
  1. 这些作者鼓励援助机构提供更多的资源,帮助减少非传染性慢性病的影响。

    The authors encourage aid agencies to provide more resources and help reduce the impact of noncommunicable chronic diseases .

  2. 在发展中国家,非传染性慢性病造成了很大的卫生负担&仅因心血管疾病死亡的人数就占了总死亡人数的27%。

    Noncommunicable chronic diseases cause a substantial health burden in the developing world & cardiovascular disease alone accounts for27 per cent of deaths .

  3. 估计2005年有5800万人因各种疾病死亡,其中非传染性慢性病造成的死亡人数高达3500万,占总死亡人数的60%。

    An estimated death toll was 58 million in 2005 from any cause , in which the non-communicable chronic disease causing death toll as high as 35 million , accounting for 60 % of the total death toll .

  4. 国际组织如果要有效地处理全球卫生需求,他们就要加大力度防控非传染性的慢性病,特别是在发展中国家。

    For international organisations to effectively address global health needs , their efforts to tackle noncommunicable chronic diseases must massively increase & especially in developing countries .

  5. 促进健康长寿和疾病预防活动可以预防或延迟非传染性疾病和慢性病发作,诸如心脏病、中风和癌症等。

    Life-long health promotion and disease prevention activities can prevent or delay the onset of noncommunicable and chronic diseases , such as heart disease , stroke and cancer .