
  • 网络Index;KEI
  1. 漂亮服务员经济指数(HotWaitressEconomicIndex)指通过计算长相出众的人从事服务员职业的人数来预测经济形势的指数。

    Hot Waitress Economic Index is an index that indicates the state of the economy by measuring the number of attractive people working as waiters / waitresses .

  2. 不过,漂亮服务员经济指数却是一个巧合或者甚至可以作为一个预测经济复苏的先行指数,因为漂亮人士可能是经济开始好转时第一批能找到较高收入工作的人群。

    However , the hot waitress economic index could be a coincident or even a leading indicator for economic recovery because attractive people may be the first group of individuals to find better paying jobs when a bad economy begins to turn around .

  3. Fusion车型由47英里每加仑下降至42英里每加仑;林肯MKZ则由45英里每加仑下降至38英里每加仑。福特公司同时下调了2014年大部分嘉华车型及其插电式混合动力版车型的燃油经济指数。

    the Fusion from 47 to 42 and the MKZ from 45 to 38 . Ford also reduced the fuel economy number from the most version of 2014 Fiesta as well as its plug-in hybrid .

  4. 医院污水处理技术方案选择及经济指数比较

    Selection of project of hospital sewage treatment and its economic index comparison

  5. 经济指数三种形式的几个问题

    On Some Issues of Three Types of Economic Index

  6. 符号检验在经济指数中运用的探讨

    The Application of Sign Test to Economic Indexes

  7. 商品零售价格指数:是反映城乡商品零售价格变动趋势的一种经济指数。

    Retail Price Index : reflects the general change in retail prices of commodities .

  8. 工业聚集经济指数是衡量城市聚集经济效应的重要尺度。

    Industrial agglomeration economy index is an important measure of urban agglomeration economy effect .

  9. 我们必须密切注视经济指数。

    We must carefully watch economic indices .

  10. 经济指数公式的评介标准

    Standards for Reviewing the Economic Index Formula

  11. 目前,每一项新的经济指数都显示,美国经济在以令人不安的速度紧缩。

    At the moment , each new economic indicator shows a shocking rate of contraction .

  12. 市场成交萎缩,由于交易商等待周五美国两个经济指数。

    Trading was thin , with dealers waiting for us economic indicators due on friday .

  13. 宏观系统技术经济指数测度评价&湖北省发展方案的选择

    Measurement and Evaluation of Macro-Technological Economy Index

  14. 政府并不急于过度开支,而是专注于增加税收,从而保持经济指数在可控范围内。

    Swelling tax revenues , rather than smarter spending , have kept the fiscal accounts under control .

  15. 这个指标综合了一系列不同的经济指数,用于预测未来总体经济走势。

    Designed to predict future aggregate economic activity , this index is a composite of several different indicators .

  16. 本周早些时间,达拉斯联邦储备银行主席罗伯特·卡普兰预期2016年经济指数至少上升2个百分点。

    Earlier in the week , Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan said he expected at least two rate hikes in 2016 .

  17. 因此作者以此为立脚点,讨论武汉市土地储备与宏观经济指数之间的相互影响关系。

    Therefore the author as a foothold , discuss the mutual influence between Wuhan city land reserve and the macroeconomic index relationship .

  18. 琼斯经济指数有多低,失业率有多高,多数美国人仍然会去度假。

    It doesn 't matter how low the Dow goes , how high the unemployment , the majority Americans are still taking vacations .

  19. 周五下午在东京发布第四季度末领先经济指数,预测由前值25.0大幅上升到31.8。

    On Friday afternoon in Tokyo , the final April leading economic index is expected to rise sharply to 31.8 from the preliminary 25.0 reading .

  20. 软件产业的发展可以有效的提升国民经济指数,可以促进产业结构升级,提高经济运行效率。

    The development of software industry can effectively promote the national economy index , can promote the upgrading of industrial structure , improve the economic efficiency .

  21. 制造行业在中国涉及了不同行业,其对市场、就业、经济指数等都影响巨大,因此具有很好的代表性。

    Firstly , manufacturing industry involved various trades and had important impact on market and employment , economic indicators in china , so it is representative .

  22. 福特汽车公司表示,由于计算机模拟出现错误,将下调2014年6款车型的燃油经济指数。

    Ford motor company will lower the fuel economy reading on 6 of its cars from the 2014 model of year due to a computer-modeling mistake .

  23. “北京先行经济指数”是我国第一个区域性先行经济指数,在试运行中取得了很好的效果。

    The Anticipated Economic Index for Beijing , which is the first one of the kind developed in China , has been very effective in its performance .

  24. 至于个人购买力在很多专家的眼里,跟选举结果关系更大,而非经济指数,这种情况倒是与政府去年公布的结果相同。

    Individual purchasing power , which is thought by many analysts to have more bearing on election results than any other economic indicator , actually fell by the government 's last tally .

  25. 20世纪中期以来,人类经历了从唯经济指数独尊的时代,到同时注重经济、社会、文化、环境等综合指数的时代,再步入一个强调人文指数的时代。

    Since the middle of the 20th century , having passed the age when only economic index was important , human beings have focused on the comprehensive indexes of economy , society , culture and environment .

  26. 美联储决策者正迫切地等待着九月份的就业报告,这份报告本应于周五上午发布,但是现在可能要等到像劳工部和商务部这样的收集信息机构重开时才会发布,其他官方经济指数也是如此。

    Fed policymakers were eagerly awaiting the September employment report scheduled for release Friday morning , but neither that nor other official economic readings will be available until colleting agencies like the Labor Department and Commerce Department reopen .

  27. 他说,2月数据显示制造业增长仍然强劲,不过近期其它一些经济指数的变动表明,这个指数可能会在未来几个月稳定于当前水平上。

    He said the PMI figures suggested that underlying growth in manufacturing remained robust , while the trajectory of other economic indicators suggested that the index would probably stabilise at around its current level in the coming months .

  28. 在3月1日的时候,还存在这种几近世界末日的熊市心态,如今则已不存在,这与英国央行和美联储宣布计划购买本国债券,以及一些重要经济指数企稳的时间一致。

    On March 1 , there was this almost apocalyptic , psychotic bearishness . That has gone . It coincided with the Bank of England and US Fed announcing plans to buy their own bonds , and the stabilising of some important economic indicators .

  29. 结果表明,四倍体盾叶薯蓣综合经济指数为20.35,其亲本的二倍体实生苗和二倍体无性繁殖苗的综合经济指数分别为33.45和7.38。

    The results showed that : tetraploid Dioscorea Zingiberensis Wright is not worth growing due to its low integral economic trait exponent 20.35 compared with the integral economic trait exponent 33.45 of its parent 's diploid sexual seedlings , although tetraploid Dioscorea Zingiberensis Wright has several premium physiological characteristics .

  30. 据圆桌会议组织的调查,第一季度的CEO经济前景指数上升至92.1%。

    According to Roundtable , the CEO Outlook Index rose to 92.1 in the first quarter .