
shù zì xiǎn shì
  • digital display
  1. 温控方式数字显示,PID调节,过热保护。

    Temp control Digital display , PID control , heat-triggered protector .

  2. 双排LED数字显示,并具有故障显示功能及报警功能;

    Double LED digital display , and has a fault display and alarm functions ;

  3. 这些数字显示就业人数总体在下降。

    The figures represent a general decline in employment .

  4. 数字显示在记分牌上。

    The figures flash up on the scoreboard

  5. 数字显示的读数是正确的。

    The digital reading is right .

  6. 统计数字显示,每名妇女的平均生育人数已从4人有所下降。

    Statistics show that the average number of births per woman has fallen from 4 .

  7. LED数字显示和控制电路

    Digital display of LED and control circuit

  8. 多功能LED数字显示钟的设计与实现

    Design of Multi_ Function LED Digital Clock

  9. 同时简要介绍了与PLC、数字显示表以及热偶真空计的串行通讯。

    And also introduce simply communicating with PLC , Data Display Device and Thermocouple Vacuometer .

  10. PLC控制系统的数字显示

    The Digital Display of PLC Control System

  11. FPGA解决方案降低了数字显示成本

    FPGA Cut The Cost of Digital Display

  12. 来自苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)的数字显示,并不是每个人都如此幸运。

    Figures from the Royal Bank of Scotland suggest that not everyone was so lucky .

  13. IBMPc/XT与MCS&51联机通讯控制大屏幕LED数字显示系统

    Large screen LED digital display system controled by way of IBM PC / XT with Mcs & 51 chip computer communicate

  14. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)的估计数字显示,按人均GDP衡量,中国2008年的排名在亚美尼亚之后。

    Measured by per-capita gross domestic product , International Monetary Fund estimates put China behind Armenia in 2008 .

  15. 将这些信号输入单片机系统进行处理,并输出到LED显示屏进行光柱模拟和数字显示。

    These signals are inputted into single-chip system to manage and the outputs are shown by LED display through light-pole analog and numeral tube mode .

  16. 通过引脚编程,可任意改变f0及Q值,实现中心频率的连续调节和数字显示。

    By pin programming f0 and Q can be changed , The center frequency can be also stage-less selected with digital display .

  17. FamilyOfficeExchange的数据显示,据估计,美国创建了2500至3000家家族事务公司,其他估计数字显示,欧洲有1200至1500家。

    An estimated 2,500-3,000 family offices have been created in the US , according to the Family Office Exchange , while other estimates put the number in Europe at 1,200-1,500 .

  18. 由教育部(EducationDepartment)公布的数字显示,全市有2.8万名学生参加了特殊高中招生考试(SpecializedHighSchoolAdmissionsTest),其中5701位得到了入学名额。

    The numbers disclosed by the Education Department showed that of the 28,000 students citywide who took the Specialized High School Admissions Test , 5,701 of them were offered seats .

  19. MCS-51管理的集中数字显示模块

    Centralized Digital Display Module Supervised by MCS-51

  20. JDPower的数字显示,今年7月中国轻型车销售总量同比大幅增长了60%,至103万辆。

    Total Chinese light vehicle sales in July were up a remarkable 60 per cent year-on-year at 1.03m vehicles , the JD Power figures show .

  21. 设计了基于可编程控制器PLC的程序控制系统、直流电动机的驱动控制系统和数字显示系统。

    The program controlling system based on PLC , the drive system for controlling DC motor and the digital showing system has been developed in present work .

  22. 上周公布的初步数字显示,在向希腊发放的1300亿欧元新贷款中,IMF的出资额将只有130亿欧元。

    Initial figures distributed last week suggested the IMF would only contribute € 13bn to the € 130bn in new Greek funding .

  23. 而据该校最新数字显示,曼谷哈罗分校的比例只有47%&略低于英国私立学校委员会(IndependentSchoolsCouncil)成员校50.5%的平均水平。

    At Harrow Bangkok it was only 47 per cent , according to the school 's latest figures – slightly below the 50.5 per cent average for members of Britain 's Independent Schools Council .

  24. 汽车业咨询公司JDPower给出的数字显示,在传统上属于销售淡季的7月份,通用在华的乘用车销售量同比增长了52%。

    GM passenger car sales in China rose 52 per cent year-on-year in July , traditionally a weak month , according to figures from JD Power , the car consultancy .

  25. 总部设在加利福尼亚州的苹果公司公布的数字显示,iPhone销量13年来首次下跌,让这个世界上最盈利的公司的股价随之下滑。

    The world 's most profitable company became less valuable this week when California-based Apple Inc. reported the first decline in iPhone sales in 13 years .

  26. 另外,根据实际需要,掺水燃烧的起停可以通过手动按键来控制,工况信号以及PWM输出占空比通过LED数字显示。

    In addition , start and stop of emulsifying combustion can be controlled by a manual button , and the working condition signal and PWM duty ratio can be displayed by digital LED .

  27. 最新数字显示,TDA的招聘目标超额完成2%。

    And the latest figures show the TDA topped its recruitment target by2 % .

  28. 该系统具有图形与数字显示功能,能直观地反映汽车ABS性能,可以迅速地显示车辆参数和道路参数对ABS性能的影响。

    The system has the functions of diagram and digital displaying . It can reflect the performance of ABS clearly , and can quickly display the effect on ABS performance .

  29. DVI接口标准的提出为现代数字显示技术提供了新一代通讯标准。

    The Digital Visual Interface is a new communication standard for the emerging digital display technology .

  30. GMAC数字显示,在这2%的考生中,约60%的人选择去英国、法国和西班牙攻读MBA。

    Some 60 per cent of those students choose to study in the UK , France and Spain , according to GMAC .