
  • 网络enterprise deposits
  1. 消费者和企业存款均增长了8%。

    Deposits for both consumers and businesses were up 8 % .

  2. 7月份企业存款增加379亿元,比去年同期多增321.4亿元。

    In July , enterprise savings deposits rose by 37.9 billion yuan , a growth of 32.14 billion yuan on the same month last year .

  3. 由于严重依赖比零售存款更变化无常的企业存款,中国银行比其它银行更能感受到利差的压缩。

    Bank of China is simply ahead of other banks in feeling that squeeze because it relies heavily on corporate deposits , which are more fickle than retail savings .

  4. 其中,企业存款余额为29008.5亿元,增长12.7%。

    Of these , enterprise savings deposits rose by 12.7 percent to 2, 900.85 billion yuan , a rise of 12.7 percent on the same period of last year .

  5. 好几个月以来,关于如何将总额约2万亿美元的企业存款重新投入美国经济,许多经济学家、商人和政客已经说哑了嗓子。

    Economists , businessmen , and politicians of every stripe have spent months talking themselves hoarse about how to get the roughly $ 2 trillion in corporate reserves back into the economy .

  6. 新兴经济体非金融类企业存款的美元价值向来波动强烈(部分原因是汇率的剧烈变化),但同时也在迅速上升(见表)。

    The dollar value of the deposits of the non-financial corporations of emerging economies has been volatile , partly because of swings in exchange rates , but has also been rising rapidly ( see chart ) .

  7. 该模型通过对财务公司总资产、收益性资产与总资产的比例以及集团成员企业存款与总资产的比例三类变量的选择,达到预期利润最大化的目标。

    By applying the dynamic model , the objective for the expected profit maximization can be reached by rational selection among the total asset , the ratio of the benefit asset to the total asset , and the ratio of the deposit of the sub-companies to the total asset .

  8. 危机剥夺了我们的工作、房子、企业和存款。

    The Crunch took our jobs , homes , businesses and savings .

  9. 三资企业的存款;

    Deposits by foreign investment enterprise ;

  10. 大企业在存款或借款过程中有绕过清算银行的趋势。

    There was a growing tendency for big business to bypass clearing banks in the lending and borrowing process .

  11. 德国、瑞士、丹麦和瑞典的银行一直努力避免对公众或小企业收取存款费,而宁愿只对最大型企业客户和金融机构客户收取费用。

    German , Swiss , Danish and Swedish banks have been at pains to avoid subjecting the general public or small businesses to fees for depositing cash , preferring to impose levies only on the biggest corporate and institutional customers .

  12. 在香港离岸人民币货币市场上,离岸人民币存款的增速会有所下降,香港企业人民币存款的比例仍会上升,政策因素、人民币升值预期以及人民币回流渠道是离岸人民币贷款融资业务发展的重要影响因素。

    The growth rate of offshore RMB deposits will decline , and the proportion of RMB enterprise deposits in Hong Kong will continue to rise . The policy factors , the RMB expected appreciation and RMB backward channel are the important factors for the offshore RMB loan business .

  13. 此举将不会影响个人或企业客户的存款。

    It will not affect the deposits of individual or corporate customers .

  14. 企业的银行存款账户只能用来办理本单位的生产经营业务活动的结算,不得出租和出借账户。

    Enterprise bank deposit account can only be used to handle this unit production and business activities of the settlement , may not be leased or lent account .

  15. 货币供应大部分由政府提供担保的银行存款构成。居民和企业持有这些存款,是因为担忧其它形式投资的流动性和安全性。

    The money supply consists largely of government-insured bank deposits that households and businesses are holding because of a concern about the liquidity and safety of other forms of investment .

  16. 因此希望求得生存、更不用说希望迈向繁荣的银行,将不得不以远比以往更加努力的态度,去争夺数以百万计的零售及小企业客户的存款和支票账户。

    So banks that wish to survive , never mind prosper , will have to compete a lot harder than they used to for the deposits and cheque accounts of millions of retail and small business customers .

  17. 《帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典》对商业银行的权威论述是可以把商业银行业务恰当地理解为企业之间的存款和贷款的循环,以及把收集到的其他来源的周转资金贷给企业界。

    In " The New Palgrave : A Dictionary of Economics ", the commercial banks are defined as the cycle of the deposit and loan between the enterprises , and they also provide a loan which they collect in other ways to the enterprises .

  18. 但即便如此企业仍决定吸收存款筹资,凸显出信贷危机对融资活动造成的影响。

    That companies are nonetheless seeking cash deposits highlights the extent to which the credit crunch has hobbled fund-raising .

  19. 近代一些企业通过附设储蓄存款机构,汇聚起巨额社会闲散资金,对近代企业的发展起着不可忽视的作用。

    Some neoteric companies in Modern China pooled a lot of idle capital through their attached deposit establishment , which rained effect on the companies ' development .

  20. 在一定的资本集中的基础上,以工商实业为保障,吸收社会闲散资金,充裕企业流动资金,降低信贷成本,是中国近代企业举办储蓄存款业务的主要目的。

    The main purposes for the China neoteric companies to deposit are , on the basis of capital accumulating with the guarantee of industry and commerce , to absorb the idle capital of the society , collect abundant circulating capital for the companies , and reduce the cost of credit .

  21. 过去两年,企业债务与国内生产总值(GDP)之比大幅升高15个百分点,而企业存款几乎没有变化。

    Corporate debt as a share of gross domestic product has surged 15 percentage points during that time , while corporate deposits have hardly changed .