
  • 网络securitization;Asset Securitization;ABS;Asset-backed Securitization;MBS
  1. 但受制于国内经济、法律和其他社会环境,早期各类资产证券化或准资产证券化基本上都采取了离岸(offshore)操作的模式。

    However , restricted to the domestic social surroundings of economy , law and soon , most of the early ABS or ready-to-be ABS adopted the offshore mode .

  2. 第四章,银行资产证券化的实证检验。

    Chapter Four is the empirical test ABS of banks .

  3. 资产证券化(ABS)在大型房地产项目融资中的应用

    Application of asset-backed securitization to financing of large-scale real estate project

  4. 特殊目的载体SPV(specialpurposevehicle)是资产证券化(ABS)交易架构中最具特色的结构设计。

    SPV ( Special Purpose Vehicle ) is the most characteristic design in the commercial structure of asset-backed securitization .

  5. PL集团资产证券化融资的可行性分析

    A Feasibility Study on Securitization Financing for PL Group

  6. 本文的第五部分介绍了资产证券化的另一个核心步骤:资产支持证券(ABS)的信用增级与评级问题。

    Part five : It introduces the other critical process of Asset Securitization : credit evaluation and enhancement of ABS .

  7. 资产证券化的交易结构极为复杂,对于一个典型的证券化交易而言,不可缺少的要素在于要将证券化资产转移给特殊目的载体SPV(specialpurposevehicle)。

    Asset securitisation process is very complex and a typical securitisation transaction would involve an entity selling a pool of assets to a special purpose vehicle ( SPV ) .

  8. 资产证券化的抵押债务证券融资模式(CDOs)研究

    The Study on the Collateralized Debt Obligations Mode of Asset Securitization

  9. 在资产证券化法律关系中,特设目的实体(SPV)处于核心地位。

    The special purpose vehicle ( SPV ) is the core of asset securitization .

  10. 资产证券化的迅速发展得益于其独特的风险隔离机制,风险隔离机制的核心在于构造一个特殊目的载体(specialpurposevehicle,SPV)达到风险隔离的效果。

    The rapid development of asset securitization benefits from the distinct risk-remote mechanism , which core is to construct a special purpose vehicle ( SPV ) to accomplish the risk-remote purpose .

  11. 在资产证券化中,特殊目的载体(SPV)的构造是其核心,构造的合理就使资产证券化过程成功了一半。

    In the structure of securitization , Special Purpose Vehicle ( SPV ) is the core factor .

  12. 中国已加入WTO,逐步融入世界经济的一体化之中,大力发展资产证券化对中国国民经济发展意义重大。

    Since the Chinese economy has been integrated in the global economy with China 's entry into WTO , the development of asset securitization means a great deal to the national economy of China .

  13. 其次,对SPT参与资产证券化的基本原理予以分析,并指出了SPT参与资产证券化制度上的优势。

    Secondly , it introduced the basic procedure about SPT participating in asset-securitization , including the meaning of the SPT .

  14. 提出了信用风险的承担者主要有投资者、SPV和发起人银行的观点,并且根据证券类型分析了其承担的风险大小。第三部分主要针对银行信贷资产证券化中资产的信用风险进行论述。

    It advances the point of view that there are three kinds of credit risk undertakers in the bank 's asset securitization .

  15. 目前,在我国的理论界和实务界对资产证券化的主要观点有ABS表外模式及ABS准表外模式。

    At present , there are two views of changing asset into securities in the theory and practice fields , namely , the external mode of ABS and the quasi-external mode of ABS .

  16. 实践中,其可以单独采取资产证券化的融资方式,也可以与其他融资方式尤其与BOT方式配合使用,融资或循环融资效果更佳。

    In practice , it may adopt the financing of property negotiable securities alone or combination with others especially with the BOT way , the latter manner can produce a good result .

