
  1. 同时,开发商通过商品房预售按揭制度让自己的资金回笼,从而将开发风险完全转移给消费者与银行。

    Thus developers will throw the complete transformation of risk to consumers and the bank .

  2. 控制项目质量和费用,跟踪资金回笼,移交工程给用户。

    Control project quality and cost follow up the money collecting hand over the project to customer .

  3. 我们还只是个小工厂,资金回笼对我们来说非常重要。

    We are also just a small factory , the return of funds is very important to us .

  4. 其实质是将应收账款蕴含的财产价值提前变现,加快企业资金回笼。

    Its essence is the use of cash value of accounts receivable early and accelerating capital return of enterprises .

  5. 一方面,建筑业的工程款项通常来说都是采用分期付款的形式,资金回笼速度慢。

    The one hand , the construction project payments typically are based on the installments and capital return is slow .

  6. 第三,基于资金回笼后,构成了企业资金的来源,故将资金的回笼归到资金来源中写。

    Third , based on that the enterprises funds will be withdrawn from circulation of funds , so they owned to the sources of funds .

  7. 但随之而来的资金回笼、服务滞后及辅助手段匮乏的问题逐渐成为了制约公司发展的重要因素。

    But the accompanying financial return , the service lag and lack of aid problem restricting the development of the company has become an important factor .

  8. 勘探到石油便可以带来丰厚的利润,并能实现快速资金回笼,但公司必须提前支出大笔资金,用于新油田的勘探和开采。

    It pays well and pays quickly to strike oil , but companies have to spend a lot of money up front to explore new sites and then drill them .

  9. 限购令接二连三的出台,导致房地产企业资金回笼速度放缓,对房地产企业的资金链来说更是雪上加霜。

    The limitation of the purchase comes up one after another , leading to slower returns of real estate companies ' investment , real estate business face more difficult capital chain .

  10. 企业应尽可能地采用对自身有利的结算方式和先进的结算手段,加速资金回笼、缩短资金在途时间。

    As far as possible , enterprises should use their own settlement in a favorable settlement and advanced means to return the funds to accelerate and shorten the time in-transit funds .

  11. 缩短抄表时间,加快资金回笼,改善用户服务是研究供水企业营业收费系统的焦点问题。

    Problems in running a water fee system are focused on fields to reduce the period of water meter data gathering , accelerate the fund flow and improve the service for users .

  12. 二是分片项目运作中由于产品周期不同,造成资金回笼速度不一致,从而影响整体营销策略的推广。

    In addition , different parts of projects have different product life cycle in operation , which results in inconsistent capital return rate , and thus affecting the overall promotion of marketing strategy .

  13. 成品油销售企业由于行业性质特殊,普遍存在零售网点分布广,数量多,企业规模大,资金回笼速度慢的情况。

    For the sake of the special character , the finished oil products distribution companies share the ubiquity quality of distributing widely , high quantity , distributed widely and slow withdrawal of capital .

  14. 这种的对传统金融渠道的调控力度,使得楼市房价下降,开发商资金回笼也面临困境。

    The traditional financial channels to control the unprecedented situation of the degree of intensity of regulation , making the property market , house prices fell , the developers of capital returns is also facing difficulties .

  15. 纯棉纱线:本周棉花价格升幅比上周明显,主要是因为,这几日棉纱的销售情况有所好转,流动资金回笼加快,对棉花价格支撑加强。

    Pure cotton yarn : cotton price increases than the obvious last week this week , mainly because these have improved our cotton yarn sales , liquidity back to accelerate , on cotton price support enhanced .

  16. 同时也量出为入,通过组合生产、营销、价格,科学的设计资金回笼计划,保证整个项目的资金投入及时、安全的回笼。

    Also " mete out for go into ", pass strategies , such as combination marketing , price and sale * etc. , the design funds of science returns a plan , the funds that promises the whole item throws in time , the safety return .

  17. 他低价抛出了手中的股票以使资金快速回笼。

    He slaughtered his stock to get money back immediately .

  18. 我的定位是薄利多销和资金迅速回笼,如果再降价的话就要亏本了。

    I aim at small profits and quick returns . I will lose money if I cut the price down .

  19. 采购的成本直接影响到企业的利润和资产回报率,影响企业流动资金的回笼速度。

    The purchasing cost influences the profit and assets payback of the enterprises directly , and also influences the speed of withdrawal from circulation of circulating fund of enterprises .

  20. 由于投入的自有资金少,开发商回笼资金的压力小,他们有足够的耐心哄抬房价牟取暴利。

    Due to low capital input , the funding pressure for developer is small , they have enough patience to drive up prices to get extra income .

  21. 编好项目资金预算,加快资金回笼,降低融资成本。第三、项目施工阶段分别在材料设备采购环节、开发建设和竣工结算决算控制成本。

    Compiled a good project capital budget to speed up the recovery of its investment , reduce financing costs . Third , the project construction phase in the material and equipment procurement chain , development and construction , and completion of the settlement accounts to control costs .

  22. 流动资产质量的存在性可以通过对流动资产率、存货流动资产率、两项资金占流动资产比、资金回笼率、异常资产占流动资产比指标分析来进行评价。

    The existence of the current assets quality is the rate of current assets , inventories current assets ratio , current assets accounted for two funds rate and capital return rate and abnormal asset accounting current assets ratio .

  23. 贷款人应关注大额及异常资金流入流出情况,加强对资金回笼账户的监控。

    The lender shall pay attention to the inflows and outflows of large-sum and abnormal capital and strengthen monitoring over capital recovery account .