
xínɡ zhènɡ zhí zé
  • administrative duties;administrative obligation
  1. 国会法案所赋予他们的行政职责。

    Administrative duties laid upon them by acts of parliament .

  2. 随着环境污染和破环的日益严重,严境管理成了各国政府一项重要行政职责。

    As environmental pollution and destroy the increasingly serious environmental management became governments , an important administrative duties .

  3. 按照政府的行政职责和行政程序,将政府信用划分为管理信用、服务信用和领导人信用,并逐一对政府信用的内容和原则进行了理论阐发。

    Furthermore , it illustrates the contents and principles of the government credit .

  4. 但是,计划要求先由已退休美国将军杰伊?加纳领导的团队来执行行政职责。

    First , though , plans call for a team led by retired United States Army General Jay Garner to have administrative responsibility .

  5. 忠诚德性要求公务员在行使公共权力、管理公共事务的活动中,忠诚于公共利益、国家法律、行政职责和行政良知。

    Loyalty virtue requests civil servants should loyal to the public interest , national laws , administrative duties and administrative conscience during in the exercise of public authority and management of public affairs activities .

  6. 对于服务型政府,其行政职责就是为社会提供公共品和公共服务,并且将管理社会和管理自身事务作为行政目标。

    The administration duties of service government are to provide the society with public items and public service and targeted on managing the society and the matters of the government itself as the administration objectives .

  7. 从而,转变政府职能,理顺省、市、县三级之间的行政职责权限,解决市县博弈冲突,促进县域经济腾飞,解决县乡财政困难,最终成功推行省直管县体制。

    Thus , to transform government functions ; to rationalize the provincial , city and county levels of administrative duties and responsibilities ; to resolve the conflict game cities and counties ; to promote country economy growth ; to solve the financial difficulties of counties , advance this system successfully .

  8. 汇丰(HSBC)将扮演托管银行的角色,持有投资者资产、控制付款电子记录并履行行政管理职责。

    HSBC will act as custodian bank , holding the investors ' assets , controlling electronic records on payments and performing administrative duties .

  9. 政府职能是政府行政管理职责与功能作用的统一;

    The government 's function is the unity of administration 's duty .

  10. 县级以上地方人民政府交通主管部门可以决定由公路管理机构依照本法规定行使公路行政管理职责。

    Transportation departments of local people 's governments at and above the county level may decide to entrust road management organizations to exercise the duties of highway administration according to the provisions of this law .

  11. 二是关于行政领导的职责;

    Second , the duty of the administration leader ;

  12. 第二十六条处理日常事务是主席和行政秘书的职责。

    Dealing with daily affairs is the responsibility of the president and administration secretary .

  13. 第二,明确县级教育行政部门的职责,加强对师资的管理、调控和监督力度。

    Clear county educational administrative departments of the responsibility to strengthen teacher management , regulation and supervision .

  14. 关于扩招后普通高等教育质量保障体系的思考&兼论省级教育行政部门的职责

    A Reflection of Quality Guarantee System of Higher Education after the Enrollment Expangding & The Duty of the Educational Administration at Provincial Level

  15. 法律、法规、规章和其他规范性文件对行政机关履行职责的期限另有规定的,从其规定。

    Where the laws , regulations or other normative documents provide otherwise on time limits for performing the duties of the administrative organ , those provisions shall prevail .

  16. 司法行政机关的职责应偏重于管理,而律师协会的核心职责应该是保护和发展律师行业。

    The duty of the judicial organs is to control the lawyer , but the duty of the lawyer 's association should be to protect and develop the lawyer 's trade .

  17. 行政监督主体职责不分、地位不高、利益保障不完善是行政监督效能较低的主要原因。

    Responsibility of administrative supervisor was not divided , position was not advanced , and benefit guarantee was not perfect . These are the major reasons administrative supervisor has lower efficiency .

  18. 水管单位根据各自状况进行分类定性后,水管单位的内部控制如部门预算、经济行为选择、行政审批、职责分离、会计控制等都面临一系列新问题。

    After qualitative classification of water management units in accordance with their conditions , a series of new issues are encountered for internal control such as sector budget , selection of economic behavior , and administrative approval , separation of functions and duties , and accounting control .

  19. 行政主厨的主要职责是管理。

    An executive chef is one whose duties are primarily managerial .

  20. 这是2节英语商务播客中的第2节,将学到有关行政助理及其工作职责,和与之相关的词汇和搭配。

    This is the second in a two-part Business English Pod series on administrative assistants , their jobs , and related vocabulary and collocations .

  21. A单位是某市的一个正处级行政机关,主要职责是负责省级开发区的经济发展和社会事务管理。

    Unit A is a public administrative department of one city , which is in charge of economic development and the management of social business in economic development zone .

  22. 政府组织结构、行政过程、管理职责、机构改革、政府绩效诸要素决定了电子政务网络的复杂性。

    The complexity of electronic government network is decided by many elements as organization structure of the government , processing of administration , responsibility of management , organization reform and government performance .

  23. 再次,公立医院运行监管职责和权力分配上存在不匹配,导致公立医院运行监管效率低下,这一问题集中表现为卫生行政部门出资人职责履行机构角色有名无实。

    Thirdly , public hospital internal regulation responsibility and authority are not appropriate in different regulators , that cause the inefficiency of public hospital internal regulation . The focus of the problem is the nominal of Health administrative department as the institution to fulfill the responsibilities of investor .

  24. 本文所探讨的行政不作为仅指不履行行政职责行政不作为。

    The administrative omission that this text inquires only means administrative omission without nonperformance administrative obligation .

  25. 但是目前我国的政府环境行政责任制度本身在赋予政府环境行政职责时不够科学合理,导致实践当中,政府不能有效地履行环境职责。

    However , the Chinese administrative responsibility system itself , which provides the Government its administrative duties , is lack of environmental scientific and rational element in practical .

  26. 从公路行政主体的名称、行政职权与行政职责以及主体资格三方面对新旧路政管理规定进行比较,对公路行政主体内涵的变化进行了探讨。

    Comparing the new and old management regulations on highway administration from three aspects of the name of the highway administration executive , administration authority and duty , and executive qualification , this article discusses the connotation changes of the highway administration executive .

  27. 行政不作为是行政主体有积极实施行政职责的义务而不实施的违法行政行为。

    Administrative omission is an illegal administrative act of a administrative subject which do not perform its active obligation .

  28. 行政行为选择是行政主体在行政领域特别是履行行政职责过程中必然面临的实践课题。

    The choice of administrative behavior is the practical problem that administrators are faced with inevitably in the domain of administration , especially when they do their duties .

  29. 行政法官应尽可能轮流办案,他们不得履行与行政法官的职责和责任不相符的职责。

    Administrative law judges shall be assigned to cases in rotation so far as practicable , and may not perform duties inconsistent with their duties and responsibilities as administrative law judges .

  30. 因此,积极探索行政效率的理论和实践问题,对于高效率的开展行政活动,正确履行行政职责,实现国家的职能,对公众创造更多的福利显得非常重要。

    So it is very necessary to do researches on the administration efficiency from the theory and practice , which will help us raise the administration efficiency , perform administrative duties correctly , achieve national functions , create more public welfare .