
  • 网络securities underwriting;Underwriting of Securities;stock underwriting
  1. 银行业以往曾依赖多种业务赚钱,从并购咨询到证券承销,现在则已严重向交易业务倾斜。

    Banks that had relied on a variety of businesses to make money from mergers and acquisitions advice to securities underwriting shifted overwhelmingly towards trading .

  2. 给其他证券承销机构或者投资者造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。

    Where any loss has been incurred to any other securities underwriting institution or investor , it shall be subject to the liabilities of compensation according to law .

  3. 此次调查不会针对具体的银行,而是研究首次公开发行(ipo)、增发的证券承销及其它股票相关服务市场。

    The probe will not target specific banks but rather study the market for equity underwriting on initial public offerings , rights issues and other equity-related services .

  4. 英国竞争监管机构公平交易局(OFT)在接到发行公司的投诉后,于6月10日宣布将针对证券承销展开调查。

    The Office of Fair Trading ( OFT ), a British competition agency , said on June10th that it would conduct an inquiry into equity underwriting , following complaints from issuing firms .

  5. 然后,运用层次分析法为ZT证券承销业务建立了风险测度指标体系,并运用模糊综合评价的方法对此进行了评价,得到了风险较大的评级,同时指出承销违约是最大的风险因素。

    Then , we use AHP to establish a risk measure index system of underwriting business of ZT securities , and apply fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of this method was evaluated whose result is " high risk ", noting that sales risk is the biggest risk factor .

  6. 证券承销商声誉的理论与实证研究本文以证券发行市场为什么需要证券承销商?

    By answering the question why security issuing market need underwriter ?

  7. 投行做的是证券承销。

    Investment banking does underwriting of securities .

  8. 混业经营对证券承销市场的影响:美国的情况

    The Impact of Mixed Operation on the Stock Underwriting Market & the case of America

  9. 本文讨论了商业银行从事证券承销业务可能引致的激励问题。

    This paper focuses on the incentive problems caused by commercial banks ' underwriting activities .

  10. 证券承销与保荐;

    Underwriting and recommendation of securities ;

  11. 管理投资银行的高管也面临着类似的难题,尤其是在证券承销领域。

    Executives running investment banks are facing some of the same dilemmas , especially in underwriting .

  12. 证券承销业务采取代销或者包销方式。

    Securities sales business take the form of sale on a commission basis or exclusive sales .

  13. 本文在对声誉机制理论进行综述的基础上,从博弈论视角分析了证券承销商声誉机制发挥作用的条件和我国承销商声誉机制缺失的必然。

    This paper expounds the reputation theory and analyzes the condition of underwriter playing the pair in securities market .

  14. 博弈论视角的我国证券承销商声誉机制研究

    The Security Underwriter Reputation in the Securities Market : View from Game Theory Theoretic and Positive Study on Security Underwriter 's Reputation

  15. 同时,本文的研究结论对于企业在上市时对于证券承销商的选用上也存在着一定的借鉴意义。

    Meanwhile , the conclusion of this study would have a certain meaning to companies when they select their own security underwriters .

  16. 为证券承销机构和上市公司发行、上市股票、债券提供可靠的法律咨询意见和必备的法律文件;

    Providing reliable legal advice and necessary legal documents of issuing listed company shares and securities for the securities underwriters and listed companies ;

  17. 在融资活动密集之际,瑞信凭借这一优势,成为许多欧洲机构的首选证券承销商。

    That strength is helping the bank to emerge as the equity underwriter of choice for many European institutions during a time of intensive capital raising .

  18. 发行人于预定发行期间内发行公司债,应全数委托证券承销商包销。

    Where an issuer issues corporate bonds during the expected issuance period , it shall consign an underwriter to underwrite the issuance on a firm commitment basis .

  19. 现代投资银行是从事证券承销与交易、企业兼并与重组、基金管理、风险投资、财务顾问等多种业务的金融机构。

    Modern Investment Banks are those financial institutions that deal with underwriting and trading of stocks , mergers and acquisitions , venture capital and other financial consulting business .

  20. 在最近对投资者的介绍中,富国银行表示这两个行业为银团贷款和证券承销的平均年收入贡献了两、三个亿的美元。

    In a recent presentation to investors , it said the two sectors provided $ 200m - $ 300m of average annual revenue from loan syndications and debt and equity underwriting .

  21. 正如特纳指出的,交易和证券承销这样的业务是“天生的寡头垄断”,市场份额大的银行切走利润蛋糕的大部分。

    As Mr Turner notes , activities such as trading and securities underwriting are " natural oligopolies " in which those with a big market share take a large slice of the available profits .

  22. 通过大量实证研究得出经过100多年的发展,投资银行已经由初始阶段传统的证券承销业务发展到今天全面从事资本市场业务、成为最有效和最具有影响力的金融机构。

    It can be seen that investment bank had evolved from the traditional business of stock underwriting to all capital market business and becomes most effective and influential financial institution after over more than 100 years development .

  23. 中国加入WTO以后,资本市场逐步开放,国内证券公司承销、经纪和自营三大传统业务将受到国外大型证券公司强有力的冲击。

    After China entering WTO , the capital market is more and more opening up .

  24. 投资银行,InvestmentBank,是一种专门从事证券发行承销、证券经纪、企业并购、项目融资、投资管理等业务现代资本市场上重要的金融中介机构。

    Investment bank is a kind of financial intermediate agency in modern capital market specializing in such businesses as security issuing and underwriting , security managing , corporation merger , project financing , corporation financial transition conducting , and investment management , etc.

  25. 投资银行还将触角伸到了复杂金融证券的承销和销售领域,如债务抵押凭证(cdo)。

    Investment banks also expanded into the underwriting and selling of complex financial securities , such as collateralised debt obligations .

  26. 证券公司承销业务对证券分析师独立性的影响分析

    The Impact of Securities Underwriting on Security Analysts ' Independence

  27. 尽力代销银行同意尽力向公众出售公司有价证券的承销行为。

    Best Efforts Offering An underwriting in which a bank agrees to do its best to sell the company 's securities to the public .

  28. 证券发行与承销方式的改革深化了证券业内的服务竞争;

    The deepened reforms in the fields of IPO and underwriting improves the service competitions in the securities industry ;

  29. 通过证券公司的承销活动,使投资者与发行人建立联系,顺利实现各自的筹资或投资目的。

    Through the underwriting activities , securities company helps investors establish contact with the issuer and achieve their respective financing or investment purposes smoothly .

  30. 贝尔斯登股价跌幅也一度高达14%,因市场广泛传言,这家投资银行可能正面临流动性危机。贝尔斯登是抵押贷款担保证券的大型承销商。

    Bear Stearns shares also fell as much as 14 per cent on widespread rumours that the investment bank – a big underwriter of mortgage-backed securities – could be facing a liquidity crisis .