
  • 网络credit rating
  1. 资信评级企业员工忠诚度影响因素研究

    A Research on the Factors of Employee Loyalty in Credit Rating Enterprises

  2. 违约率是资信评级的重要指标。

    PD is an important indicators of credit rating .

  3. 市资信评级委员会授予“AAA企业”;

    The city capital letter rating committee awards " AAA enterprise ";

  4. 加入WTO,发达国家强烈的信用意识将对中国这个落后100多年的尚没有形成行业的个人资信评级市场提出巨大的挑战。

    After entering WTO , the strong credit sense of developed countries will have a big challenge to china which has dropped behind for more than 100 years in the development of personal credit scoring market .

  5. 基于人工智能方法的企业资信评级

    Credit risk assessment of enterprise based on artificial intelligence

  6. 基于模糊评判的商业银行客户资信评级方法

    Commercial Bank Credit Grading Method Based on Fuzzy Evaluation

  7. 构建以企业价值为导向的企业资信评级指标体系

    Construct the Indicators System of Corporate Value-oriented Credit Rating

  8. 4建立完善的中小企业资信评级制度。

    To set up the SMEs credit-evaluation system .

  9. 资信评级课程双语教学的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of the Bilingual Teaching Used in the Course of Credit Rating

  10. 资信评级行业的市场需求研究

    Maret Demand Research about Credit Rating Industry

  11. 在企业资信评级中,应收账款周转速度是十分值得关注的一项指标。

    The turnover velocity of the receivable account is an index deserving great concern in credit grading in enterprises .

  12. 国外资信评级机构已经存续了近百年,在资本市场上发挥着重要的作用。

    Credit Rating Agencies have been existed for about one hundred years and play important roles in the capital market .

  13. 尽管两者存在合同关系,但是国外的司法实践中已经有债券发行人提出在资信评级机构出现违约的时候,要求其承担侵权责任的先例。

    Despite the existing contractual relationship between them , the judicial practices in foreign countries have imposed tort liability on the credit rating agencies .

  14. 基于以上优点,企业资信评级结果是投资者进行投资决策时的有力参考。

    Based on the above advantages , corporate credit rating is the result of investors to invest in a strong reference to the decision-making .

  15. 资信评级的过程包括查看表象、分析原因、做出结论、提出建议等一系列环节。

    The course of credit grading includes series of links such as checking presentation , analyzing the reason , drawing conclusion , raising proposal , etc.

  16. 关于资信评级的研究也已积累了丰富的成果,内容涉及资信评级的作用、决定因素、信息价值以及级别的可比性一致性等。

    The foreign research related to credit ratings has already accumulated abundant research results , including the role , information value , determinant , consistency and comparability of credit ratings .

  17. 加强立法和政策导向、明确政府出资责任和建立资信评级制度是发展我国银保合作的基本对策。

    And the basic way to develop the cooperation is to strengthen the legislation and the policy guidance , to definite the governmental duty of providing funds and to establish credit grade system .

  18. 随着我国发行企业债券融资规模的扩大,影响债券发行成本的必经环节&资信评级应该引起企业经营管理者足够的重视。

    With the expansion of the issue of corporate bonds to raise funds , a necessary part of the issuing corporate bond called credit rating which affect the cost of bond issuance should arouse enough attention to business managers .

  19. 尽管现阶段资信评级报告是许多国家进行金融监管的手段之一,但金融危机中资信评级机构令人失望的表现也让监管政府认识到这一领域存在的问题。

    Despite the current credit rating report is one of the measures in many countries to exert their financial regulations , the disappointing performance in the financial crisis of the credit rating agencies makes those governments recognize the problems .

  20. 如果将这些资信评级结果看做是专家对企业信用水平的评分结果,那么我们可以尝试用一种广泛适应的信用风险度量模型来模拟其评分结果。

    If the credit rating as the results of an expert on corporate credit rating level of the results , then we can try to adapt to a wide range of credit risk measurement models to simulate the results of its score .

  21. 由于我国资信评级公司并不完全公开其资信评级结果,其具体的评级方法也大多作为商业秘密,因此投资者并不能很好的利用这一有效的信用风险控制工具。

    As a result of our credit rating companies do not disclose their credit rating , the specific method of rating mostly as a trade secret , so investors can not take advantage of this excellent and effective credit risk management tools .

  22. 现阶段,随着金融体制改革的不断深化,对信贷资产安全性、效益性的要求越来越高,资信评级对银行信贷的积极作用也将日趋明显。

    At the present stage , with the further development of financial mechanism reform , it has higher demand for the security and profitability of credit loan which will end up with the increasingly positive impact to banking credit system by credit rating .

  23. 虽然监管制度的完善可以敦促资信评级机构更加谨慎地开展业务,但是如果评级机构可以不对自己的行为负责,这必然会削弱监管制度的影响。

    Improving regulatory system , though , can urge a more cautious business of the credit rating agencies , if the rating agencies escape the responsibilities for their actions , it will be resulted in the weakening of the impact of the regulation .

  24. 发行人发生需临时公告的重大事项时,发行人可自行或应债券受托管理人的要求聘请资信评级机构对公司债券进行重新评级并公告。

    In case the issuer needs to publish an interim announcement on material matters occurred , the issuer may engage the credit rating agency to prepare a new rating report at its own discretion or upon the request of the entrusted bonds manager and shall make statements for the same .

  25. 首先通过总结销售人员经验,并借鉴银行等专业机构资信评级所采用的评价指标,建立适合工商企业应用的客户信用评级指标体系;

    Through summarizing the experiences of the salesman and experts , and drawing lessons from the professional organizations such as banks which have established indexes system for credit rating , the thesis builds its own indexes system of credit rating for tally trade which is intentionally built up for enterprises ;

  26. 个人资信评估是提高市场交易效率的重要手段,是国家资信评级体系的重要组成部分。

    Personal credit rating is an important means in improving the efficiency of market transactions .

  27. 在成交前你要做资信调查,在运营当中你要做资信跟踪,成交以后你要做资信的评级,这样的话,你就可以有效控制风险。

    In a deal before you have to do credit to operations which you have to do after forescast credit tracking , you have to do credit rating , in this case , you can effectively control the risks .