  17. 例如,一个正在讨论的观点是,美国联邦存款保险公司(fdic)应该帮助陷入困境的银行将一批资产证券化。

    One concept being mooted , for example , is that the FDIC should help troubled banks securitise a swathe of assets .

  18. 推行ABS资产证券化,将公用事业资产中一部分具有稳定的现金流的资产进行组合,使之资产证券化,然后筹得资金,这是解决资金问题的有效方式之一。

    One of the effective approaches to cope with this problem is to promote ABS asset backed securitization , under which model the part of public utility assets which provides steady cash flow can be securitized to raise funds .

  19. 第五部分:在XX公司不良资产证券化方案基础上,对资产管理公司债转股股权的证券化处置进行探讨,设计简单的证券化方案。

    Part five : According to XX company project of bad asset Securitization , it discusses the securitization treatment of reclaiming truck assets and stock changing from credit , and then designs simple Securitization project .

  20. 在指出其立法缺陷的基础上,对我国SPT参与资产证券化的立法模式的选择及其法律构架提出了自己的看法。

    In the foundation of pointing out its legislation flaw , air my views to our country 's legislative model choice of SPT participating in asset-securitization and its the legal system .

  21. 其中SPV是一个典型的空壳公司,仅是为了资产证券化融资设立的法律意义上的经济实体,在各国和《国际贸易应收款转让公约》对SPV的立法别具一格。

    SPV is a typical shell company and its goal is legally financing body . Lawmaking of SPV are various in countries and " Convention on Assignment of Receivable ( Convention )" .

  22. 主要是按资产证券化运作的程序来分析之。特殊目的实体(spv)的构建,资产的出售,信用的增级,证券的发行和交易,最后还讨论与资产证券化有关的税收法律问题。

    The analysis is carried out in accordance with the process of ABS , the construction of SPV , the transfer of assets , the enhancement of credit and the issuance of exchange of securities .

  23. 同时本文也对不良资产证券化中特设机构(SPV)的设立和信用增级设计提出了相应的对策。

    At the same time , the discourse also probes into the establishment of the special purpose vehicle ( SPV ) and the credit enhancement design in the securitization for the NPL , and puts forward the countermeasure correspondingly .

  24. 接着更详细的分析了不良资产证券化的运行机制及资产池的确定、SPV的设立等相关技术手段,由此提出不良资产证券化的整个流程设计。

    Fourthly , discusses detailedly about several technique methods , such as operational mechanism of non-performing assets securitization , determination of the assets pond , establishment of Special Purpose Vehicle , and then bring forward the whole flow design of non-performing assets securitization .

  25. 首先,对国外关于SPV的立法实践进行了比较,选择了美国和日本进行比较,之所以选择美国,是因为美国是资产证券化的发源国且美国的资产证券化发展最具代表性。

    To begin with , it analyzes and compares overseas SPV legislation with example of the United States and Japan . The reason why choose the United States is that it is the country asset securitization originated and it is most influential and preventative of all countries .

  26. 本文对SPT参与资产证券化资制度运行进行了系统研究,结合英美法系与大陆法系资产证券化立法模式与信托相关法律制度,对我国SPT参与资产证券化的立法现状进行分析探讨。

    This article has conducted the system research to the SPT participating in asset-securitization capital system , unifying Anglo-American law system and continental law system 's legislative model of asset-securitization and the trust law system , discusses our country 's legal circumstances of SPT participating in asset-securitization .

  27. 信息不对称下银行信贷资产证券化博弈分析

    The Research on Banks ' Credit Asset Securitization under Asymmetric Information

  28. 我国实施市政建设资产证券化的研究

    The Study of Asset Securitization in Municipal Facility Construction in China

  29. 巴塞尔资本协议中资产证券化监管框架的演变

    Evolution of Regulatory Framework of Asset Securitization in Bassel Capital Agreement

  30. 首先,从资产证券化的基本理论入手。

    Firstly , it introduces the basic theory about Asset Securitization .