
  • 网络sina;Sina News
  1. “可能就像(中国的)新年吧,就是外国人过的节。”19岁的魏这么对中国的新浪新闻说。

    Photograph : Imaginechina / Rex " Maybe it 's like [ Chinese ] New Year for foreigners , " says 19-year-old Wei , a worker who came to Yiwu from rural Guizhou province this year , speaking to Chinese news agency Sina .

  2. 设计并实现了基于协议驱动与事件驱动的综合聚焦爬虫原型系统,针对新浪新闻评论数据,在综合聚焦爬虫框架中,使用易扩展向量模型实现二层网页关联聚焦爬行。

    We design and implement a prototype system , which is based on the combination of protocol-driven and event-driven . For sina news and comment data , we use the vector model easy to extend to implement two layer pages associated focused crawling in the framework of combined focused crawler .

  3. 在中国新浪新闻上,对于这种新型隐形材料用途没有详述,但是很可能用于中国的战斗机上,特别是机型J-20。

    Although the station didn 't explain what the invisibility cloak ' metamaterial ' would be used for , according to Chinese news portalSina , it is likely to be used on the country 's warplanes , particularly the J-20 .

  4. 如果周末没有播放你的比赛,我忍不住会半夜起来到新浪看新闻。

    I will surf news on Sina website to satisfy my concern if the TV does not broadcast your game .

  5. 新浪,以其新闻、索引擎和拍卖功能,给盛大带来了广阔商机。

    Sina , with news , a search engine and auctions , offers Shanda a broader business .