
shǒu xí bù zhǎnɡ
  • First Ministers;minister-president;dewan
  1. 比如,我们的第一任首席部长大卫·绍乌·马绍尔(DavidSaulMarshall)先生,是位巴格达犹太人(BaghdadiJew)。

    For example , our first Chief Minister , Mr. David Saul Marshall , was a Baghdadi Jew .

  2. 上个月,英国内政部(HomeOffice)没有为孔子学院(ConfuciusInstitute)项目中的两名汉语教师续签签证,苏格兰地方政府首席部长为此提出抗议。这两位教师此前已在英格兰呆了1年时间。

    Last month Scotland 's first minister criticised a Home Office decision not to renew the visas of two Mandarin teachers from China who had spent a year in Scotland as part of a Confucius Institute programme .

  3. 刘特佐想表明,他可以在槟城呼风唤雨,槟城首席部长、反对党成员林冠英(LimGuanEng)说。

    Jho wanted to show that he could call the shots in Penang , said Lim Guan Eng , the chief minister and an opposition member .

  4. 自从尼蒂什库马尔(nitishkumar)2005年出任首席部长以来,该邦已取得了巨大的进步。

    Since Nitish Kumar became chief minister in 2005 , the state has made palpable progress .

  5. 德里首席部长阿尔温德·凯杰里沃(ArvindKejriwal)和德里警方长期不和。

    Arvind Kejriwal , the Delhi chief minister , has long clashed with the Delhi police .

  6. 今年3月,德里首席部长阿尔温德·凯杰里沃(ArvindKejriwal)为了治疗慢性咳嗽,不得不离开了这里十天。

    Arvind Kejriwal , Delhi 's chief minister , had to leave the city for 10 days in March to cure a chronic cough .

  7. 克什米尔查谟市的首席部长OmarAbdullah,注视着右上方印度当局者联合进步联盟主席索尼娅.甘地和其他人挥手走下印度直航公司的一架飞机,这是到斯利那加的首次国际航班。

    Chief Minister of Jammu Kashmir state Omar Abdullah , top right , looks on as India 's ruling United Progressive Alliance Chairperson Sonia Gandhi and others wave from an Air India Express aircraft , the first international flight into Srinagar

  8. 首席部长克雷文在解释他在大会上投赞成票的原因时说道:“尽管并不像MDR的投标那样慷慨,ROCO的出价对于群岛来说仍然足够丰厚。”

    First Minister Craven explained his vote in favour on the floor of the Assembly , remarking ," Whilst not as generous as the MDR bid , the ROCO bid is still quite lucrative for the Islands . "

  9. 他们指出,她十分信任的助手、马哈拉施特拉邦的首席部长A.R·安杜雷已于最近辞职,他由于政治腐化而受到法律起诉。

    They point to the recent resignation of A.R.Antulay , a trusted lieutenant of Mrs Gandhi , as chief minister of Maharashtra after his judicial indictment for political corruption .

  10. 然而,德里首席部长阿尔温德•凯杰里瓦尔(ArvindKejriwal)在Twitter上发布一系列消息称,高峰期定价是“光天化日下的抢劫”,并表示印度首都不会允许这种做法。目前,Ola和优步在德里都发展了大规模车队。

    But Arvind Kejriwal , Delhi 's chief minister , called surge pricing " daylight robbery " in a series of tweets and said it would not be permitted in the Indian capital , where both Ola and Uber have developed large fleets .

  11. 马国国家国家通讯社Bernama引述砂劳越州副首席部长亚佛烈。贾布的话说∶「我认为设置这样的中心有迫切必要。

    I think there is an urgent need for such a center , 'Sarawak state 's deputy chief minister , Alfred Jabu , was quoted as saying by the Malaysia 's national news agency Bernama .

  12. 住房和城市发展部长拿督阿马尔阿邦佐哈里墩Openg告诉记者,这是正常的首席部长,简介,然后再进行短暂的状态内阁总督。

    Housing and Urban Development Minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg told reporters that it was normal for the Chief Minister to brief the Governor before proceeding to brief the state Cabinet .

  13. 德文德拉·法德纳维斯(DevendraFadnavis)是莫迪的盟友,也是孟买和浦那所在的马哈拉施特拉邦的首席部长。他前往中国和其他国家时,一直积极宣传该邦巨大的劳动力资源。

    Devendra Fadnavis , an ally of Modi who is the chief minister of Maharashtra state that includes Mumbai and Pune , has been aggressively marketing his state 's huge labor force in trips to China and elsewhere .

  14. 我也不知道谁是首席部长。

    I don 't even know who 's the prime minister .

  15. 开-普省首席部长是第一个打电话来的人。

    The chief minister of KPK was the first person who called .

  16. 新的首席部长正在组建主要由年轻人组成的政府。

    The new chief minister is forming his government mainly from young men .

  17. 首席部长能解决此类争端,这有点像在封建时代。

    The assumption that the chief minister can resolve such disputes smacks of feudalism .

  18. 苏格兰首席部长妮古拉·斯特金宣布了第二次独立公投的计划。

    Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced plans for a second independence referendum .

  19. 首席部长兼政务部长

    Chief Secretary and Leader of Government Business

  20. 首席部长和发展管理部

    Department of Chief Minister and Development Administration

  21. 印度查摩喀什米尔邦的首席部长阿布都拉说,他们正认真调查这份电邮。

    Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah says the email is being investigated seriously .

  22. 在去年宣布就任后,比哈尔首席部长尼特什·库玛不久便颁布了禁酒令。

    Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar announced the alcohol ban soon after taking office last year .

  23. 不过,也有迹象显示,选民们并不总会执意把现任首席部长赶下台。

    There are signs , however , that the electorate is not always hell-bent on chucking out incumbents .

  24. 即使在莫迪任职古吉拉特首席部长期间,他也未曾与母亲同住。

    Even when he was the chief minister of Gujarat , Modi didn 't stay with his mother .

  25. 此事在报纸上登了广告,首席部长还在广播上安排了一档亲民栏目。

    It took out newspaper advertisements , and the chief minister delivered a folksy radio spot on the measure .

  26. 马哈拉施特拉邦首席部长维拉斯拉奥.德斯穆克说,他愿意为显而易见的安全疏漏引咎辞职。

    Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilisrao Deshmukh says he is willing to quit to take responsibility for perceived security shortcomings .

  27. 卡伦消息说他可能获得大选后的克伦邦首席部长的职位。

    Karen sources said he could be given the post of Chief Minister of Karen State after the election .

  28. 在爱丁堡图书节的一次读书会上,竟然是首席部长阿列克斯.萨尔蒙德推荐了这本小说。

    A reading at the Edinburgh book festival was introduced by none other than the first minister , Alex Salmond .

  29. 新南威尔斯州首席部长奥法雷尔说,这个改变将帮助警察正确执行公务。

    The New South Wales Chief Minister Barry O'Farrell says the changes will help the police do their job properly .

  30. 2005年,印度首席部长布达德夫·巴塔查尔吉(BuddhadebBhattacharjee)称拉人力车是“不人道的行当”,力主把它们清除掉。

    In 2005 , Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee called them an " inhuman practice " and pushed for their eradication .