
zhànɡ miàn lì rùn
  • paper profit;book profit
  1. 在一种证券真正以赢利出售前,它的市场价值的增长都只是帐面利润。

    An increase in the market value of a security is a paper profit until the security is accurately sold at a profit .

  2. 牢牢树立了公司形象,以及客户和卖方这间的关系,这样反过来使得公司营业额及帐面利润翻了三番。

    I upgraded the firm 's image , and customer and vendor relations , which subsequently increased the dollar volume and bottom line profits by300 % .

  3. 采用按市值计价会计准则的公司,通常不会对所有债务都进行市值计价,但通过这种方式对部分债务进行市值计价,也足以创造高额帐面利润。

    Companies using mark-to-market accounting typically don 't mark all their debt , but enough is accounted for in this way to have created sizable paper profits .

  4. 公司于去年渡过难关,现在公司的帐面上利润相当可观。

    The firm turned the corner last year and their present balance sheet is showing a very fair profit .

  5. 第二是一个法律问题,你必须具有足够的帐面未分配利润来支付股息。

    Second , that 's a legal problem , you have to have a sufficient balance in retained earnings to pay the dividends .