
  • 网络ipo;Initial Public Offering;IPO Initial public offerings
  1. 接下来,云存储公司Box即将进行首次公开募股,所以系好您的安全带吧,因为艾伦•列维来势汹汹。

    And , put your seat belts on for the impending box IPO – Aaron Levie is fierce .

  2. 我说的是像VeevaSystems这样的公司,它为医疗保健行业提供基于云服务的销售工具,并在去年秋季成功进行了首次公开募股(IPO)。

    I 'm talking about firms like Veeva Systems , which makes a cloud-based sales tool for the health care industry , and which successfully launched an IPO in the fall .

  3. 通用汽车(GM)咸鱼翻身不易,2010年举行首次公开募股一事就别惦记了。

    The GM turnaround will drag on . Forget a 2010 IPO .

  4. GM计划在今年晚些时候发行首次公开募股(InitialPublicOfferings,简称IPO)。

    GM plans an IPO , an initial public offering of stock , later this year .

  5. 不过,随着Facebook首次公开募股的惨败,帕洛阿尔托的房地产市场也随之发生了巨大的变化。

    All that changed when the Facebook IPO flopped .

  6. 他期待Facebook的首次公开募股惨淡收场,结果如愿以偿。

    The VC hoped for a lackluster Facebook IPO .

  7. 首次公开募股(InitialPublicOfferings,简称IPO)上市首日超额收益是资本市场存在的一种异常现象。

    Initial excess returns of Initial Public Offerings , or IPO is an anomaly in the capital market .

  8. 阿里巴巴集团周二晚间提交了首次公开募股(IPO)申请。

    Alibaba Group Holding filed for an initial public offering late Tuesday .

  9. 鉴于Facebook的首次公开募股(IPO)在即,这当然是最简单的办法。

    Given its pending IPO , this would have been the easiest route .

  10. 首次公开募股仅仅过去五个月,Facebook已经走过了一段漫长的道路。

    In just five months since its IPO , Facebook has come a long way .

  11. 阿里巴巴集团的首次公开募股(IPO)早就被认为会造成轰动。

    The Alibaba Group 's initial public offering was long expected to be a blockbuster .

  12. 该公司已经在东京证券交易所(TokyoStockExchange)递交了首次公开募股申请书,预计将融资98亿美元。

    The company has filed for an initial public offering on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and is expected to raise $ 9.8 billion .

  13. 另一家互联网公司迪蒙德传媒(DemandMedia)的业务也不稳定,初始投资者占有的股份很多,其股价在首次公开募股之后已经暴跌68%。

    Demand media ( DMD ) , another Internet company with a shaky business and lots of initial investor interest , is down 68 % since its IPO .

  14. 阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroupHoldingLtd.)周二披露了外界期待已久的首次公开募股(IPO)计划,这有望成为全球最大规模的IPO。

    Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. Tuesday disclosed long-awaited plans for what could be the world 's largest initial public offering .

  15. 六月份时,有人对我说Facebook计划在劳动节(美国的劳动节是九月份的第一个星期一&译注)前申请首次公开募股。

    In June , someone told me that Facebook planned to file for its IPO before labor day .

  16. 2011年1月-2012年4月期间,在纳斯达克上市的首次公开募股(IPO)公司有92家,在纽交所上市的IPO公司有119家。

    Between January 2011 and April 2012 , there were 92 NASDAQ IPOs and 119 NYSE IPOs .

  17. 所以,我认为42岁的桑德博格将花上一年时间好好评估Facebook首次公开募股的情况。

    So I would give Sandberg , 42 , a year to evaluate how the Facebook IPO plays out .

  18. 这家国有企业的第三次首次公开募股(IPO)申请于上月晚些时候获得了批准。

    The state-owned company was approved late last month for its third attempt at an initial public offering .

  19. 拜极端波动的市场所赐,科技IPO(首次公开募股)窗口是否业已关闭?

    Has the tech IPO ( initial public offering ) window closed thanks to the extremely volatile market ?

  20. 摩根士丹利公司(MorganStanley)和高盛公司(GoldmanSachs)是Groupon首次公开募股的联合主要承销商,瑞士信贷银行(CreditSuisse)也将参与此次IPO的承销。

    Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are listed as co-lead underwriters , with Credit Suisse also participating .

  21. 2009年9月,公司进行首次公开募股(IPO),一个星期内股价几乎翻了一番,突破25美元。

    Its shares nearly doubled to above $ 25 within a week of its September 2009 initial public offering .

  22. IPO表示首次公开募股,特别是指提供股票。

    It 's true . IPO stands for Initial Public Offering , specifically offering shares of a company stocks .

  23. 不过,笔者认为Facebook首次公开募股的定价合理,因为IPO就是一场融资活动,可惜这种观点的支持者甚少。

    But I was a lonely voice arguing that Facebook priced its IPO properly , because IPOs are financing events .

  24. 在股票市场中,首次公开募股(IPO)不过是资本在国有实体之间的重新分配,其间间或有资本流向了散户投资者。

    On the exchanges , initial public offerings merely redistribute capital among state entities with occasional leakage to retail investors .

  25. 中国还有大量等待发行的首次公开募股(IPO)交易,很多都来自于国有公司,这需要一个稳定健康的股市。

    China 's robust pipeline of initial public offerings , many by state run companies , requires a healthy market .

  26. 据估计,Zynga很快将提交IPO(首次公开募股)的申请。

    Zynga is expected to file soon for an initial public offering ( IPO ) .

  27. 多加关注Twitter公司的上市之路,会对首次公开募股有更加技巧性的认识。

    Pay attention to Twitters road to going public to get a greater sense of the mechanics of an IPO .

  28. 因此,似乎这些大玩家都降低了对Facebook首次公开募股的买入力度,甚至干脆取消了下单。

    So the big guys , it appears , cut back or even canceled their orders to buy shares in the offering .

  29. 尽管股市大环境颇不景气,其首次公开募股(IPO)依然稳步迈向高达1000亿美元的市值。

    It was on track for an IPO valued as high as $ 100 billion & despite a dispirited stock market .

  30. 但首次公开募股(IPO)带来的财富也可能威胁到这家公司努力打造的企业文化,一种独特、直言不讳、生气勃勃的文化。

    But the riches of an IPO also threaten the uniquely bare-knuckle , scrappy culture the company has struggled to build .