
zhàng peng
  • tent;tentage;lodge;tabernacle;bivvy;praetorium
帐篷 [zhàng péng]
  • [tent;tentage] 用帆布或其他材料做的折叠式住处

帐篷[zhàng peng]
  1. 我们四处查看,想找一个搭帐篷的地方。

    We scoured the area for somewhere to pitch our tent .

  2. 我们在一个破旧的帐篷里过了一夜。

    We spent the night in a ropy old tent .

  3. 她忙着用橛子把帐篷钉牢在地上。

    She was busy pegging her tent to the ground .

  4. 我们决定搭帐篷过夜。

    We decided to set up camp for the night .

  5. 雨水使得帐篷中间开始下坠。

    The tent began to sag under the weight of the rain .

  6. 我们可以临时把帐篷搭在那块地上。

    We could pitch our tent in that field .

  7. 帐篷可以折叠装进小袋子里。

    The tent packs away in a small bag .

  8. 帐篷上撕了一个大口子。

    There 's a big split in the tent .

  9. 招待帐篷将有食物供应。

    Food will be served in the hospitality tent .

  10. 帐篷有各种各样的形状和大小。

    Tents come in various shapes and sizes .

  11. 一阵风吹动了帐篷。

    A gust of wind flapped the tents .

  12. 我拉上了帐篷门帘的拉链。

    I zipped the tent flaps shut .

  13. 把帐篷搭建在平地上。

    Pitch the tent on level ground .

  14. 在帐篷里住了两个星期后又回到人类文明的生活可真好呀!

    It 's good to be back in civilization after two weeks in a tent !

  15. 下着雨,你就在帐篷里度过了整个周末?真是自讨苦吃!

    You spent the whole weekend in a tent in the rain ? That 's masochism !

  16. 他们在门前的草坪上支起帐篷宿营了。

    They are camped out in tents on the front lawn .

  17. 我们提供双人帐篷和最基本的炊具以及露营装备。

    We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipment .

  18. 我在帐篷里帮忙打杂。

    I helped out in the tents fetching and carrying .

  19. 据说帐篷的缝合处快炸线了。

    The camps are said to be bursting at the seams

  20. 形似帐篷的天花板上隐藏着迷宫似的水管。

    The tented ceiling hides a maze of water pipes .

  21. 一顶橄榄色帐篷扎在树丛当中。

    An olive-coloured tent stood within a thicket of trees .

  22. 他说,难民们将被转移到一个搭有帐篷的营地去。

    He said the refugees would be moved to a tented camp .

  23. 医院旁搭起了帐篷以安置容纳不下的人员。

    Tents have been set up next to hospitals to handle the overflow

  24. 他们搭好帐篷,准备过夜。

    They put up their tents and settled down for the night .

  25. 没有足够的帐篷供他们容身。

    There aren 't enough tents to shelter them all .

  26. 他将球直接打进迎宾帐篷里。

    He struck the ball straight into the hospitality tents

  27. 他们跑到帐篷中央鞠躬致意。

    They ran to the center of the tent to take their bows .

  28. 他挥手让仆人们退到帐篷外。

    He waved the servants out of the tent .

  29. 他拉开帐篷的门帘,大步走进暴风雪中。

    He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard .

  30. 一些小东西在帐篷四周的草丛里窸窸窣窣地动着。

    Small things stirred in the grass around the tent