
  1. 谷歌同时也新增了人手,帮助进行新消费电子设备的功能和美学设计。近期收购摩托罗拉移动公司(MotorolaMobility)也极大扩张了其在无线技术和手机设计方面的专业知识。

    But it also added talent to help with both the function and aesthetics of new consumer devices , while its recent purchase of Motorola Mobility will sharply expand its expertise in wireless technology and handset design .

  2. 新消费税实施对汽车价格和消费行为的影响

    Influence of New Consumption Tax on Automobile Price and Consumption Behavior

  3. 中国人的新消费时代?

    A new consumption era for Ch in ese people ?

  4. 新消费趋势这股浪潮迅速席卷中国。

    The wave of the new consumer trends swept through China rapidly .

  5. 对推行新消费策略的思考

    Reflections on Promoting the New Consumer Strategy

  6. 新消费观与设计思想&专卖店购物环境设计趋势

    New Consume Standpoints and Design Idea & The Designing Tendency of Shopping - space on Monopoly Store

  7. 住宅集中空调&21世纪的新消费热点

    Residential Central Air Conditioning System : A New Expenditure Hot Point in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  8. 观察家们说,各种社会趋势混合在一起,使韩国的年轻人成为新消费时尚的开创者。

    A confluence of social trends has elevated young Koreans to their newfound status as consumer trendsetters , observers say .

  9. 基本理论是对论文写作的理论基础的阐述,它将传统消费者行为理论和新消费理论结合共同指导旅游消费领域,力求研究的系统性。

    Basic theory expound the theory base of writing the thesis , which study tourist consumption behavior with traditional and consumer behavior theories .

  10. 纺织业内专家汪前进认为,新消费时代的到来,对于纺织内销市场无疑是重大利好。

    Wang Qianjin , an expert of textile industry believes the new consumer ear is very beneficial for domestic consumption of textile industry .

  11. 新消费趋势的现象有着无限延伸的趋势,因为企业的革新能力是无限的,消费者的情感需求也是无止境的。

    The trends has unlimited extension , because the innovation of enterprises are infinite , the emotional needs of consumers is also endless .

  12. 聘请健身私人练成为了一种新消费理念和新生活方式,因此,私人教练逐渐在中国以及西安普及。

    Employ fitness private practice in order to a new consumption idea and a new way of life , therefore , private coach gradually in China and xian popularity .

  13. 尽管网络团购的出现只有两年多时间,却已成为在网民中流行的一种新消费方式。

    Although it has been only two years since the emergence of team buying on the Internet , it has become a new way of consumption popular among the netizens .

  14. 他说,这十个汉字显示了公众对于新消费税政策、不断上涨的商品价格以及林吉特(马来西亚货币单位)贬值的不满。

    He said that the top 10 Chinese characters showed the public dissatisfaction with the new consumption tax policy , soaring commodity prices and the depreciation of the Malaysian ringgit .

  15. 并提出休闲研究的四种社会学范式在消费社会理论、新消费工具论中整合的可能性及其意义。

    At the end of the paper , the author presents that in the theory of consumer-society and new means of consumption , these four sociological paradigms are in the move toward integration .

  16. 第三章的讨论以第二章的结论为出发点,结合我国汽车市场新消费税政策,讨论了新消费税政策对于我们汽车市场消费结构以及汽车生产厂商在发展策略上的影响。

    Based on the conclusion of Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 discussed how the new sales tax policy in China would affect the Chinese automotive market and the oriental strategy of the auto manufactories .

  17. 基于对若干高档住区的实地考察及与相关政府部门及房地产开发企业的访谈,从政府、企业和消费者三个角度探讨了上海城市新消费景观与高档住区形成之间的因果关联性。

    Based on the survey of some high-level communities and interviews of related government departments and real estate developers , this paper discusses the context between new consumption landscape and high-level communities from the perspectives of government , private developer , and consumers .

  18. 在回顾传统伦理关系时,构建一种不失时代特色而又被世人普遍接受的新消费伦理范式成为人们的期待,以弥补社会经济发展与伦理道德建设之间不平衡所造成的断裂和真空。

    In reviewing the traditional ethic , we anticipate constructing a new consumption ethic paradigm which possesses the features of our time and is acceptable to people so as to fill up the chasm and vacuum caused by the disparity between social economic development and ethic construction .

  19. 因此,出现了一种新的消费类电子产品即便携式MP3播放器,它具有极大的市场前景。

    So a new consumer electronic product-portable mp3 player has huge market value now .

  20. 中国加入WTO已全面融入经济全球一体化;新的消费热点形成、投资环境改善、工业生产增长强劲。

    China 's joining WTO leads to the economical globalization , the new hot spot of consumption , improved investment environment and the strong industrial production growth .

  21. B2C模式的企业的快速发展为广大消费者带来了新的消费模式。

    The rapid development of B2C business brings the majority of consumers a new consumption mode .

  22. 这就是本周我任命RichardCordray为我国新的消费监察人的原因。

    That 's why I appointed Richard Cordray as our nation 's new consumer watchdog this week .

  23. 从3G运营以来,三家运营商不停的向公众推出新的消费和新的概念,快速发展的终端产品和无处不在的移动网络加大了客户对高速、高质量移动数据业务的需求。

    Since 3G operations from the three operators to keep new spending and new public concept , rapid development of end products and the ubiquity of mobile network increased customers on the high speed , high quality mobile data service needs .

  24. 能迅速地把握住新的消费趋势的广告商创造了SINDIs这个词来描述这些妇女。

    It has been the advertisers , quick to tap into new spending trends , who have coined the term SINDI to describe these women .

  25. 第二,媒体可以帮助人们形成新的消费观。第三,媒体可以监督商务生活。

    Also , the media can help businesses form public opinions .

  26. 提出了新的消费理念:自我实现性消费行为。

    This study puts forward new consumptive ideas : self-fulfillment consumption .

  27. 在整个非洲地区,已经出现了一轮新的消费大潮。

    Across the region , a new wave of consumerism has emerged .

  28. 购物行为的变化表明,一些新的消费习惯可能正在形成。

    Changes in shopping behaviour suggest some new habits may be emerging .

  29. 可能推动形成新的消费热点。

    Unified media will promote shape new consume hotspot .

  30. 日本老龄化将引发新的消费需求。

    An aging Japan will have new consumption needs .