
  • 网络narrow money;Broad money;narrow monetary
  1. 狭义货币(M1)余额为66797亿元,增长15.9%;

    The balance of narrow money ( M1 ) had reached 6,679.7 billion yuan , up 15.9 percent ;

  2. 狭义货币供应(M1)的增幅回落更大,为11.2个百分点。

    The growth of narrow money ( M1 ), meanwhile , fell by an even steeper 11.2 percentage points .

  3. 狭义货币供应量(M1)余额为16.6万亿元,增长9.1%;

    Money supply of narrow sense ( M1 ) was16.6 trillion Yuan , up9.1 percent .

  4. 运用1978年至2003年的年度统计数据,对现金、狭义货币和广义货币与各主要经济变量之间因果关系进行Granger因果检验。

    Wielding the annual statistics data from 1978 to 2003 , we carry out the testing for Granger causality between cash , narrow money and broad money with every main economy variable .

  5. 在危机期间,欧洲央行在维持狭义货币的快速增长方面做的很成功,实际上比美联储(Fed)和英国央行(BoE)更成功。

    The European Central Bank has been successful in sustaining rapid growth of narrow money during the crisis , more so , in fact , than the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England .

  6. 大盘股对流通中现金M0、狭义货币供应量M1的作用明显,说明大盘股对货币供应量的影响显著。

    Big-cap stocks affected the circulating currency MO , Narrow money supply Ml more directly , which suggested big-cap stocks had significant effects on the money supply .

  7. 中国央行正面对一系列令人忧虑的通胀压力信号,包括货币供应的快速扩张。12月,中国的M1狭义货币供应量同比增加34.6%。

    The central bank is facing a number of worrying signals about inflationary pressures , including a rapid expansion of money supply with M1 increasing by 34.6 per cent in December year-on-year .

  8. 其结论是,中国股市的发展已经对狭义货币M1的需求产生了较大影响,而且整体上加剧了狭义货币M1需求的不稳定性;

    Our conclusions is that the development of China 's stock markets has made bigger impact to the demand of M1 , and pricked up the unstabilization of the demand of M1 ;

  9. 目前在我国,这种影响主要表现为股票的交易性货币需求,因而对货币需求的影响主要体现在狭义货币M1上。

    Seen from present actual conditions of our country , this influence mainly reflects on the trading effect of the stock market , so this influence on money demand mainly reflects on M1 of narrow sense .

  10. 狭义货币供应量(M1),涵盖流通中的现金和活期存款,同比增长14%,在上个月末达到37.6万亿元。

    The narrow measure of money supply ( M1 ) , which covers cash in circulation plus demand deposits , rose 14 percent year on year to 37.6 trillion yuan at the end of last month , the statement said .

  11. 狭义货币需求M1和广义货币需求M2与股市市值存在长期稳定的关系,并呈现正相关关系,即股市价格上升会增加货币需求。

    There is a long term stable relationship between the demand for narrow money M1 , broad money M2 and the value of the stock market , which showed a positive correlation , that is to say , the increase of stock prices will increase the demand for money .

  12. 另外,房价对狭义货币的影响不显著。

    In addition , the impact on narrow money was not significant .

  13. 中国狭义货币及其各组合分量的需求模型

    The demand for narrow money and its components

  14. 电子货币对广义货币乘数和狭义货币乘数的影响研究

    Study on the Influence of Electronic Currency on Broad Currency Multiplier and Narrow Currency Multiplier

  15. 出现这个情况,部分原因是存款利率持续下调,持有狭义货币的机会成本较低。

    This was in part associated with the lower opportunity cost of holding narrow money amid continued decreases in deposit rates .

  16. 通过误差修正模型发现我国狭义货币流通速度相对于产业结构变动的弹性为2.7,广义货币流通速度相对于产业结构变动的弹性为1.2。

    By the ECM analysis , the elasticities of the narrow and the broad monetary velocity which are caused by the industrial structure are 2.7 and 1.2 .

  17. 结果表明:广义货币和狭义货币的增长率以及两者之差对物价指数的波动均有较显著的影响。

    The results show that the increasing rate of both general money and narrow money and their difference have remarkable effect on the fluctuation of price index .

  18. 狭义货币供应量在去年底34826亿元基础上增加5290亿元,增长17%;

    The supply of narrow money will rise by 529 billion yuan on the basis of last year end 's 3,482.6 billion yuan , up 17 percent .

  19. 在货币供应量成为当下最重要的中介目标时,关于到底是使用狭义货币供应量还是广义货币供应量,存在着很多的讨论。

    So the money supply becomes the most important intermediate goal absolutely , but there are still a lot of discussions about which kind of monetary supply is better .

  20. 文中对货币均衡理论演变的分析,指出了已有货币均衡理论研究中的必须注意到的一些限制条件:首先,货币均衡理论中的货币需求,仅仅是指流通中的狭义货币。

    The theory of analysis of the evolvement of currency equilibrium was on the basis of follow : Money demand in the currency equilibrium theory only means to the narrow currency in circulation .

  21. 实证结果表明,我国股市、房市变量与狭义货币流速、广义货币流速均存在长期均衡关系,且与货币流速负相关,狭义货币流速主要受股市影响,广义货币流速主要受房市影响。

    Empirical results show that there exist long-run equilibrium relation between variables on the stock and housing market and narrow monetary velocity and broad monetary velocity , and variables on the stock and housing market are negative correlative with narrow monetary velocity and broad monetary velocity in China .

  22. 狭义的货币替代(即货币交易媒介职能的替代)对于中国来说,也许是挺遥远的一件事情,因为中国目前实行的管制政策能较好地防范大规模的货币替代的出现。

    Currency substitution in narrow sense ( currency substitution for media of exchange ) may be none of business to China at present , because the Capital Account is still under control in China , which can keep away large-scale currency substitution from China perfectly .