
  • 网络narrow measure of money supply
  1. 狭义货币供应量(M1)余额为16.6万亿元,增长9.1%;

    Money supply of narrow sense ( M1 ) was16.6 trillion Yuan , up9.1 percent .

  2. 大盘股对流通中现金M0、狭义货币供应量M1的作用明显,说明大盘股对货币供应量的影响显著。

    Big-cap stocks affected the circulating currency MO , Narrow money supply Ml more directly , which suggested big-cap stocks had significant effects on the money supply .

  3. 中国央行正面对一系列令人忧虑的通胀压力信号,包括货币供应的快速扩张。12月,中国的M1狭义货币供应量同比增加34.6%。

    The central bank is facing a number of worrying signals about inflationary pressures , including a rapid expansion of money supply with M1 increasing by 34.6 per cent in December year-on-year .

  4. 狭义货币供应量(M1),涵盖流通中的现金和活期存款,同比增长14%,在上个月末达到37.6万亿元。

    The narrow measure of money supply ( M1 ) , which covers cash in circulation plus demand deposits , rose 14 percent year on year to 37.6 trillion yuan at the end of last month , the statement said .

  5. 狭义货币供应量在去年底34826亿元基础上增加5290亿元,增长17%;

    The supply of narrow money will rise by 529 billion yuan on the basis of last year end 's 3,482.6 billion yuan , up 17 percent .

  6. 在货币供应量成为当下最重要的中介目标时,关于到底是使用狭义货币供应量还是广义货币供应量,存在着很多的讨论。

    So the money supply becomes the most important intermediate goal absolutely , but there are still a lot of discussions about which kind of monetary supply is better .