
  1. 现在,CPI下来了,但在经济形势较困难的形势下,推动资源税改革又会给企业发展增加难度。

    Now , CPI down , but at the economic situation more difficult situation , to promote resource tax reform will increase the difficulty of enterprise development .

  2. 推进资源税改革。

    We will carry forward the reform of resource taxes .

  3. 进行资源税改革会对经济造成怎样的冲击?

    Resource tax reform will be what kind of impact to the economy ?

  4. 资源税改革的有效性分析&基于新制度经济学的视角

    Analysis on the Effects of the Resource Tax Reform

  5. 我国资源税改革的时机选择与经济效应预期

    Appropriate Timing and Expectation of Economic Effect for Resource Tax Reform in China

  6. 资源税改革:上调和扩大

    Reform of resources tax : Ascend and Extend

  7. 由于受国际国内经济形势的影响,资源税改革被推迟。

    Due to the impact of international and domestic economic situation , resource tax reform was postponed .

  8. 直到2010年新疆进行改革试点,拉开了资源税改革的序幕。

    In 2010 , resource tax reform carried out in Xinjiang which is the prelude to full-scale reform .

  9. 在此基础上,开始引入本文的主题&资源税改革与法治的关系。

    Based on that , the main concept of the article & the relationship between the reform of resource tax and legal ruling .

  10. 提出了资源税改革、排污费改排污税,构建以资源税、排污税为内容的我国绿色税收体系的政策建议。

    Proposed the resources tax reform , reforming pollutants fees to pollutants tax , suggested our country green tax revenue policy system take the resources tax , pollutants tax as the content .

  11. 近年来国家酝酿出台资源税改革方案,改变计税方式、提高税负是资源税改革的必然选择。

    It 's the inevitable choice of the resources tax reform for our country to issue resources tax reform proposals , change the way of tax calculation and increase tax incidence in recent years .

  12. 第五部分是全文的重点,结合上述的分析,提出了资源税改革的建议,希望能够更好的发挥其税收调节的功能,对循环经济的发展起到积极的推动作用。

    The fifth Part of the full text of the key , combined with the above analysis , puts forward the resource tax reform proposals , hoping to better play its tax adjustment function , the development of circular economy play a positive role in promoting .

  13. 略论我国煤炭资源税的改革

    Reform of coal resources tax in China

  14. 资源税的改革就是要通过资源税参与资源价格的形成过程,使资源价格能充分全面地反映资源的全部成本,从而有利于资源的永续利用。

    The resource tax reform is to participate in the formation of resource prices , the price of resources to fully and comprehensively reflect the full costs of resources , thus facilitating the sustainable use of resources .

  15. 以期通过现行资源税的改革,达到资源税以节约资源,保护环境的功能为主,满足经济社会发展的要求,在建设节约型社会中发挥其应有的作用。

    To the adoption of the reform of the existing resource tax , resource tax in order to save resources , the main function of protecting the environment to meet the requirements of economic and social development , in building a conservation-oriented society to play its due role .

  16. 在全国范围实施原油、天然气资源税从价计征改革,出台营业税改征增值税试点方案。

    We carried out a price-based reform of resource taxes on crude oil and natural gas nationwide , and introduced a plan to replace business tax with value-added tax ( VAT ) on a trial basis .

  17. 国家宏观管理政策的主要手段是以可持续发展的自然资源价值论为指导的资源税改革。

    Primary means of macro-management policies is the resource tax reform .

  18. 为提高资源配置效率,促进收入分配公平,提高石油资源税成为资源税改革的核心。

    In order to improve the efficiency of resource allocation and promote fair distribution of oil resource income , the increase of oil resource tax becomes the key factor of the resource tax reform .

  19. 第三部分,以循环经济为切入点,寻找现行资源税法律制度的中所存在的对循环经济的发展所产生的消极影响的因素,明确资源税法律制度的改革方向。

    The third of the circular economy as an entry point for the current resource tax in the legal system , the existence of pairs of circular economy development of the negative impact of factors , specifically resource tax reform direction of the legal system .