
  • 网络Lupu Bridge
  1. 世博中心位于卢浦大桥东侧世博园区B区滨江绿地内。

    The Expo Center is located in the riverside green space of Zone B , to the east of Lupu Bridge .

  2. 从卢浦大桥飘来的LED发光球变幻着红、黄、橙三色,顺流而下,绵延不绝。

    Lupu Bridge blown from the LED light changes red ball , yellow , and orange , down the river , and rolling .

  3. 卢浦大桥站到了。

    We are arriving at Lupu Bridge Station .

  4. 上海卢浦大桥墩柱盖梁斜撑高排架的设计和施工

    The Design and Construction of Obliquely Supported High Bent for Pier Cap Beams of Lu Pu Bridge

  5. 上海世博会的举办地点在上海市中央黄浦江二岸,南浦大桥和卢浦大桥之间的滨江地域。

    The Expo Site spans both shores of the Huangpu River , between the Nanpu Bridge and Lupu Bridge .

  6. 架桥机在大跨径组合段及匝道T梁施工中的研究及运用&卢浦大桥浦西引桥龙华东路段T梁吊装施工

    Study and Application of Bridge Launching Gantry to the Construction of T-Shaped Girder for Large Span Section and Ramp Section

  7. 目前,钢箱提篮拱桥正向着大跨度、轻型化的方向发展(如卢浦大桥跨径达到了550米,为拱桥跨径世界之最),研究此类桥型的自振特性有十分重要的意义。

    At present time , the development of steel box handle-basket arch bridge is aimed at long-span and light-weight , study the natural vibration of this type bridge has great significance .

  8. 我第一次看见这几个字大概是三年以前,在上海浦东,下了卢浦大桥后往前开,路边的广告牌上就有这些字,中文的,字体很大。

    The first time I saw those words was about three years ago , in Chinese , written in huge font on a billboard along the road just after the Lupu Bridge in Pudong , Shanghai .