
xū nǐ huò bì
  • Virtual currency;cybermoney
  1. 要购买比特币,用户需要通过一个在线兑换服务将他们当地的货币换成这种虚拟货币。

    To purchase them , users go to an online exchange service where they can convert their local currency into virtual money .

  2. 金融市场监管部门就如何更好地规范虚拟货币比特币的交易征询意见,内部消息称,或将建立托管平台。

    China 's financial market regulators are seeking opinions about how to better regulate trading of bitcoin , the virtual currency . These steps may include setting up a depository platform , said sources with close knowledge of the matter .

  3. 其另一个收入来源是在玩家的虚拟货币“notes”用完时向他们出售更多的“notes”。

    Another stream is selling players more " notes " if they run out .

  4. 在展会上举办的其他活动集中在3D打印、移动应用程序、医疗保健相关设备、技术初创企业和虚拟货币比特币等领域。

    Other events at CES focus on sectors such as 3-D printing , mobile apps , health-related gadgets , technology startups and the virtual currency bitcoin .

  5. Facebook公司的销售收入预计将增至约43亿美元,这很大程度上要归功于其官方虚拟货币FacebookCredits。

    Facebook is expected to grow to nearly $ 4.3 billion in sales thanks in large part to Facebook credits .

  6. 《数字黄金:比特币背后不为人知的故事》(DigitalGold:TheUntoldStoryofBitcoin),作者纳塔涅尔波佩尔(NathanielPopper)审视了虚拟货币比特币的崛起;

    Digital Gold , Nathaniel Popper 's examination of the rise of bitcoin , the virtual currency ;

  7. 电子艺界还能通过销售虚拟货币和虚拟物品获利,例如《模拟人生Facebook版》的重度玩家就会乐意为此掏腰包。

    EA also makes money from games such as Sims social when heavy users buy virtual currency and other items for their games .

  8. 他想要将他部分的NBA合同(三年价值3400万美元)转化为虚拟货币。

    He want convert part of his contract , worth $ 34 million over three years , into a digital token .

  9. 不过现在,苹果允许ios系统开发者适当支持虚拟货币的使用。

    Now , though , Apple will allow iOS developers to support the use of certain cyber coinage .

  10. 了解此事的人表示,MtGox破产对虚拟货币交易社区造成了严重伤害。

    The damage to the virtual currency trading community was significant , say people who have studied the affair .

  11. 玩家每次击中新郎,新郎的身价就会缩水,而这笔虚拟货币就会转入玩家的反嫁妆基金,并显示在他们的Facebook主页上。

    Every time the player hits a groom , his value decreases and money is added to the player 's Anti-Dowry Fund , which is saved posted on their Facebook page .

  12. 合广投资(UnionSquareVentures)合伙人弗雷德威尔逊(FredWilson)上周表示,虚拟货币让他想起上世纪90年代早期的互联网,它们有着与互联网类似的创新潜力。

    Fred Wilson , a partner in Union Square Ventures , said last week that virtual currencies reminded him of the internet of the early 1990s and had similar innovative potential .

  13. 同时有一个不那么引人注意的消息:Facebook放弃了自己的虚拟货币FacebookCredits,转而使用当地货币定价,这其实是Facebook向提供全方位在线付款功能迈进的关键一步。

    What has attracted less coverage is that it soon will be dropping Facebook credits in favor of local currency pricing & a vital step towards offering full-service payment functionality online .

  14. 在9月,这家社交网站强迫Zynga采用其名叫“脸谱币”(FacebookCredits)的虚拟货币,从而使得“脸谱”(Facebook)可以从Zynga用户的花费中获得30%的分成。

    In September the social network pushed Zynga into using its virtual currency , called " Facebook Credits , " so Facebook gets 30 % of what Zynga 's users spend .

  15. 在此基础上,本文以TAM模型为基础,并结合虚拟货币的发展状况提出了研究体系与研究模型。

    After carefully analyzing the documents and research result about the influence factor of E-loyalty , our paper get the research system and research model base on the TAM model .

