
  • 网络industry classification;Industry Category
  1. 基于行业分类的我国商业银行信用风险度量研究

    Credit Risk Measurement of Chinese Commercial Bank Based on Industry Classification

  2. 企业规模、行业分类与财务比率的统计研究

    Statistical research on enterprise size , industry classification and financial ratio

  3. 因此,国家经济行业分类制约着编制TSA的详细程度,从而影响TSA计量结果的准确性。

    Therefore , the Chinese Economic Activities Classification not only directly restrains how detailed the compilation of a tourism Satellite Account can be but also influence the accuracy of TSA measurement .

  4. 高级搜索:通过元数据、全球行业分类标准(GICS)、作者、类别、文件名、摘要、注释等等提供全面搜索。

    Advanced Search : Provide full search by metadata , GICS , author , category , file name , abstract , comments , etc.

  5. 我国林业机械与木工机械行业分类方法探讨

    Discussion about Classification Methods of Forestry and Woodworking Machines in China

  6. 汇丰银丰列出了这个新行业分类指数的回升情况。

    HSBC is citing an uptick in the new business sub-index .

  7. 首先,文章对新经济产业进行了行业分类;

    Firstly , the paper classifies the new economy industry ;

  8. 本表国有企业按旧的国民经济行业分类填写。

    Data are collected according to the former industry classification .

  9. 需要单独报告的行业分类的准则;

    Criteria for segmentation by line of business reported separately ;

  10. 采矿及采石业〔香港标准行业分类行业类别2〕

    Mining and Quarrying [ Industry Sector 2 of HSIC ]

  11. 行业分类约你将非常积极的。

    Industry buzz about you will be very positive .

  12. 我国旅行社行业分类制度成因的再探讨&对姚延波我国旅行社行业分类制度及其效率研究一文的补充研究

    Re-Investigation on Chinese Travel Service Classification Institution Industry

  13. “行业分类”必须选择!

    " industry sort " must be selected !

  14. 根据国家行业分类,参照地区的远近和经济发达程度,把中国股票市场的股票划分为21个行业、12个地区。

    The stocks in China stock market are divided into 21 industries and 12 districts .

  15. 医疗卫生行业分类范围覆盖不全面势必会产生诸多弊端。

    The healthcare industry classification which is not comprehensive is bound to cause many disadvantages .

  16. 不仅如此,尽管这些研究采用了相同或相似的行业分类标准,然而研究结果却相差甚大。

    Moreover , results of these studies which used the same service classification were totally different .

  17. 围绕这一目的,本文的主要工作:1.从行业分类角度分析了河北省大中型制造业企业的产业分布。

    From the industry classification analysis Industrial Distribution of large and medium manufacturing enterprises in Hebei Province .

  18. 婚礼用品分类可按性质分类、婚庆产品分类、以及行业分类。

    Wedding supplies classified according to the nature , the wedding product classification , as well as industry classification .

  19. 第三,通过对上证指数进行行业分类,找到引起股市泡沫的主要行业。

    Third , we classify the SSE industry sector and find the major sectors which cause the stock market bubble .

  20. 我国的通用分类标准已于2010年发布,银行业等行业分类标准的扩展也正在进行中。

    The China national generalized taxonomy was released in 2010 and the industry extension is in process , such as commercial bank .

  21. 一方面,我国近三十年来的对医疗卫生行业分类体系的探索和实践,需要从理论到实践、从方法到内容进行全面的整理、总结。

    On one hand , nearly three decades of medical industry classification system exploration and practice need summary from theory to practice and content .

  22. 根据《国民经济行业分类》(GB/T4754-2002)标准,核力发电(D4413)隶属于电力行业。

    According to the standards of the National Industries Classification ( GB / T4754-2002 ), the nuclear power is a part of the electricity industry .

  23. 金融类股成为重灾区,行业分类指数下跌5.3%,投资者匆忙判断它们在迪拜及整个中东地区的风险暴露程度。

    Financial stocks were the worst-hit sector , dropping 5.3 per cent as investors rushed to quantify their exposure to Dubai and the wider region .

  24. 与此同时,本文还引入行业分类指数变动率以消除股市波动对行权日行权价格的影响。

    This article also introduces industrial sorting exponential change ratio to eliminate the influence that the stock market fluctuation has on exercise price on the exercise day .

  25. 《国民经济行业分类》(GB/T4754-2002)对体育产业的首次定位,使我国体育产业指标体系的设置由需要变为现实。

    Sport industry firstly accepted by National Economical Industry Classification ( GB / T4754-2002 ) makes the need of establishing the indexes of sport industry to reality .

  26. 本论文研究所针对的农业上市公司是按照‘上市公司行业分类指引’所规定的范围来划分的。

    The present paper research aims at the agriculture listed company defers to the scope which the ` Listed company profession classification direction ' stipulated to divide .

  27. 本文主要按照行业分类,梳理了政策建议的思路。主要从政治、经济、文化、科学和技术等方面进行了分析、归纳和整理。

    This paper mainly summarized and analyzed in the political , economic , cultural , scientific and technological aspects in accordance with the recommendations of industry classification policy in this paper .

  28. 系统管理实现了通用数据设置、行业分类、数据上报、数据备份和口令设置等功能,并展示了团支部工作手册。

    System management to achieve a common data set , industry classification , data transmission , data backup and password settings and other functions , and show the League branch job handbook .

  29. 随着市场发展,市值和行业分类也会不断变化,因此在基金经理眼中,其自身的职责也会不断变化。所以,了解基金经理的工作方式十分重要。

    Market capitalisation and sector classifications are also constantly shifting as the market develops , so managers may see their duties changing , making it important to understand how a fund manager operates .

  30. 此外,该软件在行业分类、数据采集和处理流程方面也存在着一定的不足,如数据采集工作需要人为的完成,不能实现全自动化。

    In addition , the software in the industry classification , data acquisition and processing processes there is a certain lack of human completion , such as data collection , cannot achieve full automation .