
  • 网络Inflated profits;Exaggerate Profit;hypothetical profit
  1. 企业虚增利润现象与审计对策探讨

    Discussion on the Enterprise False Profit Phenomenon and the Audit Countermeasures

  2. 在虚增利润中,虚构收入是其主要手段,而且主要通过直接虚增销售收入。

    In inflated profit , fictitious income is the most comment technique and obtained by the inflated sales ' income .

  3. 资产减值准备的应用,提高了我国企业的资产质量,避免虚增利润,充分地体现了会计的稳健性原则。

    Application of the provision of assets impairment improves the quality of assets , avoids false profit and fully embodies the principle of conservatism .

  4. 企业为了虚增利润,将资金损失和当期费用长期挂在应收账款科目内处理,造成虚盈实亏。

    In order to inflated corporate profits , capital losses and the current cost of long-term hanging on subjects dealing with accounts receivable , resulting in actual loss virtual surplus .

  5. 这种处理方法是和国际惯例不符的,但准则制定者认为,旧准则使公司虚增利润、危害资本市场的行为有了可乘之机,此种修订更符合我国目前的特殊经济背景。

    It does not coincide with the international accounting tradition , but in the opinion of the authorities responsible for accounting standards , the old one provided opportunities for some enterprises to increase profit and do harm to the capital market .

  6. 根据信号发送理论,上市公司报告巨额亏损,往往意味着其高管人员向证券市场传输了这样的一种信息:上市公司以前年度虚增了利润并由此高估了资产或低估了负债。

    According to the theory of information signaling , big-bath charges frequently indicate that the management of listed company attempts to convey to the securities market such information : profits in the prior years have been overstated , resulting in overstatement of assets or understatement of liabilities .

  7. 而许多企业为骗取银行贷款而刻意虚增资产和利润,通过各种方式来粉饰报表。

    However most of companies beautify their statement by false adding the capital and profit in order to get loans from bank .

  8. 资产减值准备的计提是为了真实反映企业的财务状况和经营成果,不虚增资产和利润,保证会计信息的真实性和可靠性。

    The impairment of assets can reflect the financial situation and the result of operation of companies , without inflating assets and profits , and to guarantee the authenticity and reliability of accounting information .

  9. 在财务报告舞弊中,与虚增净资产相比,对虚增利润上市公司表现出了明显的偏好。

    The listed companies show their obvious preference at inflated profit compared with the inflated net assets in fraudulent financial reporting ( FFR ) .

  10. 上市公司虚增经营业绩,主要通过人为操纵虚增公司利润。

    The false achievement of the listed corporations is mainly done by men through falsely increasing the corporations'benefit .