
zī xìn pínɡ jí jī ɡòu
  • Credit rating agency;rating organization
  1. 国外资信评级机构已经存续了近百年,在资本市场上发挥着重要的作用。

    Credit Rating Agencies have been existed for about one hundred years and play important roles in the capital market .

  2. 尽管两者存在合同关系,但是国外的司法实践中已经有债券发行人提出在资信评级机构出现违约的时候,要求其承担侵权责任的先例。

    Despite the existing contractual relationship between them , the judicial practices in foreign countries have imposed tort liability on the credit rating agencies .

  3. 虽然监管制度的完善可以敦促资信评级机构更加谨慎地开展业务,但是如果评级机构可以不对自己的行为负责,这必然会削弱监管制度的影响。

    Improving regulatory system , though , can urge a more cautious business of the credit rating agencies , if the rating agencies escape the responsibilities for their actions , it will be resulted in the weakening of the impact of the regulation .

  4. 发行人发生需临时公告的重大事项时,发行人可自行或应债券受托管理人的要求聘请资信评级机构对公司债券进行重新评级并公告。

    In case the issuer needs to publish an interim announcement on material matters occurred , the issuer may engage the credit rating agency to prepare a new rating report at its own discretion or upon the request of the entrusted bonds manager and shall make statements for the same .