
  • 网络narrow space;Confined Space
  1. 狭窄空间条件下大型工业设备吊装施工技术

    Study on Lifting Construction Technology of Large-scale Industrial Equipment in Narrow Space

  2. 狭窄空间内沸腾传热机理

    Mechanism of boiling heat transfer in narrow space

  3. “北方美食”位于一处路边摊式的狭窄空间,以前属于一家名叫“西安名吃”(Xi’anFamousFoods)的餐馆,如今“西安名吃”已发展成一个兴隆的餐饮连锁公司。

    The former occupant of the shallow , stall-like space was Xi'an Famous Foods , now a thriving restaurant chain .

  4. 当工作在狭窄空间内时,必须严格遵守OSHA的狭窄空间规范的要求。

    When working in confined spaces , all the requirements of OSHA 's Confined Spaces Regulations must be strictly followed .

  5. 强化传热管束狭窄空间内R-11的沸腾换热特性

    Boiling Heat Exchange Characteristics of R-11 in the Narrow Spaces of an Intensified Heat - transfer Tube Bank

  6. 从一起密闭船舱狭窄空间窒息事故谈职业卫生管理

    Discussion on occupational health management from an asphyxiated accident occurred in a confined cabin

  7. 使用灵活、轻巧、适合于狭窄空间作业。

    With agility and legerity , this product is suitable for working narrow space .

  8. 狭窄空间内沸腾的几个特征

    Some characteristics of boiling in narrow space

  9. 若要在狭窄空间内开展工作,遵循任何既有的国家规定。

    Observe any existing national regulations if work is to be carried out in narrow rooms .

  10. 这有利于在狭窄空间像是装甲车辆或直升飞机内使用。

    This is advantageous for the use in a compact space such as armoured vehicle or helicopter .

  11. 该系列最轻薄,重量轻的模式,适合在狭窄空间使用。

    The most slim and light weight model in the series and suitable for use in narrow space .

  12. 事实:超过50%的死在狭窄空间的工人正在试图营救其他工人。

    Fact : Over 50 % of the workers who die in confined spaces are attempting to rescue other workers .

  13. 理想的外壳适合用于大型物件检测、不同的物体大小、狭窄空间、双上进料轨道和两轴运动。

    Ideal housing for large object detection , varying object size , confined spaces , two-up feed tracks and two axis movements .

  14. 狭窄空间烟气缭绕,无处不在的油腻,那些关于乏味的劳作,身心在一天天被伤害!

    Smoke filled the narrow space , the ubiquitous greasy , those on the tedious labor , physical and mental being hurt in a day !

  15. 居住在家里狭窄空间的人比那些经常外出的人更容易产生这些状况。

    And those whose life-space narrowed in on their immediate home were almost twice as likely to develop the condition as those who ventured out .

  16. 评述了微物体在流体中的作业、微注射、狭窄空间中的作业、工作台&机器人系统上的微作业。

    Four methods such as manipulating micro objects in fluid , micro injection , manipulation in narrow space , and micro manipulation of worktable-robot systems are put forward .

  17. 针对已知狭窄空间,本文在移动机器人进行导航之前使用超声波传感器来建立一个准确的环境地形图,然后让移动机器人记住这个地形图。

    If the environment is known , we build its map with ultrasonic sensors in advance before navigation is performed , and then let mobile robot memorize this map .

  18. 工业化生产高品质三黄鸡熟食加工技术及装备狭窄空间条件下大型工业设备吊装施工技术

    The New Technology and the Relative Machine that Produces the Cooked Food San Huang Chicken in the Factory Study on Lifting Construction Technology of Large-scale Industrial Equipment in Narrow Space

  19. 实测表明该方法适合应用在高电压、强磁场、放射性、狭窄空间的温度测试。

    The experiment shows that the temperature testing based on this technique has the advantages of suiting temperature measuring of high voltage , strong magnetic field , radioactivity and narrow space .

  20. 随著一声煎蛋似的爆裂声,一丝波浪状的蓝白色强光跃过了两个金属棒尖的狭窄空间。

    With a crackling sound like that of frying eggs , an undulating thread of intense , blue-white light dances across the small space between the tips of two metal rods .

  21. 有时候,他们要在倒塌的建筑的狭窄空间中爬行前进,有时胸口紧贴着废墟,呼吸都非常困难。

    They are crawling through such tight spaces down through the center of the structure , sometimes to the point where there 's impingement on their chest where they can only take half a breath .

  22. 本次演习包括水上直升机救援、废墟及狭窄空间内救援,同时也训练了洪水、地震及其他灾害条件下快速浮桥搭建。

    Drills have included water-surface helicopter rescue , debris and narrow-space rescue operations , as well as training for the rapid deployment of pontoon bridges in the case of flooding , earthquakes or other disasters .

  23. 狭窄空间中的池沸腾传热强度高于大空间池沸腾,其主导传热机理是受压变形气泡底部的微液膜蒸发机理。

    The boiling heat transfer rate in a narrow gap is much higher than that in a pool , and its heat transfer mechanism is dominated by the evaporation of thin liquid film under deformed bubbles .

  24. 研究目的:探讨在狭窄空间、无法建立绝对测量基准的情况下,对变形体的绝对变形量实施监测的问题。

    Research purposes : The purposes are to make exploration on how to solve the problems of monitoring ( absolute )( amount ) of deformation of plasmodium under condition of no way to establish measuring datum in narrow space .

  25. 管道微机器人能够在微小的工业管道内从事检测和维护作业,可以进入人类无法进入的狭窄空间或危险区域,如航天飞机、导弹、核动力工厂等微细管道内从事电缆布线,管道的检查维护。

    Micro-pipe robot can be used to deal with inspection and maintenance in the industry micro-pipe in which , such as space aircraft , missile , nuclear power factory due to its narrow or dangerous region for the people no way .

  26. 为地面狭窄、空间阻隔的城市、铁路站场和林区、工业区等地,提供了10kV线路架设的一种实用新方法。

    It provides a new method for laying of 10 kV overhead line in the city proper , railway station 、 forest area and industrial area where have narrower ground surfaces and more space obstacles .

  27. 我在两辆车中间狭窄的空间慢慢走。

    I inched my way through the narrow space between cars .

  28. 使它们更容易挤入狭窄的空间。

    making it easier for them to squeeze into tight spaces .

  29. 测试狭窄工作空间内空气中氧的浓度。

    Test the atmospheres in confined work areas for oxygen content .

  30. 在狭窄的空间中工作时良好的照明很重要!

    Good lighting is essential when working in confined spaces !