
  • 网络Illegal acquisition;illicit purchase
  1. 非法收购盗伐、滥伐的林木罪若干问题探讨

    On the crime of illegal purchasing of lumber unlawfully or destructively felled

  2. 在林区非法收购明知是盗伐、滥伐的林木。

    In case of knowingly purchasing trees unlawfully or wantonly cut in forest districts .

  3. 或者直接向走私人非法收购走私进口的其他货物、物品,数额较大的

    Or to purchase directly and illegally from a smuggler other smuggled goods or articles in relatively large quantities

  4. 警方表示,这两人因涉嫌“非法收购珍贵、濒危野生动物罪”而被拘留,若定罪,可能会面临十年或十年以上的监禁。

    They are now detained on suspicion of " illegal acquisition of rare or endangered animal , " said the police , and could face imprisonment of 10 years or more if convicted .

  5. 此案中国家一级文物“望天”被盗后非法收购者李某,被涞水警方网上通缉两年后在天津落网。

    In the case at the national level cultural relics ," Wang-days " were stolen after the illegal acquisition of Lee , Lai was wanted by the Marine Police on-line in Tianjin arrested two years later .