
  • 网络Industry Selection;sector selection
  1. 企业多元化战略与目标行业选择研究

    Research on Diversification Strategy and Selection of Target Industry for Corporation

  2. 行业选择对企业市场价值的影响

    The Influence of Industry Selection on the Enterprise Market Value

  3. 企业行业选择研究

    Business Data ENTERPRISE Research on Enterprises ' Industry Selection

  4. 乡镇企业多元化进程中行业选择策略研究

    Research on the Strategy of Industrial Selection in Diversification

  5. 新疆中小企业创业行业选择的理论和实践探索

    Industry Choice Exploration of SME 's Entrepreneurs Strategy

  6. 第二,行业选择能力。

    The second is the industry selection ability .

  7. 第三章简单介绍了目前可供服装行业选择的七种不同物流管理战略:协同化物流战略:集群化物流战略;全球化物流战略;

    Chapter Three introduces current seven kinds of logistics management strategy of garments industry .

  8. 企业经营决策中的行业选择与评价的研究

    Industry Choice and Evaluation in Business Management Decisions

  9. 系统分析法运用系统工程的思想,把企业自身的资源、能力和前两者结合起来,形成了一套符合企业长远战略规划的多元化目标行业选择方法。

    The system analysis constructs an object business selection method according to corporation long-term scheme .

  10. 以此为基础,采用综合效益代价分析方法,建立了基于景气指数的行业选择模型。

    Thus , the industry selection model is constructed via comprehensive Benefit and Expense Analysis .

  11. 论文研究了乡镇企业规模经济战略遵循的基本原则,行业选择,投资决策等,并以格兰仕规模经济战略为例,分析了规模经济战略成功的基本条件。

    Firstly . the thesis analyze basic principles , industry choice . investment decision-making to TVEs .

  12. 试论股票投资的行业选择

    On industry choice in stock investment

  13. 根据不同行业选择不同种类型的接种液,通过实验,得到了较理想的结果。

    According to different trades to select different kinds , it has achieved ideal results by experiment .

  14. 在行业选择方面,跨国公司在华并购主要集中在制造业,发生在服务业的外资并购增长迅速。

    Considering industry selection , Foreign Capital M & As focused on manufacturing , but increased rapidly in services .

  15. 第7章探讨了家族企业生命周期多维模型以外的行业选择和规模边界对家族企业生命周期的影响。

    It discusses how choices for industries and boundary of scales impact on life cycle of family business besides multidimensional model in chapter 7 .

  16. 促进女性就业可以从发展经济、行业选择和加大职业培训立法等几个方面入手。

    To promote women 's employment we should further develop the economy , advise them on the choice of career and improve the legislation concerning vocational training .

  17. 本文从并购目标企业所在行业选择、所在地域选择、所处经营状况选择等方面对企业并购中目标企业选择的纳税筹划进行探讨。

    In this paper , the author analysed tax planing of the selection of target enterprise in M & A from the selection of target enterprise of the industry , the host region , and the operation conditions .

  18. 从多元化的动机出发,通过实证分析给出多元化行业选择的一个原则:多元化新旧行业间要有较大的跨度。

    Starting from the motivation of the diversification , and through the empirical analysis , this paper puts forward a principle for the diversified profession selection : between the diversified new and old professions there must be a bigger span .

  19. 其次从企业现有能力水平、能力特性、能力匹配效率、能力之间的相关关系出发来研究最优的企业多元化的程度、模式、行业选择及多元化途径,讨论企业实施多元化应具备的必要的能力体系;

    Secondly , it is researched the optimum degree , mode , choice of the industries and the way of the diversification depended on the existing level , the characteristics and the matching efficiency of the competence , and the relationship between the competence .

  20. 结合我国并购主体与行业选择的变化,区位选择也逐渐开始理性并保持均衡稳定,不再集中于某一个地区,而是以更为成熟的视角来整合全球资源。

    The combination of Chinese M & A change of subject and industry selected location choice are also beginning to rational and maintain a balanced and stable , no longer of any one region , but a more mature perspective to integrate global resources .

  21. 台积电前首席执行官蔡力行(RickTsai)被任命为一个新部门的主管,该部门负责探索绿色能源和发光二极管(LED)照明行业的选择。

    Rick Tsai , the former chief executive , was named head of a unit to explore options in the green energy and LED lighting sectors .

  22. 营销创新:中国家电行业的选择

    Marketing Innovation : Choice for the Household Appliance Industry in China

  23. 不同的行业会选择不同的制服。

    Different professions will choose different colors for their uniforms .

  24. 企业多元化进入时机与目标行业识别选择研究

    Research on Identifying and Selecting Entry Opportunity and Industry for Corporation Diversification

  25. 未来我国第三产业重点行业的选择与发展

    Choosing and Development of the Preference Ternary Industry in China

  26. 第三阐述了发展的条件和重点现代服务行业的选择。

    The third it expounds thedevelopment conditions and key of modern service industry choice .

  27. 也就是说,国有企业要依据具体情况在不同的行业有选择地进入和退出。

    That is to say the state-owned enterprises should enter and exit some fields according as specific condition .

  28. 该方案将会使保险范围扩大,包括公共选择保险机构来增加保险行业的选择和竞争。

    The bill will coverage , including a public option to boost choice and competition in the health insurance reform .

  29. 这些特点决定一个电子行业容易选择低成本战略,成为行业中成本较低的制造商,才能在行业中立于不败之地。

    These characteristics determine a strategy for low-cost the electronics industry to choose , becoming lower cost manufacturers of the industry .

  30. 那么在此背景下,我们来研究能源制约条件下云南省未来工业主要行业的选择问题具有重要的现实意义,对保证我省经济的又快又好发展具有重要的战略意义。

    So in this background , it has a great significance to study the future selection of the major sectors in industry under the conditions of energy constraint in Yunnan province .