
zǒnɡ fù zhài
  • total liabilities;gross liabilities
  1. 债务比率:总负债对总资产的比率。

    Debt ratio : Ratio of total liabilities to total assets .

  2. 目前,它的总负债为5.34亿美元,仅比其总资产少700万美元。

    Total liabilities are $ 534 million , only $ 7 million less than total assets .

  3. 政府总负债与GDP的比率从2007年的仅仅25%,升至2010年的95%。

    The ratio of general government debt to GDP soared from just 25 per cent in 2007 to 95 per cent in 2010 .

  4. 这也意味着日本的总负债与GDP之比,达到富国中最高的190%,还将会进一步上升。

    It also means the gross debt-to-GDP ratio , already the highest in the rich world at190 % , will continue to rise .

  5. 就第三个危机而言,根据IMF的资料,到2014年,政府总负债与GDP的比率可能达到123%。

    On the last , according to the IMF , general government debt could be 123 per cent of GDP by 2014 .

  6. 该公司总负债达3亿美元,已进入破产程序。

    The company is going into bankruptcy proceedings with a total debt of $ 300m .

  7. 企业的债务期限结构是指企业的总负债中长期债务和短期债务的构成结构与所占比重。

    The debt maturity structure of firm is composing structure and proportion with different term debt .

  8. 按帐面价值计的总负债

    Total liabilities at book value

  9. 论文得到的基本结论包括:①低成长公司支持负债控制假设,并同时采用了总负债、短期负债、长期负债进行控制;

    The test results of this paper were : ① the low-growth companies supported the debt monitoring hypothesis ;

  10. 如果加上金融业的债务,则私人部门总负债程度上升了111个百分点。

    If we add financial sector debt , the rise in gross private indebtedness is 111 percentage points .

  11. 其次,本文采用(利息支出+资本化利息)/年初年末平均总负债的值来度量债务成本。

    Secondly , this thesis uses interest expense plus capitalized interest divide average debt to measure the debt cost .

  12. 联邦储备委员会表示,第三季度消费者总负债上升1.1%,达11.28万亿美元。

    Federal Reserve Board says total consumer indebtedness rose 1.1 % in total of 11.28 trillion dollars during the third quarter .

  13. 2013年第三季度,美国居民总负债出现了18个季度以来的首次正增长。

    During the third quarter of 2013 , aggregate household debt growth turned positive for the first time in 18 calendar quarters .

  14. 台湾官员反驳称,因总负债仅占国民生产总值的37%,政府仍有融资空间。

    Officials countered that Taipei still had room to raise funds , as total debt was only 37 per cent of gross national product .

  15. 但可以在目前水平上进行降低和简化,例如将资本金占总负债或总资产的比率设为3%。

    But this could be lower and simpler than today , say 3 per cent on a ratio of capital to total liabilities or assets .

  16. 正如惠特尼所示,这些表外数据难以置信地达到了所有表内总负债的三倍,总计2万亿美元。

    As Whitney shows , these off-balance sheet numbers are an incredible three times the size of all on-balance sheet debt , totaling $ 2 trillion .

  17. 银行若要享受持有牌照带来的好处,就必须发行相当于其总负债10%的10年期次级票据。

    As a condition of enjoying the benefits of a bank charter , every bank must issue 10-year subordinated notes equal to 10 per cent of its total liabilities .

  18. 研究结果显示,企业资产专用性对总负债率有显著的影响,资产专用性越高,企业越倾向于采用较低的债务水平,但资产专用性对长期负债率没有显著影响。

    The higher asset specificity a corporate has , the lower gross debt level it will hold , but asset specificity has no significant impact on the long term debt ratio .

  19. 第二,必须加强市场纪律:每家银行每年必须对相当于其总负债1%的到期次级债进行展期。

    Second , there must be more market discipline : each bank would be forced to roll over maturing sub debt equal to 1 per cent of its liabilities each year .

  20. 债务股本比率;债务资本比率:主要用于表示总负债与股东权益(净值)的比率。

    Debt equity ratio ; debt to equity ratio ; debt to capital ratio : Mainly used to describe the ratio of total liabilities to shareholders ' equity ( net worth ) .

  21. 1999年广东国际信托投资公司破产案震惊世界,涉及全球130多家银行、2万多个人储户和8万多股民。在近期的德隆事件中,德隆集团及其下属子公司总负债高达570亿元。

    In 1999 , the world was shocked by the bankruptcy of Guangdong International Intrust Investment Company in which more than 130 banks , over 20,000 depositors and over 80,000 shareholders were involved .

  22. 结论显示,以总负债率和长期负债率度量的资本结构和公司价值呈负相关,这和国外的研究结论相左,表明负债非但不能增加企业的价值,反而会侵害企业的价值。

    The result is : China listed companies ' value is negative with capital structure , it means that the debt not only can 't improve firm 's value but hurt its value .

  23. 一些人指出,从新兴市场撤资是一个更广泛趋势的一部分,即银行和投资者为了将损失控制在最低程度,并减少总负债水平,将资金撤出风险资产的趋势。

    Some point out that the withdrawal of capital from emerging markets is part of a broader trend that has seen banks and investors retreat from risky assets in an effort to minimise losses and reduce their overall levels of debt .

  24. 第三章是实证研究设计,分别对总负债、负债结构、负债模式对产品市场竞争力的影响以及这种影响是否存在非单调性关系提出了相应的假设,设计了相应的模型与变量。

    It proposes the research hypothesis of the effect of total debt , debt structure and debt mode to product market competition and the research hypothesis of the existence of non-monotonic of the effect , designs the corresponding models and variables .

  25. 如果超过某种规模(以总负债衡量)的银行由一个大约12人组成的最高团队来管理,而一旦银行倒闭,这些人将承担共同及连带责任,那么情况将有所不同。

    The situation would be different if banks over a certain size ( gauged by aggregated liabilities ) were managed by a top team of a dozen or so people who were jointly and severally liable for the debts of the bank if it went bust .

  26. 她的结论是未来需要通过加税或大幅削减社会服务的方式来压缩的赤字规模远高于官方数据所示,而包含一切债务的总负债水平也远远超过官方估算。

    Her conclusion is that the future deficits that need to be closed , either by new taxes or draconian cuts in social services , are far bigger than the official numbers show , and that debt levels , when all liabilities are counted , vastly exceed the official estimates .

  27. 摆脱过度负债的必要性已引发了去杠杆周期——家庭总负债与总收入之比已从2007年的泡沫峰值134%下降至近九年低点114%,在五年中前所未有地跌去了20个百分点。

    The necessity of crawling out of excess indebtedness has led to the mother of all deleveraging cycles : the aggregate household debt / income ratio has contracted from the bubble-high 134 per cent in 2007 to a nine-year low of 114 per cent . That is an unprecedented 20 percentage point decline in five years .

  28. 成本,作为生产资料其他潜在使用方式的价值表现形式,构成了社会总资产负债表的负债项目。

    Costs as an expression of the value of other potential employment of means of production constitute the liability items in the social balance sheet .

  29. 结果表明商业企业一般倾向于流动性负债,总资产负债率、动资产负债率与代理成本负相关。

    Result indicates that commercial corporations incline to liquidity debt ; there is a negative relation between general debt ratio , liquidity debt ratio and agency cost .

  30. 实证部分,本文主要用产品市场竞争程度指标,对总资产负债率和长期资产负债率两个指标进行实证分析。

    Empirical part , we start the main competition from the products on the total debt ratio , long-term asset-liability ratio and the current asset-liability ratio of three indicators for empirical analysis .