
  • 网络Lupin;Remus Lupin;Remus John Lupin
  1. 这话更多是对卢平说的,他恳求他的原谅。

    He addressed Lupin more than any of them , beseeching him .

  2. “我想这取决于他们会得到什么好处,”卢平说。

    I think it depends what they 're offered , 'said Lupin .

  3. 我们将会在第五本书中见到卢平。

    We 'll see Lupin in Book Five .

  4. 卢平是一个有能力的巫师。

    But Lupin is a capable wizard .

  5. 和他同龄的卢平看上去更显老也更成熟。

    Lupin , who is the same age , seems much older and more mature .

  6. 我爸爸使用过那个咒语。哈利说,我&卢平告诉我的。

    My dad used this spell , said Harry . I & Lupin told me .

  7. “第二次”他们看见卢平、罗恩和小矮星彼得从柳树下面的洞里笨拙地钻出来。

    They saw Lupin , Ron and Pettigrew clambering awkwardly out of the hole in the roots .

  8. 魔药课教师斯内普目光沿着教员的长桌一直盯着卢平教授。

    Professor Snape , the Potions master , was staring along the staff table at Professor Lupin .

  9. 卢平也年轻一些,不像后来那么邋遢,头发也更黑更密。

    Lupin was younger too , and much less shabby , and his hair was thicker and darker .

  10. 蜂蜜公爵之旅和卢平的黑魔法教室行对我来说都是前所未有的体验。

    The tours of Honeydukes and Professor Lupin 's classroom are like nothing I have ever seen before .

  11. 卢平接过斯内普递来的药,刚刚送到嘴边,那个魔药专家就扬长而去了。

    The potion expert swaggered away as soon as Lupin took the bowl , set it to his lips .

  12. 在第三部电影中饰演卢平教授的大卫·休里斯先生对三位主演做过一番未来的预测。

    In the third movie plays Ping Lu Professor David Hugh Rees of the three starring made a future prediction .

  13. 卢平教授在哈利对付博格特之前将它交给了纳威,让他结束训练。

    Then lupin calls it back before Harry has to deal with it , and sends it to Neville to finish it off .

  14. 哈利在隐形衣下停住脚步,左右张望,侧耳倾听,母亲、父亲、卢平和小天狼星也停下了。

    Harry stopped under the Cloak , peering around , listening , and his mother and father , Lupin and Sirius stopped too .

  15. 复活石从麻木的手指间滑落,他迈步走进了火光,眼角的余光看见他的父母、小天狼星和卢平都消失了。

    The Resurrection Stone slipped from between his numb fingers , and out of the corner of his eyes he saw his parents , Sirius , and Lupin vanish as he stepped forward into the firelight .

  16. 盘子尤其向阿尼马格斯人物形象詹姆·波特、小天狼星布莱克、小矮星彼得和莱姆斯·卢平致敬,他们都是活点地图的原创者。

    In particular , the plate nods to the Animagus forms of characters James Potter , Sirius Black , Peter Pettigrew , and Remus Lupin , otherwise known as the original creators of the Marauder 's Map .

  17. 詹姆、小天狼星、卢平和莉莉在他身边悄无声息地走着,他们的陪伴给了他勇气,也是他能够一步接一步往前迈进的原因。

    Beside him , making scarcely a sound , walked James , Sirius , Lupin , and Lily , and their presence was his courage , and the reason he was able to keep putting one foot in front of the other .