
shǒu yào fèn zǐ
  • ringleader;major culprit;element of the first importance
  1. 对首要分子和积极参加者的处罚也要根据其在聚众斗殴罪中作用大小分清主次,分别处罚。

    The punishment to ringleader and protagonist also need to distinguish primary and secondary function among the crime of affray , differentiate punishment .

  2. 将刑法第七十四条修改为:对于累犯和犯罪集团的首要分子,不适用缓刑。

    The article seventy-fourth of the criminal law is amendedas : " for recidivism and crime is the ringleader of a group , do not apply probation " .

  3. 聚众斗殴罪的主体是首要分子和积极参加者。

    The subject who may commit the affray Crime is ringleader and active participant .

  4. 聚众犯罪首要分子与主犯关系探究

    Investigation to Relation of Ringleader and Principal in Assembling a Crowd to Commit a Crime

  5. (二)盗掘古文化遗址、古墓葬集团的首要分子;

    Being a ringleader of a gang engaged in excavating and robbing sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs ;

  6. 首要分子或者罪行重大的,处五年以上有期徒刑。

    Ringleaders or those whose crimes are grave are to be sentenced to not less than five years of fixed-term imprisonment .

  7. 对贪污集团的首要分子,按照集团贪污的总数额处罚;

    The ringleader of an embezzler group shall be punished according to the total amount of money the group has embezzled ;

  8. 对于组织犯,刑法以重惩首要分子的角度出发,在共同犯罪下产生加重结果,对组织犯的刑事责任作了明文的特殊规定。

    For organizations guilty , in order to punish the ringleaders , criminal law Made explicit stipulations of organization guilty of criminal responsibility .

  9. 犯罪集团的首要分子对集团所犯全部罪行承担刑事责任,一般主犯则只对其参与、组织、指挥的全部犯罪承担刑事责任。

    The chief element or ringleader is responsible for all crime of mob , while the general principal offender is responsible for those that involved himself .

  10. 对组织、领导犯罪集团的首要分子,按照集团所犯的全部罪行处罚。

    Any ringleader who organizes or leads a criminal group shall be punished on the basis of all the crimes that the criminal group has committed .

  11. 从广义的聚众行为来看,首要分子只实施了预备行为,应当承担预备犯的刑事责任。

    From the perspective of the broad crowd behavior , the main leader only conducts the preparation behavior and should the criminal responsibility of the preparative culprits .

  12. 作为犯罪主体的首要分子和积极参加者均存在主、从犯之分。

    The ringleader and active participator , as two kinds of subject of this crime , all can be classified into the principal criminal and accessorial criminal .

  13. 聚众犯罪以首要分子聚集多人、形成群体实施危害行为为特征,对社会具有很大的破坏性,具体案件往往呈现较大程度的复杂性,刑事司法的处理难度较大。

    Assembling crime takes that the chief culprit gathers many people , the group put damage behavior into practice as characteristics and has big destructiveness to society .

  14. 在此基础上,对聚众犯罪首要分子、积极参加者和参加者与共同犯罪主犯进行了区分。

    On this basis , the primary elements of the crime mob , an active participant in the crime and the principal participants and make a distinction .

  15. 聚众斗殴罪的主体为首要分子与积极参加者,首要分子均为主犯、积极参加者可区分主从犯。

    Affray with the main body of the primary elements active participant , the primary elements are the principal , active participants can distinguish between the main accomplice .

  16. 聚众扰乱军事管理区秩序,情节严重,致使军事管理区工作无法进行,造成严重损失的,对首要分子。

    The principal leaders of those who assemble a crowd to seriously disrupt order in military administrative zones , hamper operation in the military administrative zones and cause serious losses .

  17. 聚众哄抢公私财物,数额较大或者有其他严重情节的,对首要分子和积极参加的

    In cases where a crowd is assembled to seize public of private property , and the amount involved is quite large and the other circumstances are serious , ringleaders and other active participants

  18. 聚众斗殴的,对首要分子和其他积极参加的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制

    In cases where a crowd is assembled to have brawls , ringleaders and other active participants are to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment , criminal detention , or control

  19. 在这一部分对特殊犯罪集团和一般犯罪集团的特征进行了阐述,并且对犯罪集团主犯应当承担的刑事责任,特别是首要分子的刑事责任做了明确的界定。

    The special crime by criminal groups and the general characteristics were described , and the principal of the crime shall bear criminal responsibility , especially the ringleaders of the criminal made a clearly defined .

  20. 第九十七条本法所称首要分子,是指在犯罪集团或者聚众犯罪中起组织、策划、指挥作用的犯罪分子。

    Article 97 " Ringleader " as mentioned in this Law refers to any criminal who plays the role of organizing , plotting or directing in a crime committed by a criminal group or a crowd .

  21. 关于犯罪集团首要分子承担刑事责任的程度,本文提出应当由客观危害性出发,结合考虑主观恶性和人身危险性,以首要分子的主观恶性为基础对其进行量刑。

    About crime group ringleaders degree of criminal responsibility shall be made by the objective , this paper , combining with considered harmful vicious subjective and personal risk to the subjective vicious ringleaders based on the sentencing .

  22. 毁坏或者抢走公私财物的,除判令退赔外,对首要分子,依照本法第二百六十三条的规定定罪处罚。

    In cases where public of private property is destroyed or forcibly taken and carried away , ringleaders , in addition to the ordering of restitution of compensation , are to be convicted and punished according to article 263 of this law .

  23. 对这类犯罪活动的处理,要把性质严重、情节恶劣的犯罪分子和有组织的、破坏性大的共同犯罪的首要分子、主犯列为打击重点。

    In handling this type of criminal activities , those offenders of serious nature or with flagrant circumstances or the ringleaders and the principals of organized joint crimes with severe destructive effects shall be targeted as the focal point for crack down campaign .

  24. 这主要是因为我国刑法规定了有的聚众犯罪除了处罚首要分子还处罚其他积极参加者,因此这类聚众犯罪就应当认定是共同犯罪。

    This is mainly because some of the crowd assembled to commit criminal law punished the ringleaders in addition to other penalties are also an active participant , so this kind of crowd assembled to commit to it shall be deemed a common crime .

  25. 同时着重理清首要分子与主犯的关系,指出聚众扰乱公共场所秩序、交通秩序犯罪的首要分子与主犯没有必然的联系。

    In the meanwhile , we emphatically focus on the relationship between ringleaders and prime culprit , pointing out that there is no connection between the two in public orders , organizing a mob to disturb traffic order crime ringleaders and prime culprit is no connection .

  26. 植物抗病育种是控制病害发生和减少药剂使用量的有效途径,深入了解甜瓜白粉病抗病遗传机制是甜瓜白粉病抗性育种工作的基础和首要任务,也是分子标记等生物技术辅助育种的基础。

    Resistant breeding is an efficient approach to control diseases and reduce fungicide use . Resistance breeding of melon needs the guidance of genetic mechanism .