate competition between exchanges , may arise arbitrage and illegal activities between domestic and overseas markets .

  23. 证券市场十大运行机制

    Ten Operating Mechanism of Stock Market

  24. 本文通过实证研究,为证券市场的正常运行提供了理论基础和政策建议。

    With the empirical research , this study provides theoretical basis and policy suggestions for stock market .

  25. 这对于促进证券市场的有序运行具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    This has important theoretical and practical significance to promote the orderly operation of the securities market .

  26. 审计合谋现象的存在直接影响到证券市场的有效运行,同时也使整个注册会计师行业遭到质疑。

    Auditing collusion affects the operation of stock market directly and leads to question on the whole CPA profession .

  27. 上市公司会计信息披露对证券市场的有效运行和长远发展有着举足轻重的影响。

    Listed company 's accounting information play an important role in running effectively and long-term development of security market .

  28. 要实现证券市场的高效运行,必须对其加强管理。证券税制作为国家宏观调控经济的重要手段之一,对证券市场具有重大影响。

    In order to achieve securities market operating efficiency , we must strengthen the management on the securities market .

  29. 一系列严重违规事件的发生沉重打击了投资者信心,破坏了证券市场的正常运行秩序。

    A series of violations are a heavy blow to investors ' confidence and destroy the normal order of stock market .

  30. 上市公司的信息披露制度是我国证券市场得以有效运行与发展的基石。

    The information disclosure system of listed companies is the cornerstone on which our securities market can operate and develop effectively .