
  • 网络Luton;Luton Town;ltn
  1. 如果我没记错的话,他住在卢顿。

    If I recall correctly , he lives in Luton .

  2. 卢顿未能在罚球区的边缘截住对方的任意球。

    Luton conceded a free kick on the edge of the penalty area .

  3. 卢顿厢式货车的驾驶室上方有富余的装载空间。

    A Luton van has additional load space over the driver 's cab .

  4. 如果他觉得在卢顿机场停车一天收费5.40英镑太高的话,他应该在希思罗机场停车试试。

    If he thinks £ 5.40 a day for parking at Luton Airport is a rip-off , he should try Heathrow .

  5. 两小时后,人人都已知道有人见到范德卢顿太太社交季节乘坐兜风的C形弹簧大马车曾在明戈特太太的门前逗留,并递进去一个方形大信封。

    Two hours later , every one knew that the great C-spring barouche in which Mrs. van der Luyden took the air at all seasons had been seen at old Mrs. Mingott 's door , where a large square envelope was handed in ;

  6. 兰宁家族,他们与德格拉斯伯爵的后代近亲通婚;还有范德卢顿一家,他n〕是曼哈顿首任荷兰总督的直系后代,独立战争前与法国及英国的几位贵族有姻亲关系。

    the Lannings , who had intermarried with the descendants of Count de Grasse , and the van der Luydens , direct descendants of the first Dutch governor of Manhattan , and related by pre-revolutionary marriages to several members of the French and British aristocracy .

  7. 鲍里斯?约翰逊(BorisJohnson)作为英国外交大臣的第一次布鲁塞尔之行几乎在英国卢顿机场(Lutonairport)结束,液压油被洒在跑道上,消防员围住飞机。

    Boris Johnson 's first trip to Brussels as foreign secretary almost ended at Luton airport , with hydraulic fluid pouring on to the runway and firefighters surrounding the aircraft .

  8. 很多年前卢顿和QPR也是人造草皮,我们也踢得不错。

    When Luton and QPR had them all those years ago we always played well on them .

  9. 上周,RHJ会晤了英国商务大臣曼德尔森爵士(LordMandelson)。曼德尔森将对通用欧洲业务的任何财务援助,都与卢顿和埃尔斯米尔港的两家沃克斯豪尔工厂的未来联系在一起。

    Last week , RHJ met Lord Mandelson , Britain 's business secretary , who has linked any financial aid for GM 's European arm to the future of its two Vauxhall plants in Luton and Ellesmere Port .

  10. 卢顿表示,投资者应关注大宗商品期货,而不是纯粹的大宗商品,以利用这些市场上的“现货升水”(backwardation)。

    Mr Rudden says investors should look at commodity futures , rather than pure commodities , to take advantage of " backwardation " in these markets ( see opposite page ) .

  11. 维埃拉在昨晚5点乘坐卢顿到都灵班机离开。他将在SaliceTerme,尤文图斯的夏季训练营所在地被介绍给意大利媒体。

    Vieira flew from Luton to Turin on a private jet at5 o'clock last night and is set to be introduced to the Italian media today at Salice Terme , where Juventus are holding their summer camp .

  12. 卢顿国际机场是伦敦主要的客运机场之一。

    Luton International is one of London 's main passenger airports .

  13. 成百上千旳球迷在卢顿机场向他们的英雄挥手告别。

    Hundreds of fans were at Luton airport to wave off their heroes .

  14. 其他的照片则是摄于伦敦郊外的卢顿机场。

    Other photos show Pitt , Jolie and3-year-old Maddox at Luton Airport outside London .

  15. 这最新款式电脑是由我们卢顿公司负责设计并由一家亚洲分包公司制造的。

    The latest model of computer was designed in our Luton office and produced by a subcontractor in asia .

  16. 接着,一丝笑意掠过范德卢顿太太的面庞,她显然已经猜到结果并且也已经同意了。

    then a faint smile fluttered over Mrs. van der Luyden 's face . She had evidently guessed and approved .

