
  • 网络Overall Cost Leadership;overall cost leadership strategy;TOTAL COST LEADERSHIP;Cost-leadership stategies
  1. 基于总成本领先战略的企业项目化管理模式研究

    Research on the Model of the Project Management in the Strategy of Overall Cost Leadership

  2. 总成本领先战略探析

    Analysis on Overall Cost Leadership Strategy

  3. 最后,提出了总成本领先战略作为浙江MG公司未来发展的基本战略,为保证该战略方案的实施还提出了一系列详细的措施。

    Finally we put forward low cost strategy as the basic strategy for the future development of Zhejiang MG Company and to guarantee the implementation of the strategic plan we also propose series of detailed measurements .

  4. 在生存竞争期,BMCC采取了总成本领先战略,力争扩大市场的份额,通过规模经济来取得效益。

    In the current competition , BMCC took a low-cost leader strategy to enlarge market quota and also made profit through economies of scale .

  5. 运用迈克尔·波特的五力模型分析了我国医疗卫生行业的环境,并基于五种竞争作用力分析利用波特提出的三大基本竞争战略理论:总成本领先战略、差异化战略、以及专一化战略。

    The health industry environment was analyzed by Porter 's Five-power model .

  6. 总成本领先战略,即低成本战略。

    Total-cost leadership approach is also called low-cost strategy .

  7. 赞助企业总体上处于增长型竞争态势,采用总成本领先战略,在营销战略上以增长型和综合型为主。

    Sponsors are generally in a growth-oriented competitive situation , with overall cost leadership strategy and growth-oriented and integrated marketing strategy .

  8. 最后依据波特竞争战略选择模型进行国有商业银行竞争战略的选择,得出结论:总成本领先战略。

    Finally the paper makes a conclusion that the Cost-Leadership Strategy is the right competitive strategy for the national commercial bank .

  9. 接着以总成本领先战略为例,探讨如何确定企业项目化管理的关键环节以及一些具体项目化模式。

    Then this study discusses how to decide the chains and some concrete models of project management in the example of the Overall Cost Leadership Strategy .

  10. 总体战略以总成本领先战略、技术改造与创新战略、产业价值链提升战略为主要内容。

    This overall strategy , takes it as the main content that total capital leading strategy , technology transformation and innovation , industrial value chain promotion strategy .

  11. 第六章从桂林国家高新技术产业开发区的定位着手,以加速其发展为目标,研究了组合实施总成本领先战略、标岐立异战略和目标集聚战略的具体措施和策略。

    The sixth chapter makes a object for GuiLin high-tech park , and then sets forward its development strategies , including overall cost leadership differentiation and focus strategy .

  12. 鞍钢新轧钢大型厂应充分利用生产设备先进、轧制工艺相对竞争对手成熟、原材料资源丰富的优势,进行规模化生产所形成的相对低成本优势,实施总成本领先战略。

    Anshan New Steel heavy factory should fully use the advantages of the technological equipment available , mature craft compared with other competitors , and abundant raw materials resource .

  13. 为实施总成本领先战略,可以采取通过管理手段全面控制成本、通过技术手段降低制造成本和利用渠道销售降低成本等策略。

    Cost-leading strategy can be implemented by controlling the total cost through managerial measures , lowering manufacturing cost by technologic measures and lowering marketing expense by using distribution channels .

  14. 第一节在古诺标准模型的基础上,提出了总成本领先战略竞争模型和市场领先战略模型。

    In section 1 , the overall cost leading strategy competing model and the market leading strategy competing model will be introduced on the basis of Cournot normal form game .

  15. 受内在的诸多固有问题影响,传统涉农供应链无论采取总成本领先战略还是差异化战略都面临着重大障碍。

    Because of some inner problems , Chinese traditional agriculture supply chain meets with great obstacles both in adopting the strategy of " total cost first " or " strategy of diversity " .

  16. 在上述分析的基础上,综合各方面因素做出了以差异化战略为主、总成本领先战略为辅的竞争战略。

    On the basis of the above analysis , and take in into account a various factors , we get the competitive strategy which rely mainly on differentiation strategy while overall cost leadership strategy subsidiary .

  17. 其次,概述性地分析了我国企业战略管理的现状以及几种基本的经营战略,包括总成本领先战略、差异化战略和集中战略,并分析了不同战略方式的选择依据及风险。

    Second , analysis of the enterprise-wide overview of the current situation and strategic management of the enterprise strategy , including leading strategy , differentiation strategy and focused strategy , and the choice of different strategic approaches and risks .

  18. 本文以管理理论与实践相结合,分析了麦德龙的成功历程和经验,总结出麦德龙在中国的发展主要是其成功的竞争战略体系,尤其是总成本领先战略和差异化战略的正确贯彻落实。

    The article integrates the theory of management and practice to analyze the successful course and experience of Metro ( Cash Carry ), and summarize its rootstock of development is that successful competitive strategy system mainly , especially the overall cost leadership and differentiation strategy are put into effect .

  19. 学习其建立在深厚的企业文化基础上的先进的供应链管理、及对于信息技术的应用,从而将其总成本保持领先的战略的方法。

    They should learn advanced supply chain management , which is established on the profound corporation culture , and application of information technology , and the way that this kind of retailing enterprise can keep overall cost leadership strategy advance .

  20. 笔者结合定性与定量的方法,为东方锅炉压力容器事业部制定了总成本领先的基本竞争战略,并结合实际提出了未来五年的总体规划。

    The author drafts general cost lowest strategy and five years plan of PVD / DBC through the qualitative with quantitative analysis .

  21. 企业边界的扩张战略及扩张途径!再次是长虹公司的竞争战略&既总成本领先又差异化战略,又从长虹的生产运营活动看其竞争战略及长虹作为成熟产业的竞争战略。

    It is a competitive strategy of Changhong Company again - Total cost least and product difference strategy , run from production of Changhong activity think competitive strategy and Changhong their as ripe competitive strategy of industry also .