
  • 网络Emerging economy
  1. 在新兴经济体中,乡村社区绕开了传输电力的电线和木头电线杆。

    In emerging economies , rural communities are bypassing the wires and wooden poles that spread power .

  2. IMF表示,新兴经济体将领跑全球经济复苏。

    Emerging economies will lead the recovery , the IMF said .

  3. 《博鳌亚洲论坛新兴经济体发展2016年度报告》指出,如不加速去杠杆化,可能会引发“E11”(新兴11国)的债务危机。

    Debt crisis may erupt in the E11 ( eleven emerging economies ) countries , unless they make urgent de-leveraging efforts , the forum 's 2016 report on the development of emerging economies said .

  4. 报告指出,对于个别债务水平较高的新兴经济体来说,需要维持低利率以确保贷款偿还,而这又会进一步扩大信贷。

    Countries deep in debt have to maintain low interest rates in order to keep up with repayment1 , which further fuels borrowing and lending .

  5. 新兴经济体的健康体系对此缺乏管理经验和能力,John说。

    The health systems of emerging economies don 't have the experience or capacity to manage this , says John .

  6. 国际金融研究所(TheInstituteofInternationalFinance),这是一个银行家团体,它预计新兴经济体的资本流要比2007年低80%。

    The Institute of International Finance , a bankers ' group , expects capital flows to emerging economies to be80 % lower than in2007 .

  7. 全球贸易的增长幅度,以及新兴经济体的发展速度,都让工业国家的GDP增长黯然失色。

    The growth of World Trade and the growth of those emerging economies dwarfs the growth of GDP in the industrial countries .

  8. 麦肯锡全球研究院(McKinseyGlobalInstitute)的一项最新研究认为,新兴经济体将是未来十年的投资热土。

    A new study by the McKinsey Global Institute suggests that emerging economies will be the place to invest over the next decade .

  9. 但IMF的研究人员没有指出哪几个新兴经济体越过了收益递减点。

    But the IMF researchers did not identify any emerging economies that had passed the point of diminishing returns .

  10. 研究公司凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)整理的19个大型新兴经济体的数据显示,8月工业产出和第二季度消费者支出双双跌至2009年以来最低水平。

    Data from 19 large emerging economies collated by research firm Capital Economics show that industrial output in August and consumer spending in the second quarter fell to their lowest levels since 2009 .

  11. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)以日益严厉的声音警告说,在许多新兴经济体,财政和货币政策必须对需求加以限制。

    The International Monetary Fund is becoming increasingly shrill in its warnings that fiscal and monetary policies must restrain demand in many emerging economies .

  12. 而IMF自10月以来对于新兴经济体也开始明显看跌,修正下调其增长率一个百分点。

    The IMF has become markedly more bearish on emerging economies since October , revising its forecasts downward by an average of a percentage point .

  13. 德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)指出,如果没有能源消耗飞速增长的新兴经济体的参与,八国领导人做不了什么。

    Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor , said little could be done without engaging emerging economies that are rapidly increasing their consumption of energy .

  14. 例如,2007年,IMF预计所有新兴经济体的经常账户盈余为6900亿美元,另有私人净资本流4950亿美元。

    In 2007 , for example , the IMF forecasts a current account surplus for all emerging economies of $ 690bn and another $ 495bn in private net capital inflows .

  15. 与之形成对比的是,国际货币基金组织(IMF)近期的一份报告显示,全球金融危机并未对中国、印度、巴西和其他新兴经济体“产生持续性伤害”。

    By contrast , the global financial crisis has " left no lasting wounds " on China , India , Brazil , and other emerging economies , according to a recent IMF report .

  16. 但IMF当时的着重点是描述一种三速复苏:新兴经济体表现强劲、美国在好转中、欧洲经济体依然处于停滞,并在一些预测中反映了这种观点。

    But the IMF concentrated on describing a three-speed recovery with strength in emerging economies , the US on the mend and European economies still in stagnation and reflected this view in those forecasts .

  17. 在美国政府停摆引发紧张之际,IMF发布每年两次的预测,调低了2013年和2014年的全球增长预测,原因是新兴经济体前景变弱。

    Launching its twice-yearly forecasts amid tensions over the US government shutdown , the fund trimmed predictions of global expansion for 2013 and 2014 with all the downgrade stemming from weaker prospects in emerging economies .