  16. Bitcoin是一种纯P2P的虚拟货币,能够满足去中心化,预估货币流通总量,遏制通货膨胀的可能的需求。

    Bitcoin is a kind of pure P2P digital cash which can meet the need of decentralization , and the total amount of the currency can be evaluated , thus it will limit the probability of inflation .

  17. 在facebook上玩的社交游戏里,所谓的“游戏中广告”让用户可以通过签字同意试用从影片租赁服务netflix到维他命补充剂的任何东西,获得虚拟货币。

    Within the social games played on Facebook , so-called " in-game offers " allow users to earn virtual currency by signing up for trials of anything from Netflix , the film rental service , to vitamin supplements .

  18. 在一些需要躲开监管视线、转移现金或洗钱的人们中间,一种网络虚拟货币&比特币(Bitcoin)似乎正在赢得青睐,日渐流行。

    Bitcoin , a virtual online " currency , " seems to be gaining traction and legitimacy among those who need to transfer or launder their cash outside of the prying eyes of regulators .

  19. 很多《部落冲突》和Supercell其他游戏的忠实玩家用真金白银购买虚拟货币和其他资源,来打造他们在游戏中的力量和影响力。

    Many devotees of Clash of Clans and other Supercell games spend real money on fake currency and other resources to build their in-game power and heft .

  20. 这些拥护者特别提到了肯尼亚的成功,在这里M-Pesa已成为一种虚拟货币,超过70%的成年人使用,每年的交易数量超过西联汇款(WesternUnion)。

    These champions point especially to successes in Kenya , where M-Pesa has become a virtual currency , used by more than seven in 10 adults , who together make more transactions each year than Western Union , the money transfer service company , sends globally .

  21. 用现实世界的40美元(折合24英镑)可以购买FarmVille中240美元(折合145英镑)的虚拟货币。

    One buys extra virtual currency at the exchange rate of $ 240 ( 145 ) in FarmVille for $ 40 ( 24 ) in the real world .

  22. 第二家是专为网络游戏提供虚拟货币的平台网站GratisPay,在去年卖给了德国的竞争对手SponsorPay。

    The second , GratisPay , a virtual-currency platform for internet games , was sold last year to SponsorPay , a German rival .

  23. 两款游戏都是免费下载,但像如今几乎所有最赚钱的移动应用一样,他们的盈利都是通过微型交易获得的——玩家通过购买虚拟货币,来帮助自己在游戏中更快升级。玩家会从Supercell中购买许多虚拟的货币和装备。

    Both games are free , but like nearly all of the most lucrative mobile titles today , they generate revenue through microtransactions - purchases of virtual currency that help players advance more quickly . And players buy a lot of virtual goodies from Supercell .

  24. 在这款游戏中,玩家要努力捕获源自日本漫画系列《精灵宝可梦》(Pokémon)的怪物。它结合了智能手机的常见技术,如定位和摄像头,鼓励人们去公共场所,寻找虚拟货币和他们想要捕捉和收集的精灵。

    The game - in which players try to capture exotic monsters from Pok é mon , the Japanese cartoon franchise - uses a combination of ordinary technologies built into smartphones , including location tracking and cameras , to encourage people to visit public landmarks , seeking virtual loot and collectible characters that they try to nab .

  25. 然而,虚拟货币的出现也带来了许多社会问题。

    However , the virtual currency also causes many social problems .

  26. 揭秘日益壮大且利润丰厚的虚拟货币世界。

    Inside the growing and very lucrative world of virtual currency .

  27. 因此需要从整体上来界定虚拟货币。

    So the virtual currency must be defined as a whole .

  28. 政府禁止使用网络虚拟货币进行实物交换。

    China bars use of virtual money for real goods trading .

  29. 网络虚拟货币对货币供求的影响及效应分析

    Analyzing Impact of Internet Virtual Money on Money Supply and Demand

  30. 如果观众们喜欢他的视频,他们就会用虚拟货币为他打赏。

    Viewers paid him with virtual currency if they liked the videos .