
  • 网络foodborne diseases;food borne disease;food-borne disease;foodborne illness
  1. 目前由Vp引起的食源性疾病呈逐年上升的趋势,特别是沿海地区,暴发频率和涉及人数明显高于其它地区。

    At present , the foodborne diseases caused by Vp were gradually increasing year by year especially in littoral areas where outbreak frequency are significantly higher and cases involved in are more than the other areas .

  2. 改进食源性疾病的监测和对化学品的检查;

    Improving the surveillance of foodborne diseases and monitoring of chemicals ;

  3. 结论结合流行病学调查资料、临床资料、病原学鉴定及随机扩增DNA多态性分析结果,证实该起食源性疾病是由于进食金黄色葡萄球菌污染的食品所致。

    Conclusion Pathogenic examination and random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis results coupled with epidemiological data and clinical syndrome demonstrated that this food-borne disease was caused by food contamination of Staphylococcus aureus .

  4. 在防范食源性疾病和保障食品安全方面,推广以HACCP体系为代表食品质量管理体系是一项重要内容。

    In order to prevent food-borne diseases and guarantee food safety , it is important to promote the HACCP certification system .

  5. 文章重点介绍了免疫蛋抗体IgY的理化性质和制备方法,并结合食源性疾病诊断与治疗以及我国食品工业发展的趋势,对IgY的应用前景进行了论述。

    The physico-chemical characteristics , preparation methods and application of IgY in disease prevention , analysis and food industry were summarized in this paper .

  6. 方法:采用文献检索、事故分析、现场调查和Delphi等研究方法,通过对野外施工食源性疾病危害分析、建立关键控制点,形成野外施工食堂管理HACCP管理规范,并组织实施。

    Methods : Literature retrieval , accident analysis , field investigation and Delphi research methods were used to form hazard analysis , CCP and HACCP management specification in field work site .

  7. 食物中毒是会产生难以置信的后果:大肠杆菌(E.coli)感染和某些其他食源性疾病有时在初次发病愈后数月甚至数年还能导致严重的疾病。

    It 's a dirty little secret of food poisoning : E.coli and certain other foodborne illnesses can sometimes trigger serious health problems months or years after patients survived that initial bout .

  8. 食源性疾病监控技术的研究

    Studies on the techniques for the monitoring and controlling foodborne illness

  9. 盲样考核菌株在食源性疾病监测中的质量控制

    Quality Control of Blind Sample Test Strains in Food-borne Disease Surveillance

  10. 北京市2001&2005年食源性疾病监测

    Surveillance data on food-borne disease occurred during 2001-2005 in Beijing , China

  11. 2002年湖北省学校食源性疾病的发生状况及对策心路历程&食物

    Prevalence of collective food-borne diseases in schools of Hubei Province in 2002

  12. 对食源性疾病病例定义确定原则的探讨

    Study on principles of determining case definition of foodborne illness

  13. 向食源性疾病负担流行病学参考小组成员介绍取得的最新进展;

    To update the FERG members on the progress made ;

  14. 金黄色葡萄球菌所致食源性疾病的病原学研究

    The study of the pathogen of a food-borne disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus

  15. 食源性疾病有重大的危害,完善的公共卫生是社会稳定的基础,而食品安全又是重中之重。

    Food-borne diseases harm our health and the society .

  16. 细菌性食源性疾病实验诊断及关键控制点分析研究

    Study on bacterial foodborne diseases identified in laboratory and the critical control points

  17. 国内外由于食物链中病原细菌污染及其造成的食源性疾病屡见不鲜。

    Pathogenic bacteria in the food chain and the resulting pollution are common .

  18. 食源性疾病预警与控制系统研究

    Forewarning and controlling system on food - borne diseases

  19. 上海市闵行区食源性疾病监测状况分析

    Foodborne diseases in Minhang district , Shanghai , 2006-2007

  20. 南宁市2006&2008年食源性疾病监测分析

    Surveillance of Food-borne Disease in Nanning City during 2006-2008

  21. 食源性疾病微生物的三模块调查研究

    Three-module Investigation and Examination of Microorganism in Food-borne Disease

  22. 食源性疾病给健康造成重大危害。

    Foodborne diseases take a major toll on health .

  23. 脉冲场电泳及其在食源性疾病预防与控制中的应用

    Pulsed Field Electrophoresis and its Application in Prevention and Control of Foodborne Illness

  24. 住宿安全考虑食源性疾病严重。

    Stay safe by taking food-borne illness seriously .

  25. 铜陵市33起食源性疾病微生物学检验结果的分析

    Analysis on Microbiological Testing Results of 32 Cases of Foodborne Diseases in Tongling City

  26. 1992~2001年食源性疾病暴发资料分析&国家食源性疾病监测网

    Foodborne disease outbreaks in China from 1992 to 2001 national foodborne disease surveillance system

  27. 饲料污染造成的食源性疾病和环境危害,是我国饲料安全和环境生物安全中最突出的问题。

    The major issues are food-origin disease and environmental hazard caused by feeds contamination .

  28. 1998-2002年美国食源性疾病暴发监测

    Surveillance for Food-Borne Disease Outbreaks-United States : 1998-2002

  29. 2010年广州亚运会食源性疾病风险评估指标体系的研究

    Study on risk assessment indicator system of foodborne diseases for 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games

  30. 问:近年来,我们常听说食源性疾病疫情。

    Q : We have often heard about foodborne disease outbreaks in recent years .