
  • 网络taxable profit;taxable income
  1. Facebook和其他公司应抵制任何将应税利润降至最低并使政府收入减少的激进避税行为。

    Facebook and other companies should resist any aggressive tax avoidance that minimises taxable profits and reduces revenues to governments .

  2. 屈秀丽说,如果一家钢厂在2012年没有实现应税利润,地方政府可能会要求它提前缴纳2013年的税收。

    If a mill did not make any taxable profits in 2012 , the local government might ask it to pay its 2013 tax in advance , she said .

  3. 其中,《草案》的第2部分专门就如何确定跨国银行分行的应税利润做出了规定。

    The second part of the draft solely focuses on the attribution of profits to branches of an international bank ( bank PE ), which carry on traditional banking business .