  18. 俄罗斯需要减少其地缘政治野心,使其符合自身的实际份量&国内生产总值(GDP)仅占全球3%、生活水平只有美国的四分之一的新兴经济体。

    Russia needs to scale down its geopolitical ambition to its real weight – that of an emerging economy with only 3 per cent of the world 's gross domestic product and a quarter of America 's living standard .

  19. 可以理解,大型新兴经济体并不愿提供大量资金用于为全世界最富有的一些国家提供支持这些国家在imf的投票权也大得不相称。

    Large emerging economies were reluctant , understandably , to provide large sums of money to back up some of the richest nations in the world nations that have disproportionately large voting weight at the IMF .

  20. 我们本周的图表显示,自上世纪90年代以来,按照基尼系数(GiniCoefficient)衡量的印中两国的收入差距上升幅度远远高于其它新兴经济体。

    Our chart this week ( after the break ) shows that income inequality , as measured by the Gini coefficient , has increased significantly more in India and China than across other emerging economies since the 1990s .

  21. 比如,根据摩根士丹利(morganstanley)的计算,相对于国内生产总值,分布于新兴经济体和发达经济体的过剩流动性现已“处于创纪录高位”。

    Morgan Stanley , for example , calculates that the scale of excess liquidity sloshing around emerging and advanced economies is now " at a record high " , relative to gross domestic product .

  22. 与此同时,七国集团(G7)的政策制定者将继续询问:新兴经济体的领导人是否应该采取更多行动,以扩大全球需求?

    Meanwhile , G7 policy-makers   will   continue   to   ask whether their emerging world counterparts should not be doing more to expand global demand .

  23. 中国、巴西、俄罗斯和其它新兴经济体发出的信息很明确:外部援助将通过IMF提供,因为它具有技术专业性和全球性,并独立于欧洲的日常政治。

    The message from China , Brazil , Russia and other emerging economies was clear : external help would be channelled through the IMF , because it is technocratic , global and detached from daily European politics .

  24. 与此相反,巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国(Bric,金砖四国)等大型新兴经济体服务类企业的前景则维持强劲。

    In contrast , the outlook for service sector companies in the large emerging economies of Brazil , Russia , India and China ( Bric ) remained strong .

  25. 麦肯锡(McKinsey)的一份报告提出了后一种观点,认为未来20年内,来自中国和其它大型新兴经济体的投资需求将超过全球储蓄。

    The latter is proposed in a paper from McKinsey , which argues that over the next two decades investment demand from China and other big emerging economies will outstrip global savings .

  26. 八国集团(g8)昨日采取重大改革举措,决定与中国、印度和其它3个新兴经济体建立新型关系。

    The group of eight wealthy nations yesterday took a significant step to reform their elite club by setting up a new relationship with China , India and three other emerging economies .

  27. IMF数据显示,新兴经济体的增长多年来一直在放缓,预计在2014年至2018年间,新兴经济体增长率将从2003年至2007年间的年均7%降至年均5%。

    International Monetary Fund figures show that their growth rates have been slowing down for many years from an annual average of 7 per cent between 2003 and 2007 to a forecast annual 5 per cent growth rate between 2014 and 2018 .

  28. 虽然PMI远非衡量制造业健康状况的完美指标,但是不论发达经济体还是新兴经济体,制造业产出和订单指数均普遍低迷不振,似乎说明全球基本需求疲软。

    Although PMIs are far from perfect indicators of the health of the manufacturing sector , the generalised malaise across developed and emerging economies in measures of output and orders suggested a weakness in underlying global demand .

  29. 随着时间的推移,多数大型新兴经济体应逐渐转向G7准则;较小的经济体可能需要维持灵活性,但这可能是能够安排的&也许借助一套行为准则。

    Over time , most large emerging economies should move to the G7 norm ; smaller economies may need to retain flexibility , but this could be accommodated , perhaps by a code of conduct .

  30. 在新兴经济体中,从金砖四国(bric)(巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)到中东、东欧和南非等其它增长中心,中国的扩张最为迅速。

    Among emerging economies , from the BRIC nations ( Brazil , Russia , India and China ) to other growth centres such as the Middle East , Eastern Europe and South Africa , it is expanding the quickest .