
  • 网络Complementarity;economic complementarity;be complementary to each other economically
  1. 当前东亚一体化发展迅速。澳与亚洲各国存在很强的经济互补性。

    There is a strong economic complementarity during Australia and the Asian countries .

  2. 图们江区域自然资源丰富,区域内各国经济互补性很强。

    The Tumen River area is rich in natural resources , the various countries ' economical complementarity in the region is very strong .

  3. 中美两国经济互补性很强。

    China and the United States are complementary in their economies .

  4. 中加经济互补性很强,合作空间广阔。

    Our two economies are highly complementary and our cooperation has bright prospects .

  5. 两国之间有着很强的经济互补性。

    The economies of the two countries are therefore highly complementary with each other .

  6. 我们两市的经济互补性很强。

    To a great extent , the economies between out two cities are complementary to each other .

  7. 虽然中美两国处在不同发展阶段,但经济互补性很强。

    Although the two countries are at different stages of development , their economies are highly complementary .

  8. 中澳两国经济互补性强,经贸合作潜力巨大,两国经贸的未来充满希望。

    The two economies are highly complementary , and the economic and trade cooperation has great potential and bright future .

  9. 中日两国经济互补性强,合作潜力大、前景广阔。

    China and Japan have much to offer each other economically and enjoy great potential and broad prospect of cooperation .

  10. 因此老挝和中国两国经济互补性非常强,合作潜力巨大。加强中老两国双边经贸合作对于中老两国的经济发展非常重要。

    Therefore strengthen the bilateral economic and trade relations between Laos and China is very important to the development of Laos .

  11. 中国与非洲经济互补性强,非洲有丰富的自然资源,中国有大量成熟技术和较强的加工制造能力。

    China and Africa enjoy strong economic mutual-complementarity . Africa has abundant natural resources . China has mature technology and processing and manufacturing capabilities .

  12. 两国经济互补性强,双方开展经贸合作潜力很大。

    The economies of both countries are characterized by strong complementarity and there is tremendous potential for both countries to undertake economic and trade cooperation .

  13. 应充分利用中国与东欧国家拥有的经济互补性,对出口行业、出口商品结构进行调整。

    China and East-Europe should make full use of complementarity of the economy of both sides , adjust the branches of trade and commodity mix .

  14. 俄罗斯是中国最重要的邻国之一,两国经济互补性强,双边贸易潜在市场巨大。

    Russia is one of the most important neighbour countries of China . There is a potential market in Sino-Russian trade due to economic mutual complement .

  15. 两国在一系列重大国际问题上有许多共识,经济互补性很强,合作潜力巨大。

    The two countries have reached consensus on a series of major international affairs . Highly supplementary in economy , the two countries enjoy tremendous potential in cooperation .

  16. 一直以来,双方由于经济互补性强、良好的政治基础、长期开展边界贸易等有利条件互为重要贸易伙伴,中俄贸易发展潜力巨大。

    Because of the economic complement , a good political basis , to facilitate border trade conditions favorable conditions for each other has long been an important trading partner .

  17. 清代内地与云南的经济互补性的实现使云南汉族移民的迁徙模式由强制性向自发性转变。

    In Qing dynasty inland economy and Yunnan 's economy 's mutual supplement accomplished the transformation of Han immigrant pattern in Yunnan from the mandatory immigration to the spontaneous immigration .

  18. 本文需要解决的主要问题有:1、从贸易的角度看,中、日、韩三国之间的经济互补性如何,它们各自的贸易优势何在;

    The focus problems needed to be solved are as folio wings : 1.From the angle of trade , whether there is complementarity in the trades among these three countries and where the advantage of each country lies ;

  19. 笔者认为,两国边贸能够有以上的发展原因在于两国有特殊的地缘优势、历史悠久、传统友谊、尤其是两国经济互补性强的特点、及两国政府对边贸提供了很多优惠。

    I suppose that , the frontier economy development based on the advantageous geography , long developing history , friendly tradition , and especially , the nature of mutual economy and the high support of two governments in advanced policies .

  20. 并提出利用我国与日韩的经济互补性,大力发展汽车零部件产业,加快零部件产业的技术创新。

    At last , I recommend that we should facilitate the development of our auto parts industry to better utilize the economic complementary of China , Japan and Korea and we should promote the technology innovation in the auto parts industry .

  21. 中美两国虽然处在不同发展阶段,但经济互补性很强,建交以来,两国贸易关系迅速发展,贸易总额不断攀升。

    Although the two countries are at different stages of development , their economies are highly complementary . Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries , trade relations have been rapidly developed with the trade volume rising successively .

  22. 云南省和周边国家紧密的区位联系,较强的经济互补性和社全文化背景的相似性,建立云南省跨国界次区域经济合作区具有现实的可行性现极大的发展潜力。

    Yunnan province has a close regional connection with its boundary countries and a similarity of a strong economic mutual complement and cultural background that has a real feasibility and a great potentiality for building the economic cooperation of Yunnan transnational sub-regions .

  23. 本文在运用国际关系学和国际经济学的有关理论的基础上,从政治基础、历史文化和地缘基础、经济互补性以及市场潜力等方面阐明中印经贸合作的基础和条件。

    On the basis of international relation theory and international economy theory , this dissertation analyses the conditions of Sino-India economic and trade cooperation from the respects of political basis , history and culture , geopolitics , economic complementarity , market potentiality .

  24. 本文通过分析比较中韩两国的显性比较优势指数和贸易竞争指数,说明中韩之间经济互补性大于竞争性,为两国建立自由贸易区提供了决策依据。

    This article demonstrates that there is more compensation than economic competition between China and South Korea through analysis and comparison of manifest superiority index and trade comparative index between China and South Korea and provides decision-making evidence to establish FTA between the two countries .

  25. 沈阳市和抚顺市是辽宁省中部城市群的两个特大型城市,同为重要的老工业基地,山水相连,产业关联度高,经济互补性强,联系十分密切。

    Shenyang city and Fushun city are two oversize city of Liaoning province mid city group , with the main old industry base , be linked mountains and rivers , a high degree of industrial linkage , the strong economic complementarity , connection is very close .

  26. 中国和阿拉伯国家的石油天然气合作具有厚实的发展基础和突出的经济互补性,其在世纪之交已迈开成功步伐,形成平等互利、双向投资、形式多样的良好态势。

    The oil and gas cooperation between China and Arab countries which starts successful steps in this new century has solid basis of development and prominent economic mutual-supplementation and is forming good situation of equality and mutual benefits , dual direction investment , and variety of forms .

  27. 从资源禀赋和产业结构看,中国与东盟相关成员国之间的经济互补性大于竞争性,双边贸易和投资的发展潜力很大。

    In terms of resource endowment and industry structure , complementary relations play a more important part than competitive relations in the development of economy between China and ASEAN . As a result , bilateral trade and investment bring ample and potential development opportunities for China and ASEAN .

  28. 亚太地区各国经济资源互补性是地缘经济产生的内在原因;

    Secondly , complementary economy resources are the intrinsic reason ;

  29. 为了双赢的目标,要加强经济的互补性。

    To achieve win-to-win , it is necessary to strengthen the economic complementarity .

  30. 而印度与我国毗邻,同样是发展中国家,经济发展互补性较强,已经成为我国重要的经济合作伙伴。

    India and China close to the same developing countries , economic development , are highly complementary , have become important economic partners .