
  • 网络Industry background;industrial background
  1. 在此基础上,以H公司为案例,首先介绍了行业背景、企业发展的基本情况。

    To H company , it introduces the industry background , the basic situation of enterprise development .

  2. 介绍了H公司的行业背景以及公司背景、H公司目前的管理应用情况、分析了目前存在的问题点以及问题产生的原因。

    H company introduced the industry background and company background , H company current management application , analysis of the current problems point and cause of the problem .

  3. 首先,介绍了B公司的行业背景与行业特征。

    Firstly , it introduces the background of auto industry and brief information of B Company .

  4. 第二部分介绍英语培训市场的行业背景并提出TOP外语专业学校产品结构所出现的问题。

    The second section gives the background of English training market and presents the product-mix problem of TOP school .

  5. 行业背景B.餐饮市场主要特点C。

    Background of the Industry B. Main Characters of Catering Market C.

  6. 在这种行业背景下,商业智能(Businessintelligence,以下简称BI)开始进入电信行业。

    In this industry context , the Business Intelligence ( Business Intelligence , hereinafter referred to as BI ) began to enter the telecommunications industry .

  7. 在这种行业背景下,原本在PC游戏开发中使用的脚本技术也逐步被引入了移动游戏开发中,而脚本语言的作用也逐渐被移动游戏行业所重视。

    In this context , the scripting technology used in PC games is introduced in mobile game development , and its superiority has been taken attention by the industry .

  8. 第一章论述了电力远程自动抄表系统的行业背景,以及嵌入式系统、GPRS移动数据业务的现状和发展趋势。

    Firstly , the thesis discusses the background of remote terminal power measurement system in chapter one . The development situation of embedded system and GPRS wireless network is also given .

  9. 整合现有的网络资源、拓展新型应用和业务势在必行,而IPTV新型业务的提出也是基于这一行业背景。

    It is necessary to integrate all existing network resources and exploit new types of applications and business , IPTV has gradually is bringing forward under this background .

  10. 本文最后认为:SQ公司的管理方式受到行业背景和企业历史因素的影响,既有优势又有劣势;

    Finally , the thesis concludes : the administration in the SQ company affected by the background and history factors , provides advantage as well as disadvantage ;

  11. 本论文结合行业背景及发展特点,根据JB公司的发展现状、供应链的结构、物流网络等对JB公司的物流成本进行分析及研究,从而改进物流流程及运作,以降低物流费用。

    This study is focusing on improving logistics flow and operation to reduce logistics cost considering industry background , JB company development condition , supply chain and logistics network .

  12. 国家大力发展信息化产业和创新型国家建设的政策扶持是半导体销售市场发展的首要因素,不断成熟的行业背景为AV公司提供了良好的发展机遇。

    According to the support from national IT developing and the innovation policy , the semiconductor sells market is in vigorously development , AV Corporation is facing the golden time as the mature profession background in poor developed .

  13. 依靠资深的IT行业背景和IT领域的人脉网络,IES已经在IT领域形成有效的人才解决竞争优势。

    Depended upon the senior IT profession background and the IT domain human arteries network , IES already forms the effective talented person in the IT domain to solve the competitive advantage .

  14. 本文围绕市场需求,以FCU生产线为研究对象,首先介绍了开利公司的现状及行业背景,阐述了本文研究的目标、内容及思路。

    It is focus on market demand . Firstly , the status and industry background of Carrier Corp is introduced in this paper , and then make an explanation of the objectives , content and ideas of this research .

  15. 论文以HX公司为背景,对机床制造行业背景和精益生产理论进行分析,主要以HX公司在当前激烈的竞争环境下推行精益生产方式、努力降本增效的活动为研究内容。

    The backdrop of the trade of machine tool manufacture and the theory of Lean production are analyzed by the text . It mainly researches on the application of Lean Production and the reducing cost activities in HX COMPANY in the more critical and competitive environment currently .

  16. 然后分析贵州成铁洪陆运输服务有限公司的外部环境,内容包括液氨及其运输介绍,液氨供需市场分析,HLC成立的行业背景,以及HLC的五种力量模型分析。

    Next it analyzes the external environment of HLC , which concentrates on the introduction of liquid ammonia and its transportation , the present supply and demand market of liquid ammonia , the industrial background of HLC foundation and the analysis of the five competing models to HLC .

  17. 第三部分是对企业及行业背景的介绍及分析。

    Part 3 is the introduction of National Semiconductor and IC industry .

  18. 这些结果与前人在其他行业背景下的研究成果有类似之处,同时也存在差异。

    The results show both similarities differences with former research .

  19. 有教育行业背景或高校市场工作经验者优先考虑。

    Candidate with experience in Education or College Market will be preferential .

  20. 有物流相关行业背景从优。

    Preferably in logistics , sales , marking or business related area .

  21. 具有化工行业背景,较好的口语优先。

    Chemical industry background and better oral English is preferred .

  22. 有着广泛的行业背景和优异的专业技能。

    Have extensive industry background and excellent professional skills .

  23. 行业背景对职业教育的影响

    On the Influence of Industry Background Upon Vocational Education

  24. 建设一批高水平的有行业背景特色的财经类大学

    On the Construction of First-class Universities of Finance and Economics Featured with Industrial Background

  25. 第一章转轨时期的经济背景和行业背景对中国保险中介制度的约束中国在计划经济基础上建立市场机制,首先需要解决经济转轨的路径选择问题。

    Part A Restraint of Macro-economy and Insurance Industry to the Insurance Middleman System .

  26. 具有外贸机械相关行业背景;

    Machinery-related industries with a foreign trade background ;

  27. 案例正文部分对广州港口机械实业总公司的发展历程、行业背景、竞争态势及当前公司发展战略现状进行了描述。

    The case describes the development history and present situation of Guangzhou Port Machinery Industry Corp.

  28. 中华体育网拥有强大的政府资源背景支持和专业的行业背景。

    China Sports Network is supported powerful government resources and has a professional industry background .

  29. 五是目前在搞经济型酒店的投资者绝大多数都无酒店业的行业背景。

    Fifthly , most of the investors do not have the background of managing business hotels .

  30. 基于不同高校的行业背景和人才培养方案,各高校有不同的实验室建设方案。

    Laboratory construction projects vary in different institutions with different trade backgrounds and talent cultivation plans .