
  • 网络newly-added construction land
  1. 在新增建设用地年度计划中,单列保障性住房用地,做到应保尽保。

    The land supply for affordable housing must be listed separately under local authorities'annual plans for their newly-added construction land .

  2. 自本法施行之日起,新增建设用地的土地有偿使用费,百分之三十上缴中央财政,百分之七十留给有关地方人民政府,都专项用于耕地开发。

    Starting from the date when this law comes into effect , 30 % of the land compensation fees for new construction land shall be handed over to the central finance , with the rest 70 % to be retained by related local people 's governments , for the development of land for cultivation .

  3. 新增建设用地指标分解技术方法研究

    Study on Computing Technique about Decomposing Additional Construction Land Quota

  4. 新增建设用地指令性配额管理的市场取向改进

    Market-oriented Reform of Administration in Incremental Construction Land Quota

  5. 该适宜性评价方法为城市边缘带新增建设用地的配置提供了明晰的数据基础。

    This method provides powerful information support for the new build-up land allocation in urban fringe .

  6. 严控新增建设用地规模对我国城市空间发展的影响

    The Effect of Strict Control of the New Construction Sites to Urban Space Development in China

  7. 科学分解新增建设用地指标,是促进社会经济和谐发展的客观需要。

    Scientific analysis of new construction land , to promote the harmonious development of the socio-economic objective need .

  8. 新增建设用地指标分解是土地利用总体规划的核心任务之一。

    The demand allocation of newly-adding construction land is one of the core tasks of the land use general plan .

  9. 在建设用地指标有限性的制约条件下,优化配置新增建设用地指标对于提高建设用地的利用效率十分重要。

    Limited construction land quota of under the restriction , to optimizing configuration new construction land is very useful improving construction land quota utilization efficiency .

  10. 相关研究表明农村居民点整理具有巨大的潜力,成为新增建设用地的重要来源。

    Researches show that rural settlements collating , with enormous potential , can be served as a new important source of land for construction purposes .

  11. 本文认为随着我国城市化和工业化的逐步实现,年新增建设用地将不断减少,土地要素对于经济增长的贡献率也将逐渐降低。

    This text thinks , with the development of industrialization and urbanization in China , the contribution to economic growth made by land element will gradually decline .

  12. 土地是重要的生产投入要素。集约使用建设用地,优化配置稀缺的新增建设用地十分重要。

    Land , which is rare in China , is an important factor in production , and intensive employment and allocation-optimization of the rare source for new construction are very important .

  13. 土地利用总体规划中的新增建设用地指标,是控制城市盲目扩张,控制乱占农地的约束性指标。

    The index of new construction land of land use in the overall planning , which is the index that it controls the blind expansion of the city and the unlawful appropriation of agricultural land .

  14. 上一轮规划在控制新增建设用地数量方面起到了应有的作用,限制了非农建设占用耕地,耕地受到保护。(4)评价上一轮规划实施效益。

    The last round of planning has played a role in controlling the amount of new construction , limiting the use of cultivated for non-agricultural construction and protecting the cultivated land . ( 4 ) Evaluation the achievement benefits of last round planning .

  15. 土地配给渠道主要通过新增建设用地计划指标的层层分解,实现国家对建设用地总量、产业结构及区域布局的控制,进而对国民经济总量、产业结构及区域协调发展实施调控。

    Land ration , mainly through allocation the planned targets , achieve the control to the national volume of construction sites , industrial structure and regional distribution , and then achieve the control to the total national economy , industrial development and regional development .

  16. 矿业城市土地资源一方面表现为以矿业用地为主的存量用地闲置、废弃或低效利用,另一方面表现为新增建设用地成为矿业准入以及矿城转型中城乡统筹的主要瓶颈之一。

    Land resources especially mining land of mining city , on the one hand , manifests idle , abandoned , or inefficient used ; on the other hand , construction land become one of the bottlenecks of mining permission and integration development of urban and rural areas .

  17. 得出目前福州市城市土地集约利用处于较高水平,但仍存在新增建设用地占有大量耕地、土地利用过度与闲置现象并存等问题,表明未来福州市还可进一步提升城市土地集约利用水平。

    The conclusion is that the urban land intensive exploitation of Fuzhou is on a high level , but the problems still exist , which includes lots of plowland is occupied by newly increased construction land , and excessively exploitation of land and disengaged land both exist .

  18. 用于城市建设,缓解新增建设用地不足的矛盾。最后根据建议,设计模型参数,模拟出不同时间纬度上理想情境下的土地利用情况,直观展现科学合理的大庆市中心城区土地利用发展情况。

    For urban construction , alleviate the shortage of newly-increased construction land . Finally , according to recommendations design model parameters to simulate the ideal situation in different time scales under the land use , intuitive display a scientific and rational land use development in Daqing city center .

  19. 可是,要想发展经济就离不开基础建设、离不开商业开发,随着经济发展和城镇规模的不断扩大,特大城市的不断涌现,征地已经不可避免地成为获取新增建设用地的必由之路。

    However , the economy can not be separated in order to develop infrastructure , is inseparable from business development , with economic development and the constant expansion of cities and towns , large cities are emerging , land has inevitably become the only way to get new construction sites .

  20. 在规划新增城镇建设用地数量难以满足城镇化及经济发展的情况下,挖掘城乡建设用地增减挂钩潜力,依据潜力进行分区,探讨各级挂钩区的运行方案显得尤为重要。

    The number of new urban construction land in the planning is difficult to meet the circumstances of urbanization and economic development , and tap the urban and rural construction sites linked to the potential basis for the potential partition is particularly important to explore all levels of hook run .