
xínɡ wéi zhì liáo
  • behavioral therapy
  1. 这项研究关注电脑辅助认知行为治疗,发现在治疗抑郁症方面,电脑辅助的认知行为治疗并不比病人们从个初级护理医生那里得到的普通的治疗更有效。

    The study looked at computer-assisted cognitive behavioral therapy ( CBT ) and found that it was no more effective in treating depression than the usual care patients receive from a primary care doctor .

  2. 以下是根据认知行为治疗所提出的两种击退负面思考的方法。

    Here are two strategies based on cognitive behavioral therapy to defeat your negative thinking .

  3. 尽管如此,在线的认知行为治疗项目越来越受到欢迎,因为它可以在任何有电脑的地方为人们提供低成本的帮助,这一点非常具有吸引力。

    However , online CBT programs have been gaining popularity , with the attraction of providing low-cost help wherever someone has access to a computer .

  4. 四个月后,使用电脑化认知行为治疗方式的病人在抑郁程度的改善上并未超过只接受医生常规治疗的病人。

    After four months , the patients using the computerized CBT programs had no improvement in depression levels over the patients who were only getting usual care from their doctors .

  5. 传统的认知行为治疗法是一种十分有效的针对抑郁症的谈话治疗方式,它帮助人们挑战消极思想,改变人们的思维方式,从而改变他们的情绪和行为。

    Traditional CBT is considered an effective form of talk therapy for depression , helping people challenge negative thoughts and change the way they think in order to change their mood and behaviors .

  6. 这些病人被分为三组:一组病人只接受来自医生的常规治疗,而其他两组则在接受一个医生的常规治疗的同时还接受两种电脑化认知行为治疗项目之一。

    The patients were split into three groups : one group received only usual care from a physician while the other two groups received usual care from a physician plus one of two computerized CBT programs .

  7. 研究发现,最好的治疗方法是同时结合抗抑郁药物治疗和认知行为治疗(CBT)。

    The study found that the best treatment was a combination of antidepressant and cognitive behavioral therapy , or C.B.T.

  8. 认知行为治疗(CBT)又是诸多的心理治疗流派中,被研究者对多,效果最为确切的治疗手段。

    Cognitive-behavior therapy ( CBT ) is the best provided psychotherapy for the treatment of it with a comparable effect with pharmacological treatment .

  9. 标准治疗就是使用一线OCD治疗药物包括选择性5-羟色胺再吸收抑制剂和三环抗抑郁药如氯丙咪嗪再加上行为治疗。

    Standard , first-line OCD treatment typically includes selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors ( SSRIs ) and tricyclic antidepressants such as clomipramine , along with behavioral therapies .

  10. 方法对45例IBS患者随机分组,19例采用常规药物为对照组,26例采用常规药物结合心理、行为治疗为实验组。

    Methods To divide 45 cases IBS patients randomly , 19 cases used routine medicine is control group , 26 cases used routine medicine combined mental , action therapy is experimental group .

  11. 在政策建言中,经常可以看到这种新式幸福调查的影响.例如,经济学家洛德莱亚德(lordlayard)呼吁政府为认知行为治疗学家提供更多资金。

    The new happiness research is starting to show up in policy proposals - for example , the economist Lord Layard is campaigning for more government funding for cognitive behavioural therapists .

  12. 方法对30例病人应用行为治疗并进行对照观察,以NOSIE-30及SANS评分为依据。

    Methods 30 inpatients received behavior therapy and their conditions were observed and compared . The evaluation gists were NOSIE-30 and SANS score .

  13. 方法:1、理论探讨法:主要通过古今文献研究、病因病机探讨,找出中医对LDH的发病原理的认识、目前治疗LDH的最新进展以及中医心理认知行为治疗方法特点。

    Through research the ancient and modern literature , to find principles of Chinese medicine on the the pathogenesis of LDH . present the latest progress of the treatment and Chinese medicine treatment of psychological cognitive behavioral characteristics . 2 .

  14. 哈佛公开课-幸福课课程节选认知也是如此,我们会深入讨论认知,当谈到认知行为治疗时。cognizant['kɔɡnizənt]adj.审理的;已认知的

    The same with cognition and we will talk a lot about it when we talk about CBT -- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy .

