
xīn jīng jì
  • new economy
新经济[xīn jīng jì]
  1. 构建新经济:WTO对中国意味着什么?

    Building the New Economy : What Does WTO Mean for China ?

  2. 文章分析了e时代我国网络咨询业的市场前景和新经济对网络咨询业的影响。

    This paper discusses the prospect of market about Internet Consulting and how new economy affects it at e-age in China .

  3. 新经济政策可能给该党带来灾难性的后果。

    The new economic policies could prove suicidal for the party .

  4. APEC各成员将就经济改革、新经济、创新增长、包容性支持和城镇化等五大支柱领域展开交流对话,发掘亚太新一轮经济增长的新动力。

    APEC members will discuss key fields such as economic reforms , innovation and urbanization . They will explore new momentum for regional growth .

  5. 新型的适合大企业集团的网络组织模式&IO(InternetOrganization,联网组织)可以使大企业集团很好地适应新经济快速多变的特性。

    Internet Organization ( IO ) , as a new type of network organization , can make the great enterprise be well suitable for the new-economy 's characters .

  6. 第3部分分析了传统价值递减理论与新经济时代的价值递增理论,从而进一步分析了e化价值链管理的重要战略意义。

    Part 3 analyzes the traditional theory of value descending and the new theory of value ascending and emphasizes the important strategic significance of E-VCM .

  7. 新经济地理学视角下的FDI区位选择&基于中国省际面板数据的实证分析

    The Selection According to the New Economic Geography of FDI Regions : A Case Study Based on China 's Inter-provincial Panel Data

  8. 如何对传统财务管理流程进行再造;EVA理论以其独特的优越性,在新经济时代下向传统财务管理提出挑战。

    In the new economy , theory of EVA has challenged the tradition performance evaluation due to the superiority .

  9. 实施企业X再造进而达到文化再造将是新经济下形成具有核心竞争力的创新性企业文化、推动企业前进的源动力。

    Carrying out the X Re-creation of enterprises and then achieving cultural re-creation is the motive power for an enterprise to form key competitive and creative culture , and to promote the enterprise itself under neo-economy .

  10. 我欣赏的公司是YCombinator,原因是它意识到了一种新经济的到来。

    One company that I admire is Y Combinator for realizing that there 's a new economy coming .

  11. CRM(客户关系管理)之所以能够成为热点与其所能够实现的强大功能以及企业的迫切需求有着直接的关系,而企业的需求又与CRM在新经济的环境下所能解决的问题密切相关。

    As a result of strong function which CRM could accomplish , and the relations with urgent needs in enterprises , CRM have been more and more important . Also the demands of enterprise are related with some problems of CRM in the new economic environment .

  12. 在以网络科技和知识管理为特征的新经济背景下,BPR不仅作为一种提高效率、降低成本的一般性管理方法,更应该将其与企业的竞争战略相结合。

    Under the background of new economy with the characteristic of network technology and knowledge management , BPR is used not only as a general management method for increasing efficiency and reducing cost , but also to be combined together with competitive strategy .

  13. 美国新经济增长与克林顿政府的财政政策研究

    American New Economic Growth and Clinton Administration 's Fiscal Policy Research

  14. 新经济对我国经济发展的借鉴意义

    Brief Analysis New Economy to Our Country Economy Development Model Significance

  15. 略论新经济时代金融业面临的挑战与对策

    Challenges of Banking Industry in the New Economy Age and Countermeasures

  16. 新经济环境下的管理会计创新

    The Innovation of Management Accounting In the Environment of New Economy

  17. 欧洲新经济建设与旧体制改革

    Europe 's new economic construction and its reform of old system

  18. 新经济与人文精神具有紧密的内在联系。

    The new economy and humanities spirit has the close inside contact .

  19. 新经济环境下人力资源考评的发展趋势

    The Developing Trend of the Human-Power Resoure Examination Onder the New Economy

  20. 新经济中的非主流

    Personal websites : non - mainstream in the new economy

  21. 新经济自由主义研究中应该注意区分的若干问题

    Some Problems should be Understood When We Research Neo - liberal Economics

  22. 以系列企业管理创新迎接新经济环境

    Receive the New Economic Environment with Series Enterprise Management Innovation

  23. 新经济环境下的企业知识管理战略

    The knowledge management strategy of enterprise in new economic environment

  24. 新经济制度的伦理解构

    The Ethical Explain and Construction of the New Economic System

  25. 新经济形势下收入分配统计问题研究

    Research on the Statistical Issues of Income Distribution in New Economic Situation

  26. 首先,文章对新经济产业进行了行业分类;

    Firstly , the paper classifies the new economy industry ;

  27. 新经济增长点与可持续发展

    The New Growth Point of Economy and the Sustainable Development

  28. 新经济时代人才创新素质的培养

    On Cultivating Innovative Quality of Talent in New Economic Era

  29. 它们在理论上的承袭可以追溯到列宁的新经济政策。

    Their theory source could trace down the Lenin-s new economy policy .

  30. 新经济:新问题新思考

    The New Economy : New Questions and New Considerations