
  • 网络News story;newspaper story
  1. 她很善于发现好的新闻故事。

    She has a good nose for a good news story .

  2. 基于音视频特征和文字信息自动分段新闻故事

    News Story Automatic Segmentation Based on Audio-visual Features and Text Information

  3. 为了测试这种可能性,伯杰博士研究了人们如何传播一组特定的新闻故事:《纽约时报》网站上的数千篇文章。

    To test for that possibility , Dr . Berger looked at how people spread a particular set of news stories : thousands of articles on The New York Times ' website .

  4. 每一项RSS提要传送包括摘要形式的最新新闻故事。

    Each RSS feed consists of the most recent news stories in summary form .

  5. 我发表的第一篇新闻故事《大熊猫中餐馆,德卢斯中国人的家》在当时的明尼苏达大学德卢斯校区写作系主管的LakeVoiceNews上获得了该网站创办以来的最高点击率。

    My first published story Giant Panda home for Chinese Duluthians received the highest view count on Lake Voice News ran by Writing Department at UMD .

  6. 有些人喜欢Reddit显示关于新闻故事的评论时所采用的模式,因为它综合考虑了新闻故事评定的方法及其时间顺序这两个要素。

    Some people like Reddit 's scheme for displaying comments on stories , which takes into account how they have been rated as well as their chronology .

  7. 话题追踪是TDT的一个子任务,它的目的是监控新闻故事流识别出与预先给定几个新闻故事表述的话题相关的后继故事。

    Topic tracking is a subtask of TDT . It aims at monitoring the stream of news stories to find additional stories on a topic that is identified using several sample stories .

  8. 此外,您还可以看到“UpcomingStories”选项卡,里面收录的是那些正面(“digg”)或负面(“bury”)投票数还不足以决定其是否值得突出显示的新闻故事。

    You can see the " Upcoming Stories " tab , which is sort of the inbox of submitted stories that do not yet have enough positive (" digg ") or negative (" bury ") votes to be deemed worthy of promotion .

  9. 这个也可以在你的应用里实现,但最好是在FastSOA里做这件事,因为内容(新闻故事和RSSfeeds)通常都包含time-to-live值,所以非常适合FastSOA的中间层缓存。

    This can be done in your application but is better done in FastSOA because the content ( news stores and RSS feeds ) usually include time-to-live values that are ideal for FastSOA 's mid-tier caching .

  10. 与digg.com相比,Reddit的界面简单得多(您可能会说这个界面太过“实际”,但这并非坏事),由于摘要更为简短,因此就能列出更多的头条新闻故事。

    The Reddit interface is much simpler (" utilitarian ", you might say , but this can be a good thing ), and more of the top stories are listed because of the briefer summaries .

  11. 新闻故事化在新闻写作中一直备受关注。

    News story prepares continuously in news writing is paid attention .

  12. 过去,人们曾试过以一条时间轴来显示新闻故事。

    Showing news stories on a timeline has been tried before .

  13. 第44题,这篇新闻故事的主题是什么?

    NO.44 What is the main topic of the news story ?

  14. 新闻故事对两性的刻板印象是加强还是挑战?

    Are male and female stereotypes reinforced or challenged in news stories ?

  15. 受害者这个新闻故事是否清晰地把这个人确立为受害者?

    Victim Does the story clearly identify this person as a victim ?

  16. 选择一个主题,你认为最能描述这个新闻故事的报导方式。

    Choose ONE subject that best describes how the story is reported .

  17. 实验表明,本文的新闻故事单元自动分割算法具有令人满意的效果。

    Experiments show that this segmentation algorithm has satisfactory results .

  18. 新闻故事化报道的再认识

    Again Knowing of News Reporting in the Method Jin Weidong

  19. 他们策划了一个新闻故事以转移人们对丑闻的注意力。

    They engineered a news story to divert attention from the scandal .

  20. 我们的使命是尽可能快、尽可能准确地生产新闻故事。

    Our mission is to produce stories as quickly and accurately as possible .

  21. 为了寻找好的新闻故事,在他们眼里没有什么是神圣不可侵犯的。

    In their search for a good news story , nothing is sacred .

  22. 新的站点显示了最新的新闻故事。

    News sites show the latest news stories .

  23. 本文是一篇倒金字塔形状的典型的新闻故事。

    This is a typical news story , written in an inverted pyramid format .

  24. 只对一般的新闻故事进行编码&排除社论、评论和读者来信。

    Code regular news stories only-not editorials , commentaries , letters to the editor .

  25. 2005年《国家地理》10大新闻故事

    Top Ten National Geographic News Stories of 2005

  26. 但愿没有他们的相关新闻故事发生。

    Hopefully , no stories in the press .

  27. 这是我们将要持续一周的暑假新闻故事。

    It 's a part of our week-long look back at summer news stories .

  28. 正确的新闻故事分析能更加有效的检索到我们想要的片段。

    The correct news stories analysis can be more effective to retrieval what we want .

  29. 基于上下文信息的新闻故事单元分割

    News Story Segmentation Based on Contextual Information

  30. 这则新闻故事源于巴黎。

    The news story originated in paris .