
  1. 其它国家则将经常项目收支顺差和私人资本流入转换成官方资本外流,从而将汇率保持在低位,从而提高竞争力。

    Others were recycling current account surpluses and private capital inflows into official capital outflows , keeping exchange rates down and competitiveness up .

  2. 该模式因最近油价的变动,以及随后石油输出国经常项目收支顺差激增,而得到进一步巩固。

    It was further entrenched by the recent jumps in the oil price and the consequent explosion in the current account surpluses of oil exporting countries .

  3. 美国、英国、西班牙和澳大利亚四个国家的房地产市场都存在泡沫吸收了世界经常项目收支顺差的63%。

    The US , UK , Spain and Australia – four countries with housing bubbles – absorbed 63 per cent of the world 's current account surpluses .