
zī chǎn pínɡ ɡū bào ɡào
  • property assessment statement;assets valuation statement
  1. 资产评估报告是资产评估工作的总结。

    Assets valuation report is the summary of whole appraisal works .

  2. 关于资产评估报告有效期的探讨

    Research on the " Validity Period " of Appraisal Report

  3. 资产评估报告是评估准则制订中的重要内容

    Report is Important Content in Assets Valuation Standards Formulation

  4. 文章首先对研究的方法,即问卷调查和资产评估报告摘要书搜集的科学性、来源、范围等进行了阐述。

    This paper expounds the science 、 source 、 field of research methods .

  5. 分支机构不得以自己的名义出具资产评估报告。

    No branch may issue any asset appraisal report in its own name .

  6. 资产评估报告和验资报告。

    Asset appraisal report and capital verification report .

  7. 依据注册资产评估师所掌握资产基本情况,评估报告中陈述的事项是客观的。

    According to the basic information of assets which are mastered by the certified public valuer , the matters stated in the evaluation report should be objective .

  8. 最后本文对资产评估风险进行了分析,从资产评估报告入手,分析了资产评估风险的内涵和特点,归纳了资产评估的风险因素和风险事故,提出了如何运用资产评估报告防范风险的对策。

    At last , from the view of appraisal report , the article analyses the meaning and character of appraisal risk , sums up risk factors and risk accidents of assets appraisal , and points out how to make use of appraisal report to prevent risk .