  17. 而下个月与卢顿城的足总杯比赛,哈维或许可以试试再从后场来个惊世吊射。

    And with a return FA Cup match to Luton Town Xabi might try scoring from his own half again .

  18. 如果您现正追缉一名残疾人士约会的合作伙伴在卢顿,为什么不签出残疾人交友俱乐部?

    If you are looking for a disabled dating partner in Luton , why not check out the Disabled Dating Club ?

  19. 伦敦北部的卢顿机场、伦敦东部的伦敦城市机场也被报道有延迟和关闭。

    Delays and closings also were reported at Luton Airport , north of London , and London City Airport in east London .

  20. 不可否认,会见一位认为范德卢顿家的公爵愚蠢、并敢于发表这一见解的女士,的确令人兴奋。

    It was undeniably exciting to meet a lady who found the van der Luydens'Duke dull , and dared to utter the opinion .

  21. 她成了客厅里最漂亮的女人,她使得晚宴比范德卢顿平日那种宴会少了不少丧葬气氛。

    She was the best-looking woman in the room ; she made the dinner a little less funereal than the usual van der Luyden banquet .

  22. 然而很少让人意外的范德卢顿太太这时却令母子二人大吃一惊:她伸出长长的手去够铃绳。

    Mrs. van der Luyden , however , who had seldom surprised any one , now surprised them by reaching her long hand toward the bell-rope .

  23. 上周六23点前不久,警方接到伦敦卢顿机场的电话,要求他们来处理一下这次从波兰起飞的航班上的一位扰乱性旅客。

    Police were called to London 's Luton Airport shortly before 23:00 last Saturday to deal with a " disruptive passenger " on a flight from Poland .

  24. 卢顿城主教练迈克。纽维尔称他在有关球员转回答的谈判中有人向他提供黑金并且这种送钱的现象很普遍,足总随即另史蒂文斯采取了调查。

    They did so after Luton Town manager Mike Newell claimed that he had been offered bungs during talks about transfers and that such illicit payments were rife .

  25. 他已经吸引多家俱乐部的眼球,卢顿曾经上诉过英超足球联盟表示一家未透露名字的俱乐部非法运作莫里的转会。

    He had attracted interest from several Premier League sides , with Luton making an official complaint to the Football Association regarding an illegal approach from an unnamed club .

  26. 除石油和汽油外,该油库还储存了大量航空煤油,用来供应该地区内的机场,包括希思罗和卢顿机场。

    As well as oil and petrol , it also holds large stocks of the aviation fuel kerosene , used to supply airports across the region including Heathrow and Luton .

  27. 然而,要么她对躲过的灾难压根儿一无所知,要么是范德卢顿晚会的成功使她视而不见。

    but either she had been all along unaware of having skirted disaster , or else she had lost sight of it in the triumph of the van der Luyden evening .

  28. 一周之后,在那次重大宴会的晚上,纽兰·阿切尔看着奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人走进范德卢顿太太的客厅时,想起了这些往事。

    These things passed through Newland Archer 's mind a week later as he watched the Countess Olenska enter the van der Luyden drawing-room on the evening of the momentous dinner .

  29. 阿切尔愉快地想道,只有一个老纽约,才能看出一位普通公爵与范德卢顿家的公爵之间的细微差异(对纽约而言)。

    It pleased Archer to think that only an old New Yorker could perceive the shade of difference ( to New York ) between being merely a Duke and being the van der Luydens'Duke .

  30. 而范德卢顿家虽然地位比前两家都高,但家道已经败落,成了残留在地面上的一抹夕照,目前能给人留下深刻印象的只有两个人物,即亨利·范德卢顿先生与他的太太。

    but the van der Luydens , who stood above all of them , had faded into a kind of super-terrestrial twilight , from which only two figures impressively emerged ; those of Mr. and Mrs. Henry van der Luyden .