  15. 在进入此研究后的一年中接受行为治疗的患者用于治疗他们的TMJ的平均花费为132美元,而在研究前的数月他们的花费为76美元。

    In the year after entering the study , patients who received the behavioral therapy spent $ 132 , on average , on their TMJ care , versus $ 768 in the months before the study .

  16. 在治疗过程中以及在随访时,我们应用BDI、SCL-90和GAF对病人进行评定。结果显示,认知行为治疗有效好的远期疗效并能起到一定的预防复发的作用。

    Each case was assessed with BDI , SCL-90 and GAF between therapeutic course and follow-up study , which may objectively evaluate the long curative effects and relapse prevention of cognitive behavioral therapy .

  17. 目前对ADHD的治疗可以分为药物治疗和非药物治疗,药物治疗作用有限且有一定副作用,非药物治疗方法中行为治疗因其疗效明显且无副作用而逐渐受到重视。

    The treatment of ADHD can be divided into drug treatment and non-drug treatment . Drug treatment plays a limited role and has some side effects , non-drug treatment of behavior therapy gradually be taken seriously because of its apparent efficacy without the side effects .

  18. 目前很少有人研究治疗心身疾病的最好方式,但奥沙利文常常建议她的病人去看精神科医生或进行认知行为治疗(cognitivebehaviouraltherapist)。这种疗法或许可以解开致病痛苦或心灵创伤。

    There is currently precious little research on the best way to treat psychosomatic illness , but she tends to refer her patients to psychiatrists or to a cognitive behavioural therapist ( CBT ) who might be able to unknot the distress or trauma that is leading to the illness .

  19. 结论:1.行为治疗中,治疗师使用较多的解释、反映、建议和确认等VRM模式,可较好地实现行为分析、制定行为计划、塑造积极行为模式等主要操作技术。

    VRM such as Interpretation , Reflection , Confirmation and Advisement could be used to implement the main techniques in behavioral therapy including : behavior analyzing , making behavior plans , shaping positive behavior patterns and so on . 2 .

  20. 多数研究支持认知-行为治疗对抑郁障碍的疗效,但可能有部分研究存在设计方面的不足,CBT的适用对象和疗效的持续时间尚无定论,国内对CBT疗效的大样本研究基本空白。

    Generally , most studies support efficacy of CBT for depressive disorders . But some studies may have certain deficient in designing , CBT 's suitable objects and duration of its efficacy are still uncertain , and there are rare large-scale researches on the utility of CBT in our country .

  21. 结果表明,治疗组病人的NORS总分和前20项评分较对照组低,均有显著性差异(P<0001)。提示行为治疗能改善精神病病人的生活自理能力和社会适应能力。

    The results showed that in the treated group the total scores of NORS and the scores of the first 20 items were lower than in control group ( P < 0 001 ) , suggesting behavioral treatment can improve the ability of daily living and social adaptation .

  22. 美国已有一些项目为儿童提供帮助。但是LucieCluver说“要做的还有很多”。她说,因艾滋病成为孤儿或与患病的成年人居住在一起的儿童迫切地需要进行干预,例如认知行为治疗和支持组织。

    There are programs to help children , but Lucie Cluver says there is " far more to be done . " She says interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy and support groups are " urgently needed " for those orphaned by AIDS or living with sick adults .

  23. 焦虑性障碍中认知行为治疗与药物治疗的相互作用

    Interaction between Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Pharmacological Treatment in Anxiety Disorders

  24. 认知行为治疗首发精神分裂症的近期疗效

    The short-term Effect of Cognitive Behavior Therapy on First Episode Schizophrenia

  25. 认知行为治疗33例焦虑症临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Cognitive - behavior in Treatment of 33 Anxiety

  26. 高通气综合征的认知行为治疗培养高中学生积极情绪的认知行为干预

    Cognition-behavior therapy for cultivating positive emotions in senior high school students

  27. 这种治疗是认知行为治疗和生物反馈治疗联合的一种治疗。

    The treatment is a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy and biofeedback ;

  28. 住院康复精神分裂症社交能力不足者的集体行为治疗

    Group Behavior Therapy of Recovering Inpatients with Schizophrenia and Social Deficit

  29. 青少年网络成瘾认知行为治疗的对照研究

    Control Study of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy in Adolescents with Internet Addiction Disorder

  30. 认知行为治疗慢性失眠症112例报告

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for The Chronic Insomnia of 112